Avoid These 18 Common Mistakes That Scream “No Manners”

Pete Law

Making a good impression is more important than ever, but unfortunately, some everyday blunders can quickly label you as lacking manners. Whether it’s dining faux pas or social slip-ups, these mistakes are ones you definitely want to avoid. Here we highlight 18 common mistakes that scream “no manners”—so you’ll want to make sure you avoid them.

Scowling or Negative Facial Expressions

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Negative facial expressions can be damaging to relationships. For example, Virtual Speech writes, “Negative body language can be damaging for professional and personal relationships as its use can indicate defensive feelings, lack of interest in the other person, or dishonesty.” Try to focus on having a neutral or happy expression when talking to someone.

Forgetting Names

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CNBC writes, “If you’ve met somebody multiple times but still cannot remember their name, you should never let on that you’ve forgotten their name.” It can be easy to forget a person’s name, especially if you don’t know them very well. Try to come up with techniques you can use to try and remember a person’s name.

Using “Actually” or “Just” in Casual Conversation

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BestLife writes, “These two words may seem innocuous, but they can come off as mean when used casually.” These words can belittle the listener’s point or concern. Even though they’re only small words, they can still have a negative impact on a conversation. Try to actively think about the words you’re using when having a conversation.

Relating Everything Back to Yourself

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This can make you appear self-involved and dismissive of other people’s experiences, even if you only feel like you’re trying to relate. It can also undermine the speaker’s feelings or the situation that they’re trying to tell you about. It highlights how important it is to actively listen and have empathy.

Offering Unsolicited Opinions

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Offering unsolicited opinions can be seen as being intrusive and disrespectful. It’s important to always try to read a room and use your emotional intelligence to determine whether your opinion is needed. Sometimes, a person just needs someone to listen to them. Always wait to see if someone asks for your opinion first.

Rejecting Compliments

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Rejecting compliments can make you appear rude or insecure. If someone gives you a compliment, then make sure to always acknowledge it and graciously accept the praise, even if it’s just with a “thank you.” If you’re constantly deflecting compliments, it can even start to have a negative effect on your friendships and relationships.

Making Others Feel Ignorant

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You should try not to belittle a person just because they don’t know something. Instead, emphasize kindness and how great it is that humans are able to constantly learn things. It shows that you can share knowledge without coming across as being superior. Always treat others as you wish to be treated.

Blocking Traffic Flow by Not Merging Properly

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Not merging correctly can cause annoyance to other drivers, as you aren’t sticking to road etiquette. This is supported by The New York Times, which writes, “When another driver is the source of that stress, it can turn to rage.” Small acts, such as merging properly, can promote kindness and improve traffic.

Bringing Strong-Smelling Food to Work

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One of the main rules of office etiquette is to not bring smelly foods into the office with you. Spaces are usually small, so if you have strong-smelling food, then chances are everyone around you will be able to smell it as well. Try to keep food neutral smelling when you’re at work.

Failing to Make Introductions

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When you’re in a group, especially with people you don’t know, it’s important to always make introductions and acknowledge everyone in the group. Proper introductions can help to make everyone feel more comfortable, even yourself. Always introduce yourself to people you don’t know, as you may make some incredible friends along the way.

Telling People to Smile

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This demand can be invasive and insensitive, even if you mean it in an encouraging way. It’s important to respect others’ feelings, as you never know what’s going on in their lives. Try to encourage empathy and take into account that another person may not feel like they can smile at that moment in time.

Sighing During Conversations

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Sighing during a conversation can be interpreted as you not being interested in the conversation or that you’re feeling annoyed that the conversation is still going on. Sighing while someone is speaking creates a negative vibe between you and the person you’re having a conversation with.

Crossing Your Arms

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PsychMechanics writes, “Crossing arms across the chest is a classic gesture of defensiveness. This defensiveness usually manifests as discomfort, uneasiness, shyness, or insecurity.” This gesture is seen as a defensive and closed-off form of body language. Try to be aware of this when having conversations and focus on positive gestures.

Asking About Personal Life Choices Unprompted

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Asking a person about personal life choices, such as family plans, can be sensitive. It’s important to respect personal boundaries, and if a person wants to tell you something, they will. Try to think of more interesting conversation starters that could center around things like favorite foods or animals.

Casually Asking “How Are You?” in Some Cultures

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While this may be considered polite in many cultures, in others, it can be seen as rude. Many cultures may not always give genuine answers, while other cultures may even see it as an invasion of privacy. Try to be mindful of different cultures and research other ways to greet a person.

Laughing Openly in Certain Cultures

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NBC writes, “New research shows that people respond the most positively to vowel-like bursts issued from an open mouth.” However, there are some countries where open-mouthed laughter is considered rude. You should always be mindful of other cultures when it comes to expressions of amusement.

Wearing Shoes Indoors

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Many cultures require you to remove your shoes before stepping foot in any building. It also helps to promote better hygiene, as you aren’t treading dirt into someone’s carpet. It’s important to always respect another person’s household and ask them if they would like you to remove your shoes.

Not Acknowledging Others in Conversations

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It’s important to try to include everyone in the group in a conversation so everyone can feel comfortable. Acknowledging everyone shows respect and interest in each person. Always try your best to actively listen and participate in every conversation so that everyone can feel respected.