19 Behaviours Women Find Unattractive in Men

Pete Law

The dating world can be tricky, so it’s essential to understand what behaviours might be off-putting to potential partners. Women often look for specific qualities in men, and certain actions can be major turn-offs. Here we explore 19 behaviours that women find unattractive the most.

Poor Personal Hygiene

male smell
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“In people with poor personal hygiene, the body provides an ideal environment for germs to grow,” reveals Medical News Today—so it’s no surprise this can be a significant turn-off. Women appreciate men who take care of their appearance and maintain cleanliness. Bad breath, body odour, and unkempt hair can all be less than attractive.

Being Rude to Service Staff

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How you treat people who are serving you, whether in a restaurant or any other service role, speaks volumes about your character. Women find it incredibly unattractive when men are rude, dismissive, or condescending to waitstaff or anyone providing a service. It demonstrates a lack of respect and empathy, which are crucial qualities in any relationship.

Constantly Talking About Yourself

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Conversation is a two-way street, and dominating it by constantly talking about yourself can be very off-putting. Men should also show interest in their partners’ lives, thoughts, and feelings. When a man talks excessively about himself and doesn’t ask questions or listen, he can come across as self-centred.

Lack of Ambition

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Ambition and drive are attractive qualities in anyone. Women often find it off-putting when a man lacks motivation or direction in life. It’s not about having a high-powered career or being wealthy, but about having goals and dreams and the determination to achieve them.

Poor Communication Skills

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Good communication is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and it can be unattractive when men struggle to express themselves—or avoid communicating altogether. This includes being unable to talk about feelings, not addressing issues, or always giving the silent treatment.

Being Overly Possessive

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While a bit of jealousy can be normal in relationships, being overly possessive is a major red flag. Most women find it repulsive when men try to control their actions, dictate their interactions, or become excessively jealous. This behaviour can come off as insecure and controlling, which is detrimental to trust.

Neglecting Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional intelligence involves understanding and managing your own emotions while also being aware of others’ feelings. It’s appreciated when men can empathise, show compassion, and handle emotions maturely. A lack of emotional intelligence, such as being insensitive or dismissive of feelings, can be the opposite of attractive.

Being Inconsiderate

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Consideration for others is a vital trait in any partner; women think it’s unappealing when men are thoughtless or inconsiderate of their needs and feelings. This can include anything from forgetting important dates to not paying attention to what makes their partner happy or comfortable.


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Confidence is attractive, but arrogance is not. It’s unattractive when men have an inflated sense of self-importance and disregard others’ opinions or feelings. Arrogance often comes with a lack of humility and can make interactions feel one-sided and unbalanced.


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Women find it unattractive when men lie, whether it’s about small things or significant issues. Dishonesty erodes trust and can lead to a lack of security in the relationship, while being truthful and transparent helps build a solid foundation and mutual respect.

Being Overly Critical

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Constructive criticism can be helpful, but constant negativity and being overly critical can be very off-putting. It’s an ugly trait when men focus on flaws and imperfections instead of appreciating the positive aspects. This behaviour can damage self-esteem and create a toxic environment.

Lack of Respect for Boundaries

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If you disregard or disrespect the boundaries of a woman, she’s going to find it unpleasant; whether they’re physical, emotional, or related to time and space. This behaviour can make someone feel uncomfortable and unsafe, so understanding and respecting boundaries equals trust and respect.

Excessive Flirting with Others

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Flirting with others while in a relationship can be a significant turn-off. Women don’t like it when men engage in excessive flirting or inappropriate behaviour with other women. This can be seen as a lack of commitment and respect for the relationship – loyalty is key.


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While everyone has insecurities, excessive insecurity can be anything but attractive. It’s off-putting when men constantly seek validation, display jealousy, or doubt themselves excessively. Confidence, paired with self-awareness, is attractive, so it’s important to work on your self-esteem.

Poor Listening Skills

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Active listening is a crucial part of effective communication, and many find it pushes them away when men don’t listen or pay attention during conversations. This includes interrupting, not making eye contact, or being distracted by phones or other devices. Good listening skills show that you value and respect the other person’s thoughts and feelings.

Lack of Responsibility

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Taking responsibility for one’s actions is a sign of maturity, which is always a good sign. A woman can find it lacks appeal when men avoid accountability, make excuses, or blame others for their mistakes. Accepting responsibility shows integrity and a willingness to learn from experiences.

Being Unreliable

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Reliability is an essential trait in a partner; being unreliable, frequently cancelling plans, or failing to follow through on promises are unattractive qualities. These behaviours can create uncertainty and disappointment, while being dependable helps build a sense of security all around.

Constant Negativity

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A positive outlook on life is attractive and uplifting. Women aren’t after men who are constantly negative, complain frequently, or have a pessimistic attitude. This behaviour can be draining and bring down the overall mood of the relationship.

Lack of Gratitude

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Showing gratitude and appreciation is vital in any relationship. When men take things for granted and don’t express thanks or recognition for efforts and kindness, it’s a surefire way to push a woman away. Simple acts of gratitude can make a big difference.