Hacks & Tips

Don’t Waste Your Money On These 17 Unnecessary Household Items

Pete Law

Nowadays, the way products are marketed can make them nearly irresistible, often convincing us that we need things we really ...

21 Rules to Never Break When It Comes to Loaning Money to Friends and Family

Pete Law

Loaning money to friends or family is one of those situations where things can quickly get complicated, and while helping ...

20 Ways to Be the Most Hated Person at the Gym

Jana Warner

When you step into a gym, you’re entering a shared space where everyone is there to better themselves. It’s a ...

20 Traits of Narcissistic People To Be Aware Of

Pete Law

Narcissism is a term often thrown around in casual conversations, but it’s important to understand what it truly means. Narcissistic ...

You Should Never Buy a Car Without Asking These 17 Questions

Pete Law

Purchasing a car is a significant milestone, requiring thoughtful consideration before taking the plunge., and to help you make an ...

How You Can Identify Subtle Racism: 21 Common Behaviours

Pete Law

Racism isn’t always blatant or overt; sometimes, it sneaks into our interactions in more subtle, insidious ways that can be ...

17 Things You Should Never Buy, According to Millennials

Pete Law

Millennials are known for shaking things up, especially when it comes to spending habits. Forget about the avocado toast jokes; ...

couple angry

Never Use These 21 Words or Phrases That Make You Sound Ignorant

Pete Law

We all strive to come across as knowledgeable and articulate, especially in conversations that matter, but some words and phrases ...