17 Signs You’re Turning Into a Grumpy Old Person

Pete Law

You promised yourself you wouldn’t turn into the stereotypical grumpy person as you aged, but are you holding up your end of the deal? This article takes a look at the signs that you might be becoming that cranky old person you vowed never to be.

You Don’t Like Kids Running

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.

When you were younger, you used to love to see kids running around and playing together. Now, whenever you see a child running, it makes you feel nervous. Why don’t their parents keep them in line? You might even speak up about it. Yes, you’re becoming an irritable old person.

You Hate Screaming

Photo Credit: antoniodiaz/Shutterstock.

When we get older, our sensitivity to sound changes. Screaming children was always a deafening sound but now, it’s unbearable. You hate to be near parks or playgrounds. When children throw tantrums in the store, you can’t help but give the parents the side eye as you walk past.

You Like Driving Slowly

Photo Credit: And-One/Shutterstock.

Life is to be enjoyed, and that includes when you’re behind the wheel. Why rush down the road when you can drive slowly and enjoy the journey? You like getting in the car and just going for a drive. You’re not happy unless you’re going slow enough to take a mental picture of each picturesque location you drive past.

You Don’t Like Loud Music

Photo Credit: antoniodiaz/Shutterstock.

Older people are more sensitive to loud noises than younger people. Do you hate it when you hear loud music? If you complain about your neighbor’s music and angrily shout at them to turn it down, chances are, you’re becoming a grumpy old timer.

You Like Things Just Right

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock.

While we’re still working, we don’t have the time to analyze everything in detail, so if something’s out of place, it goes undetected. But when we retire, we have plenty of time to analyze things. When things are out of place, we have to rectify them.

You Detest Traffic

Photo Credit: ako photography/Shutterstock.

According to The Fact Site, “The average person throughout their lifetime spends five years waiting in lines and queues where roughly six months of that is waiting at traffic lights.” You’ve spent your whole life waiting in traffic, trying to get to work during rush hour. Now, if you see anything but clear, empty roads, you feel angry.

You Don’t Like Overtakers

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You think that people who overtake on the road are rude. Why are they in such a rush anyway? You hate it when people drive too fast on the road and complain about that whenever someone overtakes you. Everyone in the car with you has to listen to your speech about safe driving.

You Detest Change

Photo Credit: Dikushin Dmitry/Shutterstock.

Like all old people, you like it when things stay exactly the same. You can’t understand why things have to change so frequently. When things change, you’re quick to comment about how much you liked the old system and express how long it will take you to adapt to the new system.

You Hate Technology

Photo Credit: pikselstock/Shutterstock.

You think that technology is what is dividing our world and you can’t stand it. Also, technology is always changing and you can’t keep up with it. Getting new technology every one or two years seems ludicrous to you, as you’re used to buying appliances that lasted for decades.

You Like Face-to-Face Communication

Photo Credit: CREATISTA/Shutterstock.

The statistics from Gitnux show that “On average, we spend over 3 hours a day on our mobiles…The average adult spends a total of 23 hours a week texting.” You hate that people spend so much time communicating via screens and would much prefer face-to-face conversations.

You Don’t Like the Internet

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock.

The internet is a two-edged sword; it can be used for both good and bad. But you’re showing that you’re becoming a grumpy old-timer by only seeing the bad side of the internet. You know that it robs people of a lot of time and has the potential to spread false information, and this irritates you.

You Avoid Crowded Supermarkets

Photo Credit: Erin Deleon/Shutterstock.

“Globally, Walmart serves 37 million customers every single day,” says Zippia. That’s a lot of people. You hate going into crowded supermarkets at peak times of the day. Instead, you choose the quietest times of the day to go shopping, so you don’t have to bump into too many people.

You Choose Off-Peak Vacations

Photo Credit: Lucigerma/Shutterstock.

There’s nothing that will ruin a grumpy old-timer’s vacation faster than a group of screaming children running around at the beach. To avoid this, you always choose off-peak vacation times. You plan your vacations for when the kids will be at school so you can avoid them.

You Judge Clothing

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock.

When you get older, you become more irritated by people who dress inappropriately. This is very offensive to you and you look down on people who, in your eyes, aren’t showing respect for others by the way they dress. You’re not afraid to tell these people what you think about their style of clothing.

You Like Paper Books

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock.

The figures from WordsRated show that “The average American reads 12.6 books per year, including the books they started reading but haven’t necessarily completed.” You love reading but are more of a fan of paper books. You can’t get the hang of digital books and have no interest in them.

You Hate Lateness

Photo Credit: mangostock/Shutterstock.

When you have an appointment, you always try to be on time. In fact, you’re usually early. You arrive with plenty of time to spare so you can make yourself comfortable while you wait. You hate it when people are late because you’ve already been waiting for such a long time.

You Hate Rushed Checkouts

Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock.

When you’re checking out at a supermarket, you like to take your time. You hate to feel like the person behind the checkout is rushing through the process to get to the next customer. You have paid for the items and would like to now stack them neatly in bags without feeling rushed.