19 Warning Signs Your Breakup Was a Huge Mistake

Pete Law

couple sad

Breakups can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions, from doubt to relief to regret. One minute you’re sure you did the right thing, and the next, you’re reminiscing about the good times and wondering if you acted too hastily. It’s a confusing mess, but don’t fret! Here are 19 telltale signs that ending the relationship might not have been the wisest choice.

Happy Memories

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Do you find yourself constantly lost in blissful memories of your recent relationship? It may be your brain’s way of telling you that the good times with your ex were worth a few rough patches now and then. According to Psychology Today, consistent nostalgia can indicate unresolved feelings and that the decision to break up may have been a mistake.

No Relief

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When you end something that makes you unhappy, you should feel relieved, so a lack of relief or happiness afterward is a telling sign of an unwise breakup. The American Psychological Association writes that initial feelings of sadness are normal, but a lingering sense of regret or lost opportunity suggests the breakup may not have been for the best.


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If you constantly compare potential new partners to your ex, it could be a sign that you already had someone who was right for you. Marriage.com states that continually finding your new partner inadequate when compared to your ex is a sure sign that your heart still lies with your past relationship.

Reasons Seem Stupid

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If you keep wondering why you broke up in the first place or realize the reasons were trivial or surmountable, you may have given up on love too quickly. According to a study from Florida Atlantic University, a shift in personal perspective once you lose someone and ‘take a step back’ can prompt regret and a reevaluation of the breakup’s validity.

Friends and Family Disapprove

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Your feelings are the most important, but don’t disregard what your loved ones think about the breakup. Sometimes, those closest to us see what makes us happy more clearly than we do, so if people you trust think the breakup was a mistake, they might just be right. They might also provide valuable insights into things you misunderstood or are in denial about.

Continued Communication

Happy young man looking at his mobile
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Insight from Medium says that a sign your relationship is really over is that your ex “suddenly becomes cold, blunt, or unreliable in their communication.” Conversely, constantly calling, texting, or otherwise engaging with them is a signal that your heart still longs for them. Unless you’re only discussing dry, practical necessities, this desire to stay connected can indicate unresolved feelings.

Increasing Regret

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While some initial regret is natural, lingering or heightened doubts over time often indicate that your decision to end a relationship was too hasty. A growing sense of regret (as opposed to acceptance and relief) is a strong sign that you hadn’t previously realized the value and importance of your partnership.

You Feel Incomplete

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It’s normal to feel a sense of loss after a breakup, but if you feel as if you’ve lost a piece of yourself, that can indicate an unwise decision. According to a recent study, a profound sense of loss can suggest that the relationship was core to your sense of self and personal well-being.

Reluctance to Date Again

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If you are reluctant to ‘get back out there’ and meet someone new, that might be your mind’s way of telling you that the person you want is the one you gave up. Hesitating to date or attend social gatherings can signal unresolved attachment to your ex, particularly if the thought of dating someone new feels ‘wrong’ or unappealing.

Realization That The Relationship Was Fixable

Man thinking siting at home
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Once you’ve had time to calm down, take a step back, and think it through, a rash decision to end a relationship can seem like overkill. If the problems you faced with your ex seem entirely resolvable now, your actions may have been too extreme. This is particularly relevant for issues about circumstances or miscommunication rather than fundamental incompatibility.

The Little Things Trigger Nostalgia

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CiteSeerX reports that remembering small things about someone with fondness is one of the ways we stay socially connected and indicates a lingering bond between people. So, if you find yourself wistfully replaying how your ex made coffee or imagining their laugh, you may have hit the cancel button too soon.

Dreaming About Your Ex

male sad
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Dreams are a valuable window into your subconscious feelings, so frequently dreaming about your ex positively could signify unresolved feelings for them. If you’re having recurring dreams, you may harbor lasting regrets or a deep-rooted desire to reconnect, suggesting the breakup may have been a poor decision.

Social Media Stalking

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Do you find yourself casually navigating to your ex’s Facebook page or combing their photo reel to see what they’ve been up to without you? If the answer is yes, then you may be more emotionally invested in their life than you thought. Such lingering attachment can signal regret and make ‘moving on’ difficult.

Your Health Has Declined

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According to Healthline, a breakup can cause a significant decline in your physical or mental health and “can lead to changes in eating habits, reduced motivation, anxiety, and depression.” These adverse effects are often exacerbated if the breakup was sudden or unwise, so it may indicate that you gave up on something worthwhile and positive in your life.

You’ve Tried to Replace Them

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While avoiding dating long-term is a red flag, so is quickly replacing your ex with a new partner as soon as you break up. Rushing into a new relationship or settling for someone mediocre can be a sign of desperation and regret. This indicates that you need to fill a ‘void’ left by your ex and that the breakup may not have been the best decision.

Feeling Unfulfilled

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If your new relationship or countless flings don’t bring you happiness or fulfillment, it might mean your past relationship was more contented and satisfying than you thought when you ended it. A lack of fulfillment when dating new people can indicate that what you had with your ex was special, and perhaps you took it for granted.

Avoiding Meaningful Places

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If you can’t face going to restaurants you and your ex loved to dine at or avoid the movie theater where you had your first date, your subconscious may be attempting to dodge happy memories that are now painful. This behavior shows these locations still have significant emotional value and signals that your relationship did, too.

Keeping Their Stuff

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According to women.com, holding onto an ex’s belongings or gifts they gave you is common. However, excessive sentimentality and a constant desire to touch or look at such objects can indicate lingering regrets and that you aren’t ready to leave the relationship behind.


Photo Credit: Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB/Shutterstock

While it’s natural to feel some jealousy when your ex starts a new relationship, excessive sadness or anger can mean that you still consider them to be ‘yours’ and is a classic sign of regret. Intense jealousy after a breakup can signal that you weren’t ready to let your ex go and have unresolved feelings for them.