17 Annoying Things People Do at the Beach

Pete Law

The beach is a favourite summer destination for many, a place where you can relax and soak up the sun, but sometimes, other beachgoers can turn your peaceful day by the sea into a frustrating experience. These are the 17 most annoying things you can do at the beach to ruin the experience for everyone.

Leaving Litter Behind

Photo Credit: Daisy Daisy/Shutterstock

The BBC reports that “Almost half a million bits of litter were removed from beaches across the UK in 2023;” whether it’s plastic bottles, snack wrappers, or cigarette butts, leaving trash behind is not only disrespectful but also harmful to the environment. Sea creatures can ingest plastic, which can be fatal. Moreover, litter spoils the beauty of the beach for everyone.

Blasting Loud Music

Photo Credit: Wynn Wygal/Shutterstock

One of the most irritating things people do at the beach is blasting their music at full volume. While it’s great to enjoy your favourite tunes, not everyone shares your taste in music. The beach is a public space, and many people go there to unwind and enjoy the natural sounds of the ocean. When someone decides to play DJ, it can be a real mood killer.

Hogging Space

Man in beach reading book
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Some beachgoers seem to think they own the place, spreading out towels, umbrellas, and chairs over a vast area, effectively blocking others from enjoying the sand. It’s especially annoying when the beach is crowded, and space is at a premium. Be considerate and take only as much space as you need.

Ignoring Personal Space

Photo Credit: Donatas Dabravolskas/Shutterstock

On the flip side, there are those who set up camp right next to you, even when the beach isn’t crowded. It can be uncomfortable and awkward when someone plops down too close, invading your personal space. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a respectful distance from others.

Playing Ball Games Nearby

Photo Credit: Sergey Novikov/Shutterstock

Beach games like volleyball and football are fun, but they can be a nuisance if played too close to other people, and there’s always the risk of getting hit by a stray ball or having sand kicked up onto your towel. If you want to play games, choose an area away from the crowds, where there’s less chance of disturbing others.

Feeding Seagulls

Photo Credit: Robert Hale/Shutterstock

Feeding seagulls might seem harmless or even entertaining, but it quickly becomes annoying for everyone else, as once you start feeding them, seagulls tend to congregate, squawk loudly, and even steal food from unsuspecting beachgoers. They can be quite aggressive and persistent.

Smoking in Crowded Areas

Photo Credit: Stanslavs/Shutterstock

If you’re smoking at the beach, it can be a major annoyance, especially when done in crowded areas. Not everyone appreciates the smell of smoke, and it can ruin the fresh, salty air that beachgoers love. Additionally, cigarette butts are a common form of litter that can harm the environment.

Letting Kids Run Wild

Photo Credit: Sergey Novikov/Shutterstock

While beaches are great places for kids to play, it can be frustrating when parents let their children run wild without supervision; screaming, sand-throwing, and unruly behaviour can disrupt the enjoyment of others who are trying to relax. It’s important for parents to keep an eye on their kids and ensure they’re playing safely.

Bringing Unleashed Dogs

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Dogs can be wonderful beach companions, but they should always be kept on a leash. Unleashed dogs can run around, knock over items, or even frighten other beachgoers; not everyone is comfortable around dogs, after all, and some may even have allergies or phobias.

Shaking Sand Everywhere

Photo Credit: Guillermo Spelucin R/Shutterstock

It’s inevitable to get sand on your belongings at the beach, but some people seem oblivious to the fact that shaking out towels or clothing near others spreads sand everywhere. It’s particularly annoying when you’re trying to enjoy a meal or relax without getting sandy, so be mindful of where you shake out your items.

Setting Up Giant Tents

Photo Credit: UrdnotRonny/Shutterstock

While it’s understandable to want some shade, setting up enormous tents can block the view and take up a lot of space, and these structures can be particularly annoying on crowded beaches where space is limited. Opt for smaller umbrellas or canopies that provide shade without hogging too much room or obstructing the beautiful beach view.

Playing with Drones

Photo Credit: Lucigerma/Shutterstock

Drones can capture stunning aerial shots of the beach—but they can also be incredibly annoying. The buzzing noise, the potential invasion of privacy, and the risk of accidents make drones unwelcome guests at many beaches. Before flying a drone, check local regulations and consider how it might affect other beachgoers.

Talking Loudly on Phones

Photo Credit: VH-studio/Shutterstock

We all understand the need to take a phone call now and then, but loud, extended conversations can be very disruptive at the beach; when you’re speaking loudly on your phone, it breaks the tranquillity that many people seek when they come to the beach.

Using Strong-Scented Products

Photo Credit: Gorloff-KV/Shutterstock

Perfumes, lotions, and sprays with strong scents can be overwhelming at the beach, especially if you’re downwind of them. The combination of sun, saltwater, and heavy fragrances can be unpleasant for others; moreover, some people are sensitive or allergic to strong scents.

Not Respecting Quiet Zones

Photo Credit: Mike Towers/Shutterstock

Some beaches have designated quiet zones where people can relax without too much noise, and it’s important to respect these areas and keep noise to a minimum. Playing loud music, shouting, or engaging in noisy activities in these zones can be very annoying for those who specifically chose that area for its peace and quiet.

Inconsiderate Beach Photography

Photo Credit: goodluz/Shutterstock

Taking photos at the beach is a common activity, but some people can be inconsiderate when they intrude on others’ space or take photos without permission. Nobody likes to feel like they’re being watched or included in someone else’s photos without consent, so be respectful.

Leaving Large Holes Unfilled

Photo Credit: marevgenna/Shutterstock

One of the most annoying things at the beach is leaving large holes unfilled; while building sandcastles and digging holes can be fun, but leaving large holes unfilled can be hazardous. Other beachgoers can trip and injure themselves if they don’t see the holes. If you dig a hole, always make sure to fill it back in before you leave.