Never Get Married Before You’ve Done These 18 Things

Jana Warner

Marriage is a lifelong commitment that brings with it a host of responsibilities and challenges. Before taking that important step, it’s essential to be as prepared as possible, and there are several proactive measures you and your partner can take to strengthen your relationship and set the stage before saying “I do.”

Discuss Family Planning

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The FCFCA says parental relationships have a great impact on a child’s development. Couples should engage in open and honest discussions about family planning to ensure alignment and understanding before marriage. Consider factors such as timing, childcare, and parenting styles. Discuss your expectations and responsibilities as future parents.

Understand Relationship Dynamics

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Reflect on past relationships to gain insight and grow personally. Understanding the dynamics of previous relationships helps you identify patterns, learn from mistakes, and develop healthier behaviors and communication skills. This self-awareness is essential for developing mutual understanding and building a strong foundation for a successful marriage.

Establish Boundaries

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Living and sharing everything with someone can be a lot to take sometimes. Before you commit to sharing a house and your finances with your potential spouse, make it clear to them what you are comfortable with and what you are not. This will help you respect each other’s space and autonomy.

Resolve Past Baggage

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Take proactive steps to resolve any baggage and emotional wounds from previous relationships to ensure a healthier and happier future together. Seek closure and forgiveness where necessary. Do not commit to another relationship if there are any unresolved issues with your ex.

Establish Financial Stability

Couples discussing about monthly bills
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Finances are a big factor in many households. It was reported that money is one of the main causes of fights in relationships. Discuss each other’s financial goals and habits. Ensure that you have a solid plan for how you will manage your finances in the future.

Travel Together

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Traveling is one of the best ways to create memories with your loved one. Quality time with each other can strengthen your bond. You explore new cultures and navigate challenges as a team. This can also give you a better understanding of who your partner is.

Define Individual Goals

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It is easy to lose yourself in a relationship. Maintaining a healthy balance between personal and relationship goals can help you focus on what you want. Take time to clarify your dreams and aspirations to each other. Identify career goals and ambitions and support one another.

Build Trust and Honesty

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Trust is vital for a secure and healthy relationship. The only way to trust someone is by being honest and demonstrating reliability and integrity. Be transparent about your past experiences and concerns to avoid any surprises. Good or bad, knowing is always better than finding it out later.

Understand Each Other’s Love Languages

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Discover and appreciate the unique ways you and your partner express and receive love. Understanding each other’s love languages creates a deeper intimacy and connection in your relationship. By learning to speak each other’s love languages, you can ensure that your expressions of affection resonate with them and strengthen your bond over time.

Learn Conflict Resolution Skills

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You can’t avoid facing challenges or having disagreements with your spouse. Equip yourselves with effective conflict resolution skills to navigate these issues constructively. Practice active listening and empathy, and avoid blame and criticism during disagreements. Be willing to compromise to find mutually beneficial solutions.

Live Independently

woman home
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Experience living on your own and managing your responsibilities before tying the knot. Being independent gives you vital skills and confidence. You can learn how to manage your bills and who you are without your family or partner. This helps you feel more secure in building a good relationship.

Build Strong Friendships

Friends visiting winter markets
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Your friends can be a strong support system in life. They will advise you and be a shoulder to lean on when needed. Prioritize developing deep friendships that offer support and enrich your life. Cultivating meaningful connections encourages personal growth and prepares you for the companionship of marriage.

Discuss Important Topics

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Engage in open and honest conversations about crucial topics such as personal values, religion, family, and other significant matters. This helps ensure alignment and mutual understanding between you and your partner. Addressing potential areas of disagreement early on lays the groundwork for effective conflict resolution in marriage.

Practice Self-Care

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A healthy body and mind ensure you enter marriage as your best self. You can’t be fully present and supportive of your partner without great physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, and practice mindful techniques to build your mental strength.

Communicate Openly

couple happy drink
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Good communication is key to a successful marriage. Talking to each other openly helps you learn one another better and resolve conflicts constructively. Always listen and communicate your feelings honestly. Establishing a solid communication pattern ensures mutual understanding and harmony in your relationship.

Cultivate Shared Interests

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Verywell Mind reports that growing apart is one of the biggest causes of breakups. Having things in common can help maintain a connection with your partner. Create opportunities for quality time and bonding. Get to know each other’s hopes and desires. This can help you discover common hobbies and passions.

Experience Challenging Times

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Facing challenges as a team strengthens your bond and deepens your understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Overcoming obstacles together results in trust, communication, and mutual support, laying a solid foundation for a resilient and enduring marriage.

Seek Premarital Counseling

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Consider seeking professional guidance to address potential issues and strengthen your relationship before marriage. Premarital counseling offers a supportive environment to explore your relationship dynamics, identify areas for growth, and develop effective communication and conflict resolution skills. Seek guidance from professionals, whether they are religious leaders or psychologists.