19 Stereotypes You Definitely Need to Stop Believing About the U.S.

Pete Law

The United States is a land of diversity, innovation, and contradictions, yet stereotypes persist. It’s time to debunk some of these outdated notions and see the real America. Join us as we bust 19 stereotypes you definitely need to stop believing about the U.S.

Everyone Eats Fast Food

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Fast food like burgers and fries may be predominant in American culture, but the average American doesn’t live on such processed meals! According to Statista, 50% of Americans eat a diet they consider healthy, and this coincides with increased sales of fruit and vegetables over the past decade. There are plenty of alternatives to fast food, like farmer’s markets and vegan cafés.

Everyone Owns a Gun

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While the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects the right to bear arms, gun ownership is by no means ubiquitous in America. According to a 2023 Pew Research Center survey, only 30% of U.S. adults report living in a household with a gun. Strict gun control measures exist in many cities and states, and many Americans choose not to own guns at all.

Americans are Loud and Obnoxious

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Americans are known for their friendliness and directness. However, according to Worldometer, their culturally rich population contains over 341 million people—all with their own unique personalities and behaviors. Generalizations about the volume or demeanor of individual Americans are often inaccurate, while regional variations and local customs also play a role.

Americans Are Stupid

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Many Europeans perceive Americans to be less well educated than people from other countries, despite the fact that the average IQ in France and the U.S. is identical—97. This offensive stereotype may have originated from ingrained elitism in colonial home countries or even U.S. reality TV shows! It ignores the abilities of many brilliant Americans, such as Thomas Edison.

Everyone is Materialistic

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While it’s true that ‘The American Dream’ emphasizes ambition and financial success, there’s a lot more to U.S. residents than sheer capitalistic greed. Millions of citizens are involved in volunteerism, community projects, and philanthropy, and donating to charity is a common act of kindness. With family and/or faith being important to many, material possessions are rarely a top priority!

Americans Don’t Travel

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Paid vacation time in the USA is typically lower than in many European countries, but many U.S. residents can and do travel abroad. While far-flung locations like Italy, China, and Australia may be unaffordable for many, countries like Mexico and Canada and the Caribbean provide closer opportunities for Americans to experience different landscapes, cultures, and lifestyles.

Only the Rich Have Healthcare

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Unlike many developed nations, there is no single-payer system in the U.S., but there are still ways for less wealthy citizens to access affordable healthcare, including Medicare for seniors and Medicaid for those with low incomes. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 increased health insurance coverage for millions, although it still can’t compete with more ubiquitous European systems.

The South is Racist

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Outsiders who study the American Civil War can wrongly assume that the southern states’ historical support for slavery remains in modern times. Civil Rights acts have since outlawed racial discrimination nationwide, and the march of progress hasn’t stopped there. While racism is by no means non-existent, many southerners happily live in ethnically diverse communities.

The West Coast is Full of ‘Hippies’

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West Coast states such as California are world-famous for their relaxed lifestyle and focus on environmentalism. While such states have led the way in terms of renewable energy standards, they are also important for innovation and technology. There’s a lot more to California than just music and free love—like Hollywood’s entertainment industry and Silicon Valley’s tech giants.

Everyone Speaks Perfect English

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The USA is a nation of immigrants, and this is reflected in its linguistic diversity. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the USA and is used daily by over 41 million people, many originally from Mexico and South America. Other languages are also prominent in various regions, including Chinese, French, Tagalog, and Arabic.

The US Loves War

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America has a robust military presence and has fought in several wars throughout its history. However, it also values diplomacy and cooperation—although this doesn’t make such sensational news headlines! Organizations such as the Peace Corps and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are actively involved in de-escalating conflicts.

Only Rich Kids Go to College

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The U.S. has a complex system of higher education with varying costs. Public universities generally offer lower tuition than private institutions, and it can be difficult for students in lower income brackets to afford tuition at the most prestigious colleges. However, financial aid programs and scholarships exist and help make college more accessible.

Everyone’s a Workaholic

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You will find plenty of Americans who fit the ‘hard-working capitalist’ stereotype, particularly in certain professions. But USA Today states that an average working week is 40 hours—the same as Poland and Germany, and less than Greece (41 hours). While other countries work less (as little as 36 hours on average), the U.S. has a similar work-life balance to many countries.

There’s No Public Transportation

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We may not have a rail system as extensive as Europe or a bullet train like Japan, but that doesn’t mean that major U.S. cities don’t offer well-developed public transportation systems. Places like New York have reliable subways, buses, light rail, and commuter rail options. However, rural areas still tend to rely on car ownership.

Everyone’s Obsessed With Team Sports

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Team sports are popular in the USA, especially those with professional leagues such as football, baseball, basketball, and hockey. But not every citizen is a sports fan—there is a huge range of other interests, including the arts, history, music, and outdoor pursuits. For example, music is a common pastime that is prominent in American culture, from jazz and blues to country and pop.

Everyone Wants to Live in the USA

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Immigrants seeking a better life have long considered America to be a “Land of Opportunity.” Yet, not every U.S. resident believes America to be the ‘best’ country to live in. Many are more realistic and critical, seeing both the positives and negatives of living in the U.S. and expressing dissatisfaction with things like political polarization, high living costs, and a lack of gun control.

Americans are Selfish

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This harsh stereotype is based on the idea that Americans are generally independent and self-reliant, with children living apart from their parents at a young age and elderly people being placed in care homes rather than with family members. While these cultural nuances may apply, people in the U.S. are far from selfish—community spirit, volunteerism, and charity work are all common.

Everyone is Fat

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It’s true—America has a problem with obesity, mainly due to factors such as sedentary lifestyles, car ownership, calorific foods, and large portions. But, according to Forbes, obesity is a health issue affecting 41.2% of U.S. residents—far less than half. This proves that many Americans eat healthily, exercise, and consciously watch their weight to avoid piling on their pounds.

TV is All Trash

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Some of the most famous U.S. TV exports have also been some of the shallowest and least intelligent, such as singing competitions and celebrity reality TV shows. Yet this says more about the popularity of such shows abroad than it does about the quality of U.S. programming! Alternatives like documentaries, clever thrillers, and biopics are all available and often favored.