Avoid These 16 Behaviors If You Don’t Want People to Lose Respect For You

Pete Law

Every relationship thrives on respect, yet sometimes we unwittingly engage in behaviors that chip away at this precious bond. Whether you’re interacting with your partner, a friend, or a coworker, it’s crucial to steer clear of certain actions that can erode respect. Ready to enhance your relationships and avoid common pitfalls? Here are 16 behaviors to avoid if you want to maintain the respect of those around you.

Being Dishonest

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Consistently lying or being deceitful will erode trust and damage your most important relationships. Honesty and integrity are vital for earning and maintaining the respect of others. Tribune Online explains, “Most people value honesty and integrity in different aspects of life. Whether it is keeping a promise or telling the truth, people will tend to respect you more if you are honest and have integrity.” 

Gossiping or Spreading Rumors

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Engaging in gossip or spreading rumors can tarnish your reputation and lead others to lose respect for you because it undermines the trust you may have built with them; while also creating a toxic environment. The Expert Editor says, “Gossip – whether it’s about a celebrity, colleague, or friend – is essentially a conversation that aims to reveal secrets and opinions about someone who’s not present. It’s a breach of trust. This can make people wary of you, for who knows when they might become the subject of your next gossip session?”

Being Judgmental or Prejudiced

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Harboring a judgmental attitude or displaying prejudice towards others based on their race, gender, sexuality, or other characteristics is unacceptable. Treating everyone with respect and dignity is fundamental in this day and age. The Gleaner explains that, “By judging others harshly, we also invite others to do the same which leads to a culture of criticism and negativity that erodes trust, respect and empathy which are essential for healthy relationships.”

Constantly Interrupting Others

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Interrupting others while they are speaking shows a complete lack of respect for their opinions and ideas. It can also indicate a deeper disregard for active listening and diminish the value of your own contributions.

Disregarding Personal Boundaries

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Disrespecting personal boundaries, whether physical or emotional, can lead others to lose respect for you. In any situation, it’s important to recognize — and honor — the boundaries set by others so you can maintain healthy, respectful relationships.

Taking Credit for Others’ Work

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Claiming credit for someone else’s accomplishments is a surefire way to lose respect. Acknowledging and giving credit where it is due demonstrates integrity and fosters an environment of trust and collaboration.

Being Inconsiderate of Others’ Time

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Consistently showing up late or disregarding others’ schedules sends a message that you do not value their time or commitments. Being punctual and respectful of others’ time is essential for maintaining respect and healthy relationships.

Lack of Accountability

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Avoiding responsibility and blaming others for your own mistakes demonstrates a lack of integrity and maturity. Taking ownership of your actions and holding yourself accountable is crucial for earning, and retaining, respect.

Disregarding Others’ Input or Ideas

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Dismissing others will undermine any possible collaboration while fostering an environment wrought with disrespect. That’s why it’s so important to take every opportunity to value diverse perspectives and actively listen to others’ ideas if you want to foster true innovation.

Lack of Empathy

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Demonstrating a lack of empathy, or simply failing to consider others’ feelings and perspectives can cause others to lose respect for you. Instead, try to cultivate genuine empathy and show understanding and compassion if you want to try to build truly meaningful connections.

Speaking Negatively About Others Behind Their Backs

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Speaking negatively about others behind their backs damages trust and creates a toxic environment. Being respectful often means choosing not to gossip, as petty judgements and conversations will never contribute to a culture of respect or professionalism.

Dismissing Constructive Feedback

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Ignoring or rejecting constructive feedback indicates that you are unwilling to learn and grow. So try to embrace feedback, and use it as an opportunity for self-improvement if you want to earn respect while fostering your own personal development.

Breaking Promises or Commitments

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Consistently failing to follow through on promises or commitments erodes trust and damages relationships. Keeping your word and honoring your commitments is essential for maintaining respect and credibility. Marriage.Com adds that, “Long-lasting relationships are often the ones built on mutual trust and respect, giving both you and your partner a sense of security with each other. However, breaking promises in a relationship can negatively impact this trust, which can sometimes damage the relationship for good, especially when done often enough.” 

Being Manipulative or Manipulating Others

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Engaging in manipulative behavior undermines trust and respect. Respecting others’ autonomy and fostering open honest communication is essential for maintaining healthy relationships.

Being Dismissive of Others’ Feelings or Experiences

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Invalidating or dismissing another person’s feelings or experiences demonstrates a lack of empathy and understanding. Respecting and acknowledging your peers’ emotions and experiences is crucial if you want to try to build stronger relationships within your community. 

Lack of Self-Awareness

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Failing to recognize and reflect on your own behavior can lead others to lose respect for you. Developing a strong sense of self-awareness (and actively working on your own personal growth) is essential for earning and retaining respect from others.