Time To Stop: 21 Behaviors Most People Find Socially Unacceptable

Jana Warner

Let’s be honest—there are certain behaviors that have no place in a respectful society. For the sake of building a more compassionate and considerate community, here’s a list of actions we should all agree to stop tolerating.

People That Take Pictures at the Gym

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The gym is for sweating, not for photoshoots. Yet, there’s always that one person treating it like their personal studio, getting annoyed when someone accidentally photobombs their “perfect” shot. Here’s an idea: maybe don’t turn a public space into your private Instagram set?

People Who Take a Call When We Are Having a Conversation

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Nothing says “you’re not important” like someone taking a call mid-conversation. It’s the ultimate conversation killer. Imagine being on a date and they start chatting on the phone as if you’re invisible. Talk about a major red flag!

People Not Accepting My Boundaries

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Setting boundaries is crucial, but it’s amazing how many people see them as a challenge rather than a limit. The moment you stop being a people-pleaser, you’re suddenly the bad guy. Since when did looking out for yourself become synonymous with being selfish?

People in Groups Taking the Whole Sidewalk

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Ever feel like you’re navigating an obstacle course, trying to get past a group that’s hogging the entire sidewalk? It’s like they’re blissfully unaware of anyone else’s existence. A little spatial awareness, please!

People Asking You for Help, Then Not Helping You With It

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It’s the absolute worst when you’re roped into someone else’s chaos, especially when they morph into a “project manager” and conveniently sidestep the actual work. It’s like, hello? A little help here would be nice instead of just barking orders from the sidelines.

People That Can’t Actively Listen

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Ever feel like you’re talking to a brick wall? Some folks just don’t get the concept of listening. They’re just biding their time, waiting for their turn to talk, totally missing the essence of a two-way conversation. It’s beyond frustrating, especially when you’re trying to have a meaningful exchange.

People Not Being Polite to Others

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A little politeness goes a long way, like saying thanks when someone holds the door for you. It’s such a simple gesture but makes a huge difference. It’s baffling when people can’t muster a basic “thank you.” It’s not that hard, people!

People Trying To Enter the Train/Tram/Bus While Others Are Still Getting Out of It

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This is a major pet peeve. Elevators, trains, buses—you name it. There’s an unspoken rule: let people out before you barge in. It’s like a dance, and some folks have two left feet, completely throwing off the rhythm.

Assuming Because I’m Good at Something, I’m Willing To Do It for You for Free

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Just because someone has a skill doesn’t mean they’re your personal free service provider. It’s astonishing how some folks don’t see the value in others’ time and expertise. Support doesn’t mean exploiting friends’ talents without fair compensation.


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Why is it so hard for people to clean up after themselves? Whether it’s a movie theater or a park, leaving your trash for someone else to pick up is just plain lazy and disrespectful. Mother Nature isn’t your personal trash can.

People Interrupting My Conversations

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Getting cut off mid-sentence is like someone saying your thoughts don’t matter. It’s a real art to keep speaking as if the interruption never happened, forcing the interrupter to confront their rudeness head-on. It’s about claiming your space in the conversation.

The Price of Groceries

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Grocery prices nowadays feel like daylight robbery. It’s as if the stores are competing to see who can mark up their prices the most. Buying essentials shouldn’t feel like a luxury. It’s high time for some fairness in pricing.

The Casual Disrespect Service or Retail Workers Get

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It’s astonishing how some people switch to “jerk mode” the moment they step into a store or restaurant. A little kindness goes a long way, and it costs nothing to be polite to someone who’s just trying to do their job.

People Arguing With Me About Something I’m Trying To Help Them With

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It’s like offering someone a life jacket and them complaining about the color. If you’re asking for help, maybe don’t bite the hand that’s trying to pull you out of the water. A little gratitude, perhaps?

People Confusing Arrogance for Confidence

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There’s a thin line between being confident and being arrogant, and it’s all about how you treat others. Confidence is silent and inclusive, while arrogance is loud and exclusive. It’s easy to spot the difference if you’re paying attention.

Not Respecting Other People’s Time

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Time is the one thing we all have in common but can never get back once it’s gone. Being chronically late is not quirky; it’s rude. It’s about showing respect for others’ time, not just your own.

Having To Be Online for Single Player Games

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Remember when you could just play a game without needing a constant internet connection? Those were the days. Now, it’s all about being online, even for games that are meant to be a solo journey. Bring back the good old days of gaming!

The “Why Are You So Quiet” Question When It’s Them Who Can’t Listen When I Try To Speak

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For the quieter folks among us, it’s a constant battle to be heard over the noise. And then, when you finally get a word in, it’s like you’re speaking into the void. Maybe if they paused for a moment, they’d actually hear something worth listening to.

People Expecting You To Accept and Be OK With All Their Issues but Would Never Ever Accept 1% of That From You

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It’s amazing how some people think the world revolves around them. They dump all their problems on you but wouldn’t lift a finger to help you with yours. It’s a two-way street, folks.

Emotional Labor

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Why is it that some people think it’s okay to offload all their emotional baggage onto you, but the moment you need a shoulder, they’re nowhere to be found? Emotional support should be reciprocal, not a one-way street.

Mobile Apps and Software Products Moving to Subscriptions-Based Models

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The shift to subscription models for everything is like a slow poison to our wallets. What happened to paying once and owning something outright? Now, it’s all about bleeding us dry, one month at a time. Enough is enough!