18 Things Old People Do That We Used to Laugh At But Now Understand

Jana Warner

As we grow older, our perspectives shift, and we begin to understand the habits and behaviours of the older generation. What once seemed odd or amusing now makes a lot more sense. Here’s a look at 18 things that we used to laugh at but now fully appreciate.

Going to Bed Early

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Bupa UK explains that “getting enough good sleep is an essential part of looking after your physical and mental health,” but when we were younger, it was all about staying up late and squeezing every minute out of the day. Now, we understand the sheer joy of a good night’s sleep, and going to bed early isn’t a sign of being boring; it’s about recharging.

Enjoying Quiet Mornings

Photo Credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock

Remember when mornings were a frantic rush? Now, the appeal of a quiet morning, with a cup of tea and a moment to gather your thoughts, is crystal clear. It’s a peaceful time to set intentions, reflect on the day ahead, and simply enjoy the calm before the world wakes up.

Talking About the Weather

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

We used to think that talking about the weather was a filler for awkward silences, yet now, we realise it’s a way to connect and start conversations. Weather affects our daily lives more than we acknowledged in our youth, and discussing it can be genuinely interesting and informative.

Reading the Newspaper

Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

There was a time when reading the newspaper seemed old-fashioned, especially in the age of instant news, but it’s easy to appreciate the ritual of sitting down with a physical paper. It’s not just about staying informed; it’s also about taking time to digest the news thoughtfully without the constant barrage of notifications.

Taking Time to Garden

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Gardening seemed like a hobby for the elderly when we were kids, but nowadays, it’s a therapeutic and fulfilling activity. It’s about connecting with nature, creating beauty, and enjoying the satisfaction of nurturing plants—plus, the bonus of fresh flowers or home-grown vegetables is hard to beat.

Preferring Comfortable Clothes

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

It was always easy to believe that prioritising comfort over style was a sign of giving up. Now, we understand the wisdom in choosing clothes that make us feel good because life’s too short to be uncomfortable. There’s a certain confidence that comes from being at ease in your attire.

Keeping Photo Albums

Photo Credit: Gravicapa/Shutterstock

Physical photo albums seemed outdated thanks to all things digital, but we now realise there’s something profoundly nostalgic and tangible about flipping through a photo album. It’s a way to relive memories and share stories with a sense of permanence that digital photos often lack.

Listening to Old Music

Photo Credit: janta.rus/Shutterstock

Did you used to laugh at your grandparents for sticking to the same old songs? Now that we’re older, though, we understand that music from our youth holds a special place in our hearts. It’s not just about the tunes; it’s about the memories and emotions tied to them, which never fade.

Writing Letters

Old man writing check
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

In an era of instant messaging, letter writing seemed quaint and something to laugh at. However, we now understand that writing and receiving letters is a deeply personal and thoughtful way to communicate. It shows you’ve taken the time to sit down and craft your thoughts, making the recipient feel valued.

Taking Afternoon Naps

Photo Credit: Olena Yakobchuk/Shutterstock

Napping in the middle of the day seemed lazy when we were younger, but most of us would agree that an afternoon power nap is now a must. It’s a great way to recharge and boost productivity, proving that rest is as important as hard work.

Enjoying Simple Pleasures

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

Older people had a reputation for simple and somewhat boring lives—at least, that’s what we used to think. Now, though, we see the wisdom in finding joy in simple pleasures, like a good book, a walk in the park, or a home-cooked meal. These moments of contentment add up to a fulfilling life, not a boring one.

Avoiding Crowds

Photo Credit: Inside Creative House/Shutterstock

Crowds were exciting when we were younger, full of energy and life, yet now most of us understand the preference for quieter settings. Avoiding crowds is about valuing peace, comfort, and personal space, allowing for more meaningful interactions.

Practising Patience

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We used to be impatient, always in a rush, and watching older people take their time could be especially frustrating. But, there’s a virtue in patience. With most of us practising mindfulness now, it’s about being present, appreciating the moment, and understanding that good things come to those who wait.

Telling Stories from the Past

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Our eyes would roll at repeated stories from the past, not realising that these stories are valuable lessons and cherished memories. They connect us to our heritage and offer wisdom that only comes from experience, so they’re worth telling—and worth listening to.

Being Picky About Food

Photo Credit: CrispyPork/Shutterstock

When we were kids, being picky about food seemed annoying, but with adulthood comes the realisation that it’s about knowing what you like and what makes you feel good. It’s about enjoying meals and making mindful choices for better health and happiness – it’s good to be picky.

Enjoying Puzzles and Games

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Puzzles and games seemed like trivial pastimes, but older people always seemed to love them. Nowadays, we see them as great ways to keep the mind sharp and spend quality time with others because they’re fun, challenging, and can be a wonderful bonding activity.

Using Home Remedies

Photo Credit: Feyyaz Alacam/Shutterstock

We used to scoff at home remedies, favouring modern medicine, yet most adults now appreciate the value of natural solutions and the wisdom passed down through generations. Sometimes, a simple, natural remedy can be just as effective and gentler on the body.

Taking Walks

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Lastly, going for a walk seemed boring compared to more vigorous activities, but we now all see the benefits of a good walk—it’s exercise, stress relief, and a way to connect with the world around us. It’s also a perfect time for reflection and unwinding.