21 Things You Should Never Do on Public Transport

Pete Law

Public transport is an affordable, eco-friendly way to get around and can even be a great place to catch up on reading or people-watching. However, there are some unspoken rules to follow to ensure a pleasant journey for everyone. Here are 21 things you should absolutely avoid doing on public transport to keep the ride smooth.

Poor Hygiene

Photo Credit: sirtravelalot/Shutterstock

“In the most extreme cases… poor hygiene can breed disease that can affect you or others,” reveals Healthline. Personal hygiene is crucial in close quarters, so ensure you’re clean and fresh before boarding, as bad odours can quickly fill up a confined space and make the ride uncomfortable for others. A little consideration goes a long way, after all.

Eating Messy Food

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

While it might be tempting to have a snack on the go, avoid bringing messy or strong-smelling food onto public transport. Crumbs, spills, and lingering odours can make the journey unpleasant for others, so if you must eat, choose something tidy and discreet.

Blocking the Aisle

Photo Credit: Clari Massimiliano/Shutterstock

Standing in the middle of the aisle blocking it can be frustrating for other passengers trying to get on or off. If you’re standing, make sure to move to the side and allow others to pass freely. It’s especially important during rush hour when the buses and trains are crowded.

Loud Conversations

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Having a loud conversation, either in person or on your phone, can be incredibly disruptive. Keep your voice down and consider the comfort of those around you. Remember, not everyone wants to be part of your chat; some might be trying to relax or even catch a quick nap.

Playing Music Out Loud

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Using your phone or a portable speaker to play music without headphones is a big no-no. What might be a great tune to you could be irritating noise to someone else. Always use headphones and keep the volume at a level where it doesn’t leak out and bother others.

Taking Up Multiple Seats

Photo Credit: Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock

Putting your bag on a seat next to you or spreading out your belongings can be inconsiderate, especially when the transport is busy. Make sure to keep your items on your lap or under your seat to leave room for others. Everyone deserves a seat if there’s one available.

Not Giving Up Your Seat

Photo Credit: Maridav/Shutterstock

If you’re in a priority seat, be ready to give it up for those who need it more, such as the elderly, pregnant women, or people with disabilities. Even if you’re not in a designated seat, offering your spot to someone in need is a kind and respectful gesture.

Ignoring Personal Space

Photo Credit: pcruciatti/Shutterstock

Respecting personal space is essential, even when the bus or train is packed. No one enjoys feeling cramped or squished by someone else’s body or belongings. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and avoid leaning on others, even if it means standing uncomfortably for a bit.

Leaving Litter

Photo Credit: Space_Cat/Shutterstock

A significant faux pas is leaving litter behind on public transport. Whether it’s a discarded newspaper, a coffee cup, or a ticket stub, your rubbish should always be taken with you and disposed of properly. Not only does litter create an unsightly and unclean environment, but it also shows a lack of respect for the shared space.

Putting Feet on Seats

Photo Credit: Wathanachai Janwithayayot/Shutterstock

Resting your feet on the seat in front of you is both rude and unhygienic. Consider that other passengers will be sitting there; no one wants to place their belongings or sit where dirty shoes have been. This behaviour can also damage the upholstery, leading to higher maintenance costs and potentially higher fares for everyone.

Not Holding On

Photo Credit: Tomas Urbelionis/Shutterstock

Remembering to hold on when the bus or train is moving can lead to accidents, both for you and for others. Sudden stops and turns are common, and without holding onto a handrail or pole, you could easily lose your balance and fall, causing injury to yourself and potentially knocking into other passengers.

Blocking the Doorway

Photo Credit: Zamrznuti tonovi/Shutterstock

Standing right in front of the doors can prevent others from getting on or off easily, causing delays and frustration. Always step aside when the doors open, and allow people to disembark before you try to board. This small act of consideration helps keep the process smooth and efficient.

Loud Phone Alerts

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

Constant notifications, loud ringtones, and alerts can be incredibly annoying to fellow passengers. To maintain a peaceful environment, keep your phone on silent or vibrate mode while on public transport so your device doesn’t disturb those around you. This allows everyone to enjoy a quieter, more pleasant journey.

Inappropriate Behaviour

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Inappropriate behaviour on public transport, such as harassment, public displays of affection, or unruly conduct, is unacceptable. Public transport is a shared space where everyone deserves to feel safe and comfortable. Harassment in any form is not only disrespectful but can also be frightening.

Blocking the Windows

Photo Credit: Cues/Shutterstock

If you’re standing or sitting in a way that blocks others’ view out of the windows can be irritating, especially on scenic routes. Passengers often enjoy looking out of the window to pass the time or enjoy the scenery, so by blocking this view, you unintentionally deprive others of this simple pleasure.

Being Unprepared to Pay

Photo Credit: l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock

Fumbling for your ticket or pass at the last minute can hold up the line and cause delays, so it’s important to have your fare ready before you board. It’s a small effort that helps keep things moving smoothly. Preparing in advance speeds up the boarding process and reduces the stress of both yourself and other passengers.

Talking to Strangers

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

While a bit of friendly chatter is fine, not everyone is in the mood to talk. Gauge the situation and respect people’s desire for quiet or solitude, as some passengers might be reading, working, or simply enjoying a moment of peace. Unwanted conversations can be intrusive and uncomfortable, after all.

Ignoring Etiquette for Bags

Photo Credit: oatawa/Shutterstock

Large bags and backpacks should be placed on the floor or held in front of you. Carrying them on your back can inadvertently hit or obstruct other passengers, especially in crowded conditions. It’s best to always be considerate and aware of your space, ensuring that your belongings don’t inconvenience others.

Distracting the Driver

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Never distract the driver with unnecessary questions or conversations, as their focus should be on the road and the safety of all passengers. If you have a question, wait until the vehicle is stationary or ask a conductor. Distracting the driver can lead to accidents or missed stops.

Taking Up Space with Newspapers

Photo Credit: Ajdin Kamber/Shutterstock

Reading a large newspaper can take up more space than you realise, encroaching on others’ personal space. Therefore, if you’re reading, try folding your newspaper or using a more compact format to avoid this issue. Being mindful of your space and the space of those around you is essential.

Littering with Gum

Photo Credit: Billion Photos/Shutterstock

Chewing gum is fine, but disposing of it improperly is not. For example, sticking gum under seats or leaving it on the floor is unpleasant and unhygienic. Always use a bin or tissue to properly wrap and dispose of your gum.