18 Ways Life Changes for Men Once They Reach the Age of 60

Jana Warner

As men reach their 60s, they often find themselves reflecting on their lives and thinking about ways to enhance their future. This period can lead to changes aimed at improving their quality of life. We’ve compiled some common behaviors men start adopting after turning 60.

Adopting Pets

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Life tends to slow down in your 60s, which means men may have more time on their hands. This creates a perfect opportunity to get a pet, which their previous lifestyle may not have allowed them to. Pets can be great companions and have a positive impact on their mental health.


Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Chasing busy careers means men can lack chances to travel. According to WTM Global Hub, “For 79% of the long-lived people interviewed, travel symbolizes the imagery of retirement.” It creates opportunities to see new places, learn about new cultures, and meet new people.


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Once a man reaches 60, some of his previous hobbies in life don’t serve him anymore. A new hobby commonly picked up is gardening. This leisurely activity can be an exciting new skill to learn that has therapeutic effects on the mind. It can also have further benefits, such as being able to grow your own vegetables.

Starting a Business

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As mentioned by Forbes, “Older adults are finding that starting a business can be the perfect way to turn a lifetime of experience into something meaningful, take control of their time, counter workplace ageism, and, in some cases, make a lot more money.” There have been many success stories of older entrepreneurs.

Prioritizing Fitness

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As they reach the age of 60, some men reflect that they should’ve prioritized their fitness more. They act on this and adapt exercises based on their bodies and the results they want to achieve. They take up swimming or get more daily steps in, as these exercises are safer for joints and muscles.

Engaging in Community Service

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Many men in their 60s engage in community work. They may have reflected and wished they had done more when they were younger, so they decide to volunteer at local charities or help during community events. This also presents opportunities for them to socialize and develop new skills.

Reinventing Themselves

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Often, a man in his 60s looks to reinvent himself. This new lease on life creates opportunities to grow and develop. A new identity can take many forms, from starting new hobbies, making lifestyle changes, or even becoming religious. By reinventing themselves, they find purpose in life as 60-year-olds.

Exploring Art and Creativity

Photo Credit: Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock

Taking an interest in the arts and creativity allows a man to tap into his creative side, which he may not have done so much in his previous 60 years of life. This creates opportunities to learn and master new skills with the purpose of working towards something.

Improving Dietary Habits

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Improving your diet can help you live a longer, healthier life. This is something men look deeply into when they reach 60. They have a new focus on getting the most out of life, and a new healthy diet can help them achieve that. It can not only help fight off illnesses but can also give them more energy.

Making New Friends

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As you get older, you sometimes lose friends as your lives go in different directions. It’s popular for men in their 60s to make new friends. Striking new relationships is exciting, and social interaction at an older age is important for mental well-being.

Going on Road Trips

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Busy careers and lifestyles can prevent younger men from going on as many road trips as they would have liked. Men love adventure and try to make up for this in their 60s by exploring more. Hitting the open road and experiencing nature with only a rough plan can be thrilling.

Camping and Outdoor Activities

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According to Camper Days, “Campsites for seniors often offer leisure activities older visitors can enjoy. These can be, for example, tours of the next largest town, guided walks, cycling or boat tours, or wine tastings.” This presents a great opportunity for men over 60 to enjoy the benefits of nature while presenting socializing opportunities.

Pursuing Educational Goals

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

Many people, men included, can reach the age of 60 and still not have achieved certain goals they’d had. This often sees them find a purpose in learning or perfecting a skill and accomplishing their goal. They can enroll in college courses or workshops to help them reach these goals.

Becoming Consultants

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Reflecting at the age of 60 may see men take on consulting roles. This can be a complete career change or something on the side. It allows many to put their decades’ worth of life and professional experience to good use. They can meet new people while also helping them along the way.

Embracing Technology

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LifeConnect24 reports, “Older people are embracing modern technology more than ever before. In fact, according to recent research, 77% of over-65s used the internet at home in 2020.” Technology benefits older men in many ways. It gives them the opportunity to learn new skills and interact with others through online forums or social media.

Reviving Old Friendships

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Something men are doing when they hit 60 is reviving old friendships. Work and life may have gotten in the way previously, but maturing and understanding that life is short sees them get back in contact with old pals. This is great for their mental and emotional well-being.

Downsizing and Decluttering

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Usually, once you’ve hit 60, the children have moved out, and your house seems too big. Men tend to prefer simplistic settings, and this sees them downsizing and getting rid of anything they no longer have use for. It makes their lives easier in the long run, as a smaller property brings less stress.

Focusing on Grandparenting

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Grandchildren often come in your 60s. This can be a new purpose in life for men of this age. Having the opportunity to help raise and take care of young grandchildren brings back fond memories and emotions of when they became parents. It presents a great opportunity to build a bond with the newest family member.