Every Day Mysteries Science Has Been Unable to Solve

Pete Law

Science is incredible and has made huge strides in answering questions about our world. However, there are still many phenomena and areas of study that leave us with more questions than answers. Here are 7 intriguing mysteries that science hasn’t fully explained yet.

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The Nature of Consciousness

Your brain’s awareness of personal identity and individuality is a perplexing topic. Although scientists agree that consciousness arose (perhaps incidentally) as our brains became more advanced and complicated, they have so far failed to explain exactly how and why this occurred (Scientific American).

The Fermi Paradox

This mystery questions why we haven’t observed any signs of extraterrestrial life despite the vast number of potentially habitable planets in the known universe and the viability of interstellar travel. Space.com perfectly sums up this conundrum by asking, “Where are all the aliens?”

The Origin of Life

Although science offers us its most educated ‘guess’ regarding the origin of life on Earth, the theory comes with many unanswered questions. The exact process by which life first emerged on our planet remains a mystery that scientists continue to work on (New Scientist).

Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Despite 68% of the universe being dark energy and 27% being dark matter, we know virtually nothing about them. Nasa admits, “We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the universe’s expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery.” 

The Placebo Effect

Placebo occurs when a patient experiences real (medically proven) improvement after receiving treatment without active ingredients. This ‘mind over matter’ effect challenges everything modern medicine knows about treating disease/injury and suggests a powerful, unexplained connection between the mind and body (Harvard Health Publishing).

Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement, where particles become interconnected regardless of the distance separating them, is still a baffling phenomenon in quantum physics (Physics World). Scientists have tried and failed to explain how particles can be so affected by others even after they are physically separated.

The Voynich Manuscript

Beinecke Rare Books Library says the 15th-century codex is “The world’s most mysterious book. Written in an unknown script by an unknown author, the manuscript has no clearer purpose now than when it was rediscovered in 1912 by rare books dealer Wilfrid Voynich.” It continues to confuse and frustrate historians and linguists alike.