15 Things You Used to See in Society But Now You Rarely Do

Pete Law

Throughout history, advancements in medicine, technology, and social understanding have brought about countless innovations, leading to significant positive changes in society. As we’ve progressed, certain practices and customs that were once important have faded into obscurity.

Perilous and Slow Travel

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Today, travel is at its most efficient. For example, Teach US History writes, “Travel in the early nineteenth century was so much slower and more difficult than it is today.” There used to be limited travel options, with the only ways being by foot, horse, or ship. Travelers also faced the challenge of finding shelter and risked being robbed.

News Cycles

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Society used to have a specific news cycle where stories could only be accessed when purchasing a paper in the morning. Nowadays, news is available 24 hours a day, and this cycle has vanished. It’s shown a huge shift in how society stays informed, as we can now watch events unfold in real time.


Photo Credit: Dmytro Zinkevych/Shutterstock

Barbers used to offer a combination of grooming and surgical procedures, which seems bizarre by today’s standards. Popular services included blood-letting and amputations. There was even a lack of anesthesia during the time this was popular, which would have made it especially uncomfortable for a person.

Duels for Honor

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Duels were often used as a way to resolve disagreements among gentlemen. This was during the evolution of weapons, when swords were fast becoming pistols. Sometimes, duels would even be ordered by judges if two people went to court, and they would be used as a way to settle a dispute.

Handwritten Maps

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Handwritten maps used to be the only way a person could navigate where they were going. In medieval times, maps had to be handwritten. For example, Royal Museums Greenwich writes, “Documents would be copied and recopied by hand, sometimes over hundreds of years.” It shows just how far technology has advanced, as we now have access to GPS.

Phone Conversations

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Best Life writes, “50 years ago, a home phone was a necessity. The number of people using one today, however, is lower than ever.” There’s been a significant decline in phone calls as they’ve been replaced with text messages. It shows how communication habits have changed with different generations.

Answering Machines

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Similar to phone calls, there’s been a decline in answering machines because younger generations now prefer to send text messages. Digital voicemail has also been able to replace answering machines, and this is something a person can access through their smartphone. It shows just how societal norms have changed with leaving a message.

Letter Writing

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Writing letters used to be one of the main forms of communication when two people needed to talk but weren’t physically close. Thanks to the impact of the digital world, letter writing has been replaced with emails or text messages. The decline in letter writing means there has been an impact on both the post office and personal connections.

The Milkman

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Milk used to be delivered to each home via the milkman. Now, most people head to the store to purchase their milk—even though there are still some farms that offer home-delivery dairy services in various parts of the U.S.

Universal Computer Ownership

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Computers used to be incredibly expensive to purchase, and this meant they were usually shared. Households used to just have one computer that everyone could use. Nowadays, people have personal computers or other devices, such as tablets. Personal computers transformed work, education, and personal lives.

Legal Drug Use

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History writes, “Drug use for medicinal and recreational purposes has been happening in the United States since the country’s inception.” Many people became addicted to drugs during the American Civil War because they were legal and easy to get ahold of. They were also commonly used at parties around this time.

Cursive Writing

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Cursive writing used to be an important part of society, as it was a neat way of writing that people could easily read. It was taught in schools and seen as a form of personal expression. The importance of cursive writing has been taken away thanks to the development of typing and digital communications.

Personal Privacy

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Privacy used to be something that was valued, but now it’s been taken away thanks to surveillance methods and social media. The digital footprint has made it hard for a person to have any form of privacy, or even want privacy, as many publish details of their lives on social media.

Physical Encyclopedias

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Physical encyclopedias have become a thing of the past. This is supported by The Guardian, which tells us that Encyclopedia Britannica has ceased physical production and is now only available online. It shows the impact that technology has had on the world, especially in education.

Video Rental Stores

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Physical video rentals are a thing of the past, thanks to digital streaming services taking over. Now, video rental stores are only seen as a form of nostalgia and as an experience from long ago. Nowadays, a person has access to thousands of films thanks to streaming services.