The Best Time to Start Talking About Kids

Jana Warner

Talking about kids is one of the most significant conversations you can have in a relationship. Whether or not you want children is a big deal, and making sure you’re on the same page is crucial for long-term compatibility. But when is the best time to start this important conversation? Start Early, But Not Too Early

The conversation about kids doesn’t need to happen on the first date, but it’s a good idea to address it within the first year of a serious relationship. Waiting too long can lead to misunderstandings or unmet expectations down the road. If having children is a deal-breaker for you, it’s essential to make sure you’re aligned with your partner’s views before you’ve invested too much time.

That said, you don’t need to rush into this conversation during the early “getting to know you” stage. It’s better to wait until you’ve established trust and emotional security before diving into such a serious topic.

You should both feel comfortable discussing future life plans by this point.

Look for Natural Opportunities

The best time to talk about kids often comes up naturally. Maybe you’re talking about future goals, discussing family, or a friend’s baby sparks the conversation. Use these moments to gently bring up the topic. You could ask, “Do you ever think about having kids one day?” or “What are your thoughts on starting a family in the future?”

This keeps the conversation light but opens the door to a more in-depth discussion.

Be Honest About Your Views

It’s important to be clear about your own stance on children. Whether you’re eager to have a big family, unsure about kids, or don’t want them at all, being upfront with your partner helps avoid future conflict.

Make sure you’re honest about when you might want kids, how many you’d like, and any concerns you have about starting a family.

Your partner may need time to process their own feelings on the subject, so don’t expect everything to be settled in one conversation. It’s okay to revisit the topic over time.

When the Relationship Feels Secure

Before discussing kids, make sure your relationship is in a good place. Are you both committed to each other long-term? Have you discussed other important topics like marriage, finances, and career goals? Talking about kids is a natural next step once you’re comfortable discussing your shared future.

If your relationship feels strong and stable, it’s likely the right time to explore whether or not kids are in your future together.