18 Things Society Will Tell You to Stop After 60 (But You Shouldn’t)

Pete Law

Aging is a natural part of life, but society sure has a lot to say about it, doesn’t it? As the years tick by, younger generations love to slap stereotypes on the older crowd, dictating what they can and can’t do, and these ageist views are not only outdated but also undermine the incredible abilities and wisdom that come with age. Here are 18 things society wrongly implies you’re too old for once you hit the big 6-0.

Continuing your education

Old man scammed
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Gone are the days when only young adults pursued an education. Older people, those over the age of 60, are now pursuing an education as well. Society may imply that you may be too old for this, but continuing education while you are old can have tons of benefits, such as those mentioned on the Seasons Retirement Communities website.

Expressing style through fashion

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The limitations that the fashion industry used to put on the older generation’s clothing are now old news. Many people over the age of 60 are embracing the idea of experimenting with their style and clothing options. Websites such as ‘sixty+me’ have clothing dedicated to this fashion for women over 60, helping them to embrace new trends.

Exploring career opportunities

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Changing careers is something many younger people can only do. However, the logic here is, that if you want to change your career at 60, it is advantageous, especially because of the wealth of knowledge and experience one can bring to a new job. In most countries, the retirement age is 65, so you still have a good number of years to change jobs.

Participating in physical activities

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Staying active needs to be a priority for the majority of society, and those who are 60 need not stop this. Physical activities aren’t reserved only for young people, but for the elderly too. It helps improve their well-being and mobility, and they can do various things, such as swimming or low-impact jogging, to stay active.

Adapting to technologies

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Contrary to popular belief, not all old people dislike the idea of using technology. Even though some may struggle to understand or grasp the digital revolution, many elderly people embrace the idea. It can also be highly beneficial for them to use something as simple as a smartphone. It can help keep their brains active, not to mention stay connected with friends and family.

Traveling and exploration

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Traveling and exploring new places is something everyone should embrace—both the elderly and young people. The irony is that older people have more money and the resources to do this, and even though society may think they can’t or shouldn’t, it is highly advisable to do so within limits. Regardless of age, traveling the world can bring new memories and inspiration to all.

Dating and falling in love

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Romance has never been a thing for only young people; we could learn a thing or two from those over 60 in the dating scene. People over 60 continue to rekindle the flames of companionship and fall in love. When it comes to matters of the heart, there is no age limit.

Enjoying playing video games

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Whoever thought that video games were only for the younger generations may be surprised to hear that those over the age of 60 are starting to enjoy the idea of playing video games to stimulate their cognitive abilities.

Becoming entrepreneurs

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The mere fact that older people bring an immense amount of experience, knowledge, and skills with them to many types of businesses means that starting your own business can contribute to success in entrepreneurship. It can also be beneficial for older people to hire younger employees and mentor them in the right way.

Harnessing their creativity

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When it comes to creativity, it knows no bounds. Anything, from playing a new musical instrument to painting and drawing, can be done by both young and old people and can bring fulfillment and joy to their lives. It is highly encouraged and can bring joy to anyone’s life.

Learning a second language

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Learning a new language has some great benefits for both old and young people, such as stimulating your brain, improving your attention, and many more beneficial advantages, as discussed on this University of Potomac website in their benefits of learning a second language article.

Adopting a pet

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Pets can be some of the best companions and can teach us a thing or two about love and acceptance. When older people over the age of 60 adopt a pet, it can bring some much-needed companionship and joy into their lives. Plus, it gives the pet a loving home to live in.

Doing some home DIY

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Transforming your home or living space comes with no age limitation. The act of changing things around in the home, either the interiors or exteriors, is a great idea for turning a boring place into something more lively. Doing some decorating or transforming your furniture into something different can be done to match the changing times.

Becoming an activist

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When you get older and have more time on your hands, perhaps from working part-time or retiring, joining some activism groups can be a great activity to take on. Many seniors nowadays actively engage in groups that create positive changes for the environment and help to contribute to the betterment of society.

Enjoying the nightlife

Photo Credit: Davor Geber/Shutterstock

Activities such as those mentioned in this Great Senior Living article: Fun Activities for Seniors,  don’t need to be restricted to just caring for homes before bedtime. Going out and having fun after dark is also something older people can do. There are tons of nightlife activities to pursue. Clubs and groups for the elderly now exist in many places, giving them a  chance to also have a good time once the sun goes down.

Becoming a social media influencer

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Anyone who has an account on Instagram or Facebook would have noticed the rise in influencers over 60 years of age. Becoming an influencer on social media is great fun for an elderly individual to start doing. There are a great many things you can teach the younger generation with content that attracts attention.

Engaging in sports

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Different kinds of sports aren’t limited to the young and physically fit alone. Many older adults actively participate in sports leagues specifically designed for their age group, showcasing their skills, competitiveness, and physical fitness.

Pursuing education

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Returning to school for additional education, learning something new, or personal growth is an empowering choice, especially for seniors. It allows them to stay engaged and gives them various options to choose from when it comes to different subjects. It can also open doors to new professional opportunities.