19 Things Society Thinks You Should Definitely Stop Doing When You Retire

Pete Law

Society often dictates what’s appropriate for different stages of life, and retirement is no exception. There are certain activities and behaviors that people might expect you to leave behind once you retire, and this article explores some of those things that might no longer fit your new lifestyle.

City Life

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Many people believe that city life and everything it entails are exclusive to young and working-age people. These same people think that retirees don’t belong in big, bustling cities. They think it’s more appropriate for older people to retire in the suburbs.


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Retired married couples may have been together for decades and their children expect these relationships to last. So older couples who are constantly seen arguing or fighting might make younger people feel concerned. They think that fighting is exclusive to younger couples who are just getting to know one another.

Stay Up-to-Date

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Society expects young people to want to stay up-to-date with the latest celebrity information. But it doesn’t expect older people to do the same. So an older person who is always checking social media for celebrity updates and who copies celebrity trends will be seen as strange.


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You’ve spent your whole life saving money. Now that you’ve reached retirement age, society expects you to stop saving and start spending your money. Don’t be tight-fisted; make sure you spend your retirement fund and use it to do the things you’ve always wanted to do.

Start Drama

Photo Credit: Ruslan Huzau/Shutterstock

Everyone knows someone who likes drama and explosive situations seem to follow this person wherever they go. But society has an age range for drama-starters and they are normally in their teens or early twenties. By the time you retire, you’re expected to live a quieter life.

Rush Around

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Rushing from here to there is something that society thinks is exclusive for young and working people. When you retire, people expect you to slow right down. We’re supposed to have more time on our hands so we shouldn’t have the need to rush around anymore like before.

Bungee Jump

Photo Credit: Strahil Dimitrov/Shutterstock

Society puts an age on extreme sports such as bungee jumping. Gitnux says that “about 47% of bungee jumpers are both men and women between the ages of 18 to 34.” When you reach retirement age, people won’t think it’s right and will likely view you as irresponsible if you bungee jump.

Start New Trends

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

Society thinks that fashionable clothes and new fashion trends are exclusive to young people, so they don’t expect someone of retirement age to wear very bold and outlandish clothing. They also don’t expect you to wear clothing that’s made for a younger audience. People might frown at you if you do.

Listen to Loud Music

Photo Credit: Cagkan Sayin/Shutterstock

Society associates obnoxiously loud music with young crowds. So it will be viewed as strange, out of character, and even frowned upon if a person of retirement age plays loud music that disturbs the neighbors. As a retiree, you should keep the volume of your music low.

Drive Fast

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Most people link fast, reckless driving with younger people and think that slow driving is common among older people. HelpGuide.org says that “as we age, factors such as decreased vision, impaired hearing, slower motor reflexes, and worsening health conditions can become a problem.” This makes older people drive slowly.

Stay Connected

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Most people associate the use of technology with younger generations. So it might seem strange when they come across older people who are addicted to their smartphones and are always on social media. As an older individual, people don’t expect you to be active on social media.

Be Open-Minded

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A lot of people think that older people are closed-minded, and think that life was better when they were younger and that things should change to reflect the way their lives used to be. So younger people find it strange when they come across an open-minded older person.

Be Late

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Tardiness is normally associated with younger people who struggle to organize themselves well enough to be on time. When we get older, we’re expected to be on time or even early for appointments when possible. People expect this because we have more time on our hands.

Be Fast at Checkouts

Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock

Society thinks that the only people who are fast at checking out are younger people who do everything quickly because they live fast-paced lives. They expect older people to move slowly at the checkout and stop for a brief chat with the cashier before leaving the store.

Buy Sports Cars

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The figures from FOX8 show that only 2.8 percent of American drivers own sports cars. What Americans don’t expect is for people over retirement age to own these cars. They think that people of this age should own more practical cars that are easier to get in.

Use Extravagant Hairstyles

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Society is okay with younger people dyeing their hair in bright, extravagant colors and styling it in outlandish ways. But people will not see this in the same light if older people of retirement age begin to do the same. It will be frowned upon.

Play Soccer

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Soccer is a fast-moving sport that appeals to many people. But society favors younger players over older ones. In fact, most people would discourage those who are retired from participating in the game. They do this because an older person could easily become injured while playing.


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According to Gambling Industry News, “Each year, ~40% of the U.S. adult population visits a casino at least once.” Society expects younger people to waste money on gambling but will be very disappointed in an older person who jeopardizes their life fortune and destroys their family due to gambling.

Get into Debt

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Society expects younger people to get themselves into debt due to family responsibilities and paying back student loans. But when you get to retirement age, people will expect you to have money saved for a rainy day and not need to borrow money from others.