19 Things You Shouldn’t Do No Matter How Much You Want To

Jana Warner

We all have those moments when the temptation to act on an impulse is strong, but just because something seems like a good idea at the moment doesn’t mean it actually is. Here’s a list of things you should avoid doing, no matter how much you might want to.

Sending That Angry Text

teenager angry
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We’ve all been there—our phones in hand, furious, ready to fire off that message that will really let the other person know how we feel. But here’s the thing: sending an angry text might give you a brief sense of satisfaction, but it often leads to more conflict.

Cutting Off Friends Over Minor Disagreements

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Disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, but cutting off friends over small issues is a decision that can lead to unnecessary loneliness and regret. Friendship requires patience, understanding, and sometimes compromise, so before you decide to end a friendship, ask yourself if the disagreement is really worth losing someone.

Ignoring Your Gut Instincts

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Your instincts are there for a reason—they’re your brain’s way of warning you about potential danger or guiding you toward the right path. Ignoring that little voice inside you can lead to situations you could have avoided, whether it’s about a person, a decision, or a situation.

Making Big Decisions When You’re Emotional

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Emotions can cloud our judgement, making it hard to see things clearly, whether you’re ecstatic, furious, or deeply saddened. Making big decisions while you’re in an emotional state can lead to poor choices, and it’s crucial to give yourself time to process your feelings before deciding on something significant.

Comparing Yourself to Others

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It’s easy to look at others and feel like you’re falling short, especially with social media highlighting everyone’s best moments; however, comparing yourself to others is a habit that only breeds dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Everyone’s journey is different, and what you see on the surface rarely tells the full story.

Sacrificing Your Well-Being for Others

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Helping others is noble, but not at the expense of your own well-being, because constantly putting others’ needs before your own can lead to burnout, resentment, and physical or emotional exhaustion. It’s important to set boundaries and take care of yourself first.

Staying in a Job You Hate

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We spend a significant portion of our lives at work, so staying in a job that makes you miserable is a choice that can affect your overall quality of life. If you dread going to work every day, it might be time to start exploring other opportunities.

Neglecting Your Health

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When life gets busy, it’s easy to put your health on the back burner. Skipping workouts, eating poorly, and neglecting sleep might seem harmless in the short term, but these habits can have long-term consequences—your health is your most valuable asset, after all.

Overcommitting to Responsibilities

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It’s natural to want to help out and be involved, but overcommitting yourself can lead to stress and burnout, and taking on too many responsibilities, whether at work, home, or within your social circle, can spread you too thin. It’s okay to say no sometimes and to recognise your limits.

Acting on Jealousy

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Jealousy is a powerful emotion that can drive us to act irrationally in relationships, friendships, or even professionally, therefore letting jealousy dictate your actions can lead to misunderstandings. Instead of acting on these feelings, try to understand where they’re coming from and address the root cause.

Procrastinating Important Tasks

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We all procrastinate from time to time, but putting off important tasks can lead to unnecessary stress and lower the quality of your work. The longer you delay, the more overwhelming the task can become, so you should tackle your important tasks head-on.

Dwelling on Past Mistakes

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Everyone makes mistakes—it’s a part of being human. However, dwelling on past mistakes can prevent you from moving forward and enjoying the present, and while it’s important to learn from your errors, it’s equally important to forgive yourself and let go.

Overspending on Things You Don’t Need

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Retail therapy might feel good in the moment, but overspending on things you don’t really need can lead to financial stress down the road. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of buying something new, but impulse purchases often bring only temporary satisfaction.

Ignoring Red Flags in Relationships

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When you’re deeply invested in someone, it’s easy to overlook red flags, hoping that things will improve, but ignoring warning signs can lead to more significant issues down the line. Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a work partnership, paying attention to red flags early on can save you from heartache and disappointment later.

Avoiding Difficult Conversations

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Confrontation can be uncomfortable, but avoiding difficult conversations often leads to unresolved issues that can fester over time. Having the tough conversation can clear the air and prevent misunderstandings, which is why it’s better to address things directly.

Holding Grudges

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It might seem like a way to protect yourself from being hurt again, but in reality, holding onto grudges is only hurting you. Grudges keep you stuck in the past and prevent you from moving on; remember, forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing what happened, it means freeing yourself from the negative emotions.

Sacrificing Your Dreams for Security

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While it’s important to be practical, it’s also important to pursue what truly makes you happy. Your dreams are what give your life purpose and direction, and letting them go for the sake of comfort can leave you feeling empty, therefore finding a balance between security and passion is key to living a fulfilled life.

Neglecting Your Mental Health

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Mental health is just as important as physical health, yet it’s often neglected, such as ignoring signs of stress, anxiety, or depression, which can lead to more severe issues down the line. It’s essential to take care of your mental well-being by seeking help when you need it, practising self-care, and staying connected.

Taking People for Granted

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We often don’t realise how much someone means to us until they’re no longer around. Taking people for granted is easy when life gets busy, but it’s important to show appreciation for the people who support and care for you; a simple thank you, a small gesture of kindness, or spending quality time together can go a long way.