17 Behaviours That Make You Instantly Unlikeable

Jana Warner

If you’ve ever met someone and within minutes found yourself disliking them for reasons you couldn’t quite put your finger on, it happens to all of us. Sometimes, people do things that instantly rub others the wrong way. These are the 17 behaviours likely to make you instantly unlikeable.

Being Arrogant

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“Of all the tendencies that diminish the quality of our relationships, few, if any, are as damaging as that of arrogance,” reveals PsychCentral. Nobody likes a know-it-all, so when you act like you’re smarter or better than everyone else, it turns people off. Humility is attractive, while arrogance sends the message that you think others are inferior.

Interrupting Others

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Cutting people off mid-sentence is a surefire way to annoy them, as it shows that you don’t value what they’re saying and that you think your words are more important. Practice active listening and wait for the other person to finish speaking before you chime in. It shows respect and makes for a more pleasant conversation.

Constantly Complaining

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Everyone has bad days, but if you’re always negative and complaining about everything, it becomes draining for those around you. People generally prefer to be around those who lift them up, not drag them down; try to focus on the positives and keep your complaints to a minimum.

Being Unreliable

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If you’re the type who constantly cancels plans or fails to follow through on promises, people will quickly lose trust in you, as reliability is key to building strong relationships. Make an effort to be dependable, and if you say you’re going to do something, do it.


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Talking behind others’ backs might seem like a way to bond with someone, but it usually has the opposite effect; if you gossip, people will wonder what you say about them when they’re not around, after all. It’s better to keep conversations positive and steer clear of spreading rumours.

Being Self-Centred

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If you’re always steering the conversation back to yourself and showing little interest in others, it’s a major turnoff, as people enjoy talking about themselves and feeling heard. Make an effort to ask questions and show genuine interest in the lives of those around you.

Acting Entitled

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Feeling like the world owes you something can make you come across as entitled, whether it’s demanding special treatment or expecting others to cater to your needs. Entitlement is a trait that quickly alienates others, so show appreciation and understand that respect and privileges are earned.

Being Judgmental

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Nobody likes feeling judged. If you’re quick to criticise others or make harsh judgments, it can make people uncomfortable. So instead, try to be more understanding and accepting of others’ differences. A little empathy goes a long way in building likable traits.

Not Respecting Boundaries

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Personal space and boundaries are important, therefore, when you’re too invasive, whether physically or emotionally, it can make others feel uncomfortable. Respect people’s boundaries by being mindful of their comfort levels and not pushing them into situations they’re not comfortable with.

Lacking Gratitude

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Failing to show appreciation for others’ efforts can make you seem ungrateful, such as forgetting to say thank you or taking another person’s kindness for granted. A lack of gratitude can drive people away, while a simple thank you or acknowledgment can make a big difference.

Being Dishonest

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Trust is a cornerstone of any relationship. If you’re caught lying or being deceitful, it’s hard to regain that trust. People value honesty, so it’s important to be truthful and transparent in your interactions. Even little white lies can add up and damage your credibility.

Overly Competitive

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While a little competition can be fun, being overly competitive can be off-putting, so if you’re always trying to one-up others or turn everything into a competition, it can create unnecessary tension. Sometimes, it’s better to celebrate others’ successes rather than trying to outdo them.

Showing a Lack of Empathy

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Empathy is crucial in connecting with others, and a person who seems indifferent to others’ feelings or struggles can make them appear cold and uncaring. Showing empathy involves actively listening and expressing understanding and concern for another person’s experiences.

Being Inconsiderate

woman angry
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You’ll definitely seem selfish (and unlikeable) if you’re thoughtless. Whether it’s not holding the door open or failing to acknowledge someone’s efforts, inconsiderate actions can hurt the feelings of others. Small acts of kindness and consideration can go a long way in making people warm up to you.

Constantly Seeking Attention

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If you’re always trying to be the centre of attention, it can be exhausting for those around you. Attention-seeking behaviour can include interrupting others, talking excessively about yourself, or engaging in dramatic actions to get noticed. It’s important to share the spotlight and let others have their moments too.

Being Argumentative

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Always looking for a fight or disagreeing just for the sake of it can make people want to avoid you. Healthy debates are fine, but if you’re constantly argumentative and unwilling to see others’ points of view, it can be very frustrating. Aim for constructive conversations rather than confrontational ones.

Poor Hygiene

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This one might seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning: poor personal hygiene can be an instant turnoff. It shows a lack of self-respect and consideration for others, while maintaining good hygiene is a basic aspect of being respectful and considerate in social situations.