You’re Holding Yourself Back in Life With These 17 Worst Habits

Pete Law

You might have habits that are unknowingly holding you back from reaching your full potential, while breaking free from these patterns can help you achieve your goals and remove obstacles from your path. This article highlights some of the habits that could be limiting your success.

Allowing Negative Self-Talk

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Internal dialogue can significantly impact your mental health if it’s all negative. Try to challenge any pessimistic thoughts with positive affirmations. You may want to carry out any realistic self-assessments to ensure you aren’t being too hard on yourself. It can easily get in the way of you pursuing your goals.

Comparing Yourself to Others

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Making Sense of Cents writes, “People often compare themselves to others to determine how well they are doing in life and base their personal value on that.” However, it’s important to focus on your own personal growth and pay no attention to what others are doing around you.

Not Setting Clear Goals

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If you don’t set clear and achievable goals, then you’re constantly going to be letting yourself down. Try to focus on SMART goals, which means they’re specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Regularly review them and adjust any to stay on track. This will give you a sense of achievement.


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Argo Brands via LinkedIn writes, “Procrastination is defined as the act of delaying or postponing tasks or decisions, often for no good reason. It involves avoiding doing something that needs to be accomplished, substituting with less important tasks, or simply giving in to the temptation of doing nothing at all.” Always carry out your most important tasks first.

Overloading Your Day

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Try not to put too much on your plate at one time. If you can, delegate tasks; otherwise, speak to your manager if you feel you’re doing too much. Overloading your day can cause burnout, which can lead to a variety of physical and mental issues.

Avoiding Difficult Conversations

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By directly confronting difficult issues, it’s easier for you to find solutions and this is especially the case for difficult conversations. No one likes having them, which means the person you want to have a conversation with is just as likely to want to resolve something as you are.

Fearing Failure

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You should stop seeing failures as something negative and look at them as a learning opportunity. A failure is a stepping stone to success and isn’t something you should fear. Try not to be critical of yourself if you fail at something. Instead, identify what you’ve learned and apply it to your future goals.

Neglecting Physical Health

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Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep are incredibly important for both physical and mental health. It will help to increase your productivity and help you work better towards your goals. You should also stop avoiding regular checks at the dentist and optician, as these ensure you stay in good health.

Looking for Validation

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You don’t always need to seek other people’s help to aid you in any decisions. By making your own, it’ll help you build confidence, and chances are, you already know the answers to whatever problem is bothering you. Try to trust your gut and stop relying on others for validation, whether that’s in decision-making or being your authentic self.

Energy-Draining Activities

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Dr. Michele Andorfer via LinkedIn tells us that energy-draining activities can look different for different people. It could include negative thoughts or even social media. Try to identify what it is in life that’s draining your energy and then remove it or limit it from your life.

Ignoring Time for Reflection

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If you don’t reflect, then you won’t notice how far you’ve come in life. You also won’t realize there are aspects you need to improve on. Try to dedicate time to reflecting on your actions and feelings. You can do this through journaling, meditation, or even going for a quiet walk. It will help you with your growth and achieving your goals.

Staying in Comfort Zones

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It’s important that you’re constantly challenging yourself so that you can grow as a person. This will mean stepping out of your comfort zone, which can be scary, but it’s the only way you’ll progress. To make it easier, you may want to think about continuous learning so that you’re as prepared for something as you can be.

Letting Past Resentments Linger

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Forgiveness means you can let go of grudges, allowing you to grow as a person. Holding a grudge can be an emotional thing, and sometimes it’s better to just forgive. If you’re holding grudges from past relationships, then it can also mean you take those negative feelings into a new relationship.

Failing to Communicate Effectively

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Communication is an important skill, as it allows you to develop close relationships and progress in your career. You may want to try being more assertive in your conversations, as this would avoid any misunderstandings. It can also allow you to take on feedback and develop yourself.

Mismanaging Finances

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Your finances are an important part of your life and aren’t something that should be ignored or avoided. You may want to develop a budget and track your spending to avoid getting into trouble with your spending and to give you an opportunity to save.


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Verywell Mind writes, “Overthinking can create an endless cycle of stress and worry, which can ultimately cause you to feel less prepared, motivated, and confident.” You can try to limit your overthinking by making decisions in advance and being more mindful so negative thoughts don’t enter your mind.

Neglecting Relationships

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Both personal and professional relationships are important in your life and aren’t something that should be neglected. Take time to build on them to create strong relationships that will progress your career or personal life. You can also attend networking events or community activities.