17 Questions Atheists Are Dying to Ask Christians

Pete Law

Many people have different beliefs and worldviews, which can lead to intriguing conversations and thought-provoking questions. Atheists, in particular, are often eager to ask questions about Christianity. Here are 17 burning questions atheists have for Christians.

What is the foundation of your belief in God?

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History explains that “The Christian faith centres on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” For many, this belief is deeply rooted in the feeling that there’s something greater than ourselves. They see God in the beauty of the world, the complexity of life, and the sense of purpose they find in their lives.

How do you reconcile science and religion?

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Many believe that science is a way to understand God’s creation and that scientific discoveries reveal the intricate details of His work. While there might be areas of conflict, like the creation story versus evolution, many Christians find a way to interpret the Bible in a manner that complements scientific findings.

Why is faith in God necessary for morality?

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Christianity believes that faith in God provides a solid foundation for morality, offering a set of guidelines through the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. These teachings encourage love, compassion, and justice, which are core to Christian ethics. While atheists can and do live moral lives without belief in God, Christians feel that faith gives a deeper sense of accountability.

What is your view on other religions?

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Christians typically respect other religions but believe that Christianity holds the complete truth about God and salvation. They often see other religions as partially right but lacking the full revelation that Christianity offers through Jesus Christ. This belief doesn’t necessarily lead to disdain, as many Christians appreciate the values and good deeds found in other religions.

How do you explain the presence of evil and suffering?

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The presence of evil and suffering is one of the toughest questions for Christians. Many believe that evil and suffering exist because of human free will and the resultant sin, and they view suffering as a consequence of living in a fallen world, one that is imperfect and marred by human actions.

What do you think happens after death?

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Christians believe in an afterlife where they will be reunited with God in heaven. This belief is based on Jesus’ teachings and the promises in the Bible. Heaven is often described as a place of eternal peace, joy, and communion with God.

How do you determine which parts of the Bible to take literally?

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Christians interpret the Bible in various ways. Some see it as the literal word of God, while others interpret certain passages metaphorically or contextually, considering the historical and cultural background of the time. The key is finding a balance that maintains the essential truths about God, Jesus, and salvation.

How do you handle doubts about your faith?

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Doubt is a natural part of faith for many, and these people commonly deal with it through prayer, studying the Bible, and seeking counsel from trusted spiritual leaders or friends. Doubt isn’t seen as a lack of faith but rather as a part of the journey toward a deeper, more resilient belief.

Why is Jesus central to your faith?

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Jesus is central to Christianity because Christians believe he is the Son of God and the saviour of humanity. His life, death, and resurrection are seen as the fulfillment of God’s promise to save humanity from sin. Jesus’ teachings and his example of love and sacrifice are core to Christian belief and practice.

How do you respond to the claim that religion is a crutch?

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While some Christians might agree that faith offers support, they don’t see it as a mere crutch for the weak. Instead, they view their faith as a source of strength and guidance that helps them with life’s challenges. Far from being a crutch, many Christians find that their faith empowers them to live more fully.

What role does prayer play in your life?

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Prayer is a vital part of a Christian’s life. It serves as a way to communicate with God, express gratitude, seek guidance, confess sins, and intercede for others. For many Christians, prayer is a daily practice that helps them feel connected to God and aligned with His will.

How do you view the Bible’s stance on controversial issues?

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Those who follow the Christian faith often have diverse views on controversial issues like gender roles, sexuality, and social justice. Some adhere strictly to traditional interpretations of the Bible, while others advocate for a more progressive understanding that considers the context and evolving human rights perspectives.

Why do you attend church?

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Church attendance is important for religious people as it provides a sense of community, spiritual growth, and collective worship. Gathering with others who share their faith helps Christians feel supported and connected. Church services, teachings, and fellowship activities strengthen their relationship with God and with each other.

What is the importance of baptism?

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Baptism is seen as an outward expression of an inward faith, symbolising the believer’s identification with Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection. It’s a public declaration of faith and an important rite of passage in the Christian journey, and for many, it marks the beginning of their life as a committed follower of Christ.

How do you interpret the miracles in the Bible?

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Followers of the Christian faith generally believe that the miracles described in the Bible are real events that demonstrate God’s power and authority. They see these miracles as acts of divine intervention that validate Jesus’ identity as the Son of God and the truth of the gospel.

What is the role of the Holy Spirit?

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The Holy Spirit is believed to be God’s presence in the world today, guiding, comforting, and empowering Christians. According to Christian doctrine, the Holy Spirit helps believers understand the Bible, equips them with spiritual gifts, and promotes spiritual growth.

How do you handle the exclusivity of Christianity?

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Finally, Christians believe that Jesus is the only way to God, as the Bible states. This exclusivity can be challenging to discuss, especially in a pluralistic society. Still, Christians hold that their faith is rooted in the belief that Jesus’ sacrifice was unique and sufficient for the salvation of humanity.