19 Signs You’ve Bagged Yourself a True Gent

Pete Law

Are you in a relationship but unsure if the man you’re with is the one you want to build a future with? This article will guide you through signs that indicate he might be the right partner for the long haul – and show that you might have won the romance lottery with a true gentleman.

He Praises You

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Someone who really loves and values the things you do will always praise you. They sing your praises in front of others and when you’re alone together. They love what you do around the house, are proud of your work ethic, and admire how you treat others.

He Sticks Up for You

happy couple
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A good man will stick up for you, even when you’re not around. They hate it when people speak badly about you and are always trying to defend you. They defend your reputation when your in-laws or anyone else tries to say bad things about you.

He Looks After You

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A keeper is someone who looks after you when you’re well and when you’re sick. They’ll stay by your side when you’re not feeling well and make sure you have everything you need to get better. They make taking care of you their priority.

He Yields to You

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You know your man is a keeper if he yields to your preferences. What does that mean? It means he doesn’t always have to have his own way and that he’s willing to do things the way you like them. He knows that relationships require compromise.

He’s Happy for You

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True love isn’t jealous. So, if your man is happy for you and praises you when you achieve something, you know that he really loves you. He’s not trying to compete in life with you; rather, he’s your team player who’s supporting and rooting for you.

He Messages You

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“According to the most recent data, around 23 billion to 27 billion texts are sent per day all over the world,” says EarthWeb. That’s a lot of messages! A person who is really into you will constantly message you throughout the day just to chat with you.

He Listens to You

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A true gentleman is someone who is always ready to listen to you while you talk. He’s interested in what you have to say and will engage in conversation with you. If you want to talk about something, he’s interested in hearing it, no matter the topic.

He’s Thankful

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A person who is really worth sticking with is always grateful for the things you do and expresses their gratitude. According to Harvard Health, “In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.” Gratitude is very important for a good relationship to flourish.

He Provides for You

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Women are very independent and don’t need to rely on a man to get by, but it’s also nice to know that if anything happens, your partner will be able to support you until you get back on your feet again. A good man is financially stable.

He Puts You First

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You’ll know if your man is a keeper if he’s willing to put you first in the relationship. He thinks about your needs and the things you like before making a decision. He’s always willing to listen to your opinion and will happily take second place.

He Worries About You

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A good man is someone who is always thinking about you and who worries about you. They check in on you a couple of times a day to make sure you’re okay. When they notice you’re not doing great, they rush to be by your side.

He Talks About the Future

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The figures from Brides show that “in the United States, the average marriage length for unions that end in divorce is eight years.” But you’ll know that your relationship will last longer than that if your partner talks about the future with you in mind.

He Talks Kindly

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A man who’s worth it is one who always speaks to you in a kind, loving manner. He doesn’t shout and scream at you when he’s angry. He’s not perfect, but he doesn’t allow his emotions to control the way he speaks to you. He’s always respectful.

He Is Gentle

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A truly good man is someone who is always gentle with you. He would never be violent towards you, and you’re not afraid of him. Even when he gets annoyed, the last thing on his mind is to hurt you, neither physically nor emotionally. You’re his treasure.

He Helps You

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You know your partner is a gentleman if he’s willing to help you out around the house. He doesn’t expect you to do everything; he’s considerate and always pulls his weight. He recognizes how hard you work around the house and tries to show respect for that.

He Respects You

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Marriage.com says that “respect promotes trust, emotional safety, and long-term compatibility, whereas love alone may not guarantee these essential elements.” Yes, respect is an important foundation for a good relationship. If your man shows that he respects you, you know that he is truly a gentleman.

He Encourages You

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A good partner is someone who encourages you to be a better you. So, when you want to climb up the corporate ladder or decide you want to study a new profession, he supports you and encourages you to be the best version of yourself.

He Protects You

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A real gentleman is someone who goes out of his way to protect you from harm. When he sees danger, the first thing that goes through his mind is your safety and trying to protect you. He always strives to put your well-being ahead of his own.

He Trusts You

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A good man is one who always trusts you. Your relationship is not based on jealousy but rather on open communication and genuine, honest feelings for one another. He doesn’t need to GPS track you or constantly ask you where you are because he trusts you completely.