Subtle Ways Women’s Actions Can Affect Men’s Confidence

Jana Warner

In relationships, it’s natural for both men and women to occasionally feel insecure or unsure of themselves, and while no one intends to make their partner feel uncomfortable, certain behaviours women do can sometimes make men feel less confident.

Taking Charge All the Time

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When women consistently take the lead in making decisions, whether it’s about where to go for dinner or how to spend a weekend, men can sometimes feel sidelined. While it’s great to be proactive and organised, men may feel like they’re not pulling their weight in the relationship.

Criticising His Hobbies

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Men often have hobbies that may seem trivial or unimportant to their partners, but they provide a sense of identity and relaxation. When women belittle or dismiss these interests, it can make men feel like their passions are unworthy.

Correcting Him in Public

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No one likes to be corrected, especially in front of others, so when women correct their partners publicly, it can be particularly damaging to a man’s pride. This behaviour can make him feel embarrassed or belittled, leading to feelings of inadequacy.

Comparing Him to Other Men

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Especially when unfavourable, comparisons can be incredibly hurtful; whether it’s about success, appearance, or abilities, comparing your partner to other men can make him feel like he’s falling short. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, and comparing often does more harm than good.

Handling All the Finances

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Managing money is a big responsibility, and in some relationships, one partner may naturally take the lead, however, if a woman handles all the finances without involving her partner, it can make him feel like he’s not capable or trusted to contribute. Encouraging a more collaborative approach can help both partners feel more secure.

Not Asking for His Help

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A man will often take pride in being able to help his partner, whether it’s fixing something around the house or offering advice, so when women choose to handle everything on their own, it can make men feel unnecessary. Even if you’re perfectly capable of doing something yourself, asking for his help occasionally can make him feel more included.

Critiquing His Appearance

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Comments about a man’s appearance, especially if they’re negative, can be particularly damaging to his self-esteem, such as comments about his weight, hair, or clothing. These critiques can make him feel unattractive or not good enough, so instead of focusing on the negatives, offer compliments.

Earning Significantly More

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While many men are proud of their partners’ successes, some may struggle with insecurities if their partner earns significantly more. This isn’t about the money itself but rather about societal expectations around traditional gender roles, which is why open and honest communication about financial dynamics can help address any underlying insecurities.

Ignoring His Opinions

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In a relationship, both partners should feel that their opinions matter. When a woman consistently dismisses or ignores her partner’s input, it can make him feel like his thoughts and feelings aren’t important, therefore making sure both partners have a say in important decisions can help for mutual respect.

Making All the Plans

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Being organised and planning ahead is a great quality, but when one partner makes all the decisions about what to do and when, it can leave the other feeling sidelined. Men may feel less involved or that their preferences don’t matter.

Teasing About Sensitivity

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A man can sometimes feel vulnerable when expressing his emotions—especially if he’s concerned about appearing weak. When a woman teases or makes light of her partner’s sensitivity, it can reinforce the idea that men should always be stoic and unemotional.

Doing Everything Better

couple angry
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In some relationships, women may naturally excel at certain tasks, whether it’s cooking, organising, or problem-solving, however, constantly pointing out that you can do things better than your partner can make him feel incompetent. It’s important to recognise each other’s strengths and encourage collaboration rather than competition.

Making Jokes at His Expense

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We know that humour is a great way to bond, but jokes at your partner’s expense, especially in front of others, can be hurtful. Even if it’s all in good fun, men can feel embarrassed or humiliated by certain jokes, so being mindful of how these comments might be received can help.

Not Trusting Him with Important Tasks

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When women don’t trust their partners to handle important tasks, whether it’s taking care of the kids or managing a big project, it can make men feel inadequate, and this lack of trust can be damaging to their self-esteem. Allowing your partner to take on responsibilities and showing confidence in his abilities can help with trust.

Dominating Conversations

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In any relationship, communication is key, and both partners should feel heard, therefore when one partner dominates conversations, it can leave the other feeling like their voice doesn’t matter. Men may feel particularly silenced if they’re not given a chance to contribute to discussions.

Questioning His Manliness

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A man will often have his own ideas about what it means to be masculine, and when those are questioned, it can be deeply unsettling. Comments that suggest he’s not “man enough” can hit hard and leave lasting scars.

Being Overly Critical

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Everyone has flaws, and constructive criticism can be helpful; however, when criticism becomes a constant, it can wear down a man’s confidence and self-worth. Being overly critical, especially about things he can’t easily change, can make him feel like he’s never good enough.

Making All the Decisions

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When women make all the decisions in a relationship, whether big or small, it can leave their partners feeling like their input doesn’t matter. This can lead to a sense of powerlessness and resentment over time, which is why involving your partner in decision-making processes can help him feel more equal.

Neglecting Physical Affection

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Physical affection is an important part of any relationship, and when it’s withheld, men can feel rejected or unworthy. Whether it’s a hug, a kiss, or holding hands, these small gestures can make a big difference in how connected and valued he feels.

Undermining His Achievements

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When men achieve something they’re proud of, they want their partner’s support and recognition, therefore dismissing or downplaying these achievements can be demoralising. Celebrating each other’s successes—even if they seem minor—helps build a strong, supportive relationship for both of you.

Dismissing His Emotions

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Finally, men can sometimes struggle with expressing their emotions, and when they do, it’s important for their partner to listen and validate their feelings. Dismissing or belittling his emotions can make him feel like his feelings don’t matter or that he should suppress them.