Are You Selfish? These 19 Behaviors Say You Are

Pete Law

Some behaviors that are often considered normal could actually indicate selfish tendencies. Selfishness can manifest in subtle ways, often disguised as everyday actions, and here we delve into 19 specific behaviors that might surprisingly reveal a self-centered nature.

You Gossip

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CNN says that the average person spends 52 minutes every day gossiping. But no matter how often people do it, gossiping is still wrong and spreads information that is often exaggerated or confidential. When you gossip, you reveal to others that you’re a selfish person.

You Lie

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According to a study by the University of Massachusetts, 60% of people can’t go ten minutes without lying. But lying is deceiving others and depriving them of the truth. When you lie, you show others that you’re a selfish person who doesn’t think others are worthy of the truth.

You Don’t Express Your Feelings

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According to Marriage, it takes men an average of 88 days to say ‘I love you,’ whereas women take about 134 days to say it. If you never express your feelings to your partner, even though you’re truly dedicated to them, you might be showing that you’re selfish.

You Don’t Listen

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When you fail to listen to what other people say, you’re showing that what they say isn’t of importance to you and that you don’t want to hear it. Listening and showing interest in others is part of the foundation of a good relationship.

You Talk Too Much

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WordsRated says that the average person speaks around 16,000 words in a day. When we have a conversation, it’s important that we also let the other person speak and express their opinions. When we take over the conversation, we show that we’re selfish.

You Don’t Do Small Talk

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Fast Company says that, according to studies, small talk is responsible for nearly one-third of our speech. Engaging in small talk is a way of showing interest in others and exchanging pleasantries. If you don’t engage in small talk, you show that you’re only interested in yourself.

You Flirt

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Most couples would frown upon the actions of their partner if they began to flirt with someone else. Flirting is a selfish behavior that could indicate that you aren’t content with your partner and are beginning to look for pleasure outside of the relationship.

You Don’t Say Thank You

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Saying ‘thank you’ is a key way to show others that we’re grateful for the things that they have done for us. But every time you don’t say thank you, you show yourself to be selfish, presuming that others should do things for you without getting anything in return.

You Won’t Compromise

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Very Well Mind says that compromise is an important tool in relationships because it helps resolve conflicts. But if you always insist on having things your own way and never compromise, you’ll show that you’re a selfish person. Failing to compromise tells your partner that you think you’re the most important person in the relationship.

You Don’t Watch Your Volume

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Another way you might be showing that you’re a selfish person is by ignoring your volume. If you play loud music until the early hours of the morning with no consideration for your neighbors, you’re showing that having a good time is more important than other people’s sleep.

You Talk About Yourself

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We all enjoy sharing personal experiences with others, but if you spend too much time talking about yourself, it will show others that you’re more interested in yourself than you are in others. You should avoid the tendency to redirect the attention of a conversation to yourself.

You Look Bored

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When in a meeting or when someone is speaking and you show yourself to look bored, people will conclude that what they have to say isn’t interesting to you. Looking bored may also indicate to others that your time is more important than theirs, which is selfish.

You Interrupt

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If you have the tendency to interrupt others while they speak, then you’re showing yourself to be a selfish person who isn’t interested in what others have to say. Interrupting constantly can also show that you’re impatient and can’t wait for others to finish talking.

You Selectively Listen

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Selectively listening to what someone has to say is a sign of disrespect and selfishness. This is because the person who was talking will likely have to repeat much of what they’ve already said since you didn’t value their efforts the first time around.

You Talk Loudly On the Phone

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There’s nothing wrong with using your cell phone in public, but if you’re constantly having loud cell phone conversations in public, you’ll disturb others. Talking loudly on the phone in grocery stores, on public transportation, or in other public places is selfish.

You Ignore Others

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Even when you ignore others without realizing it, you’re still showing others that you’re a selfish person. When someone tells you something or asks you to do something and they’re ignored, they feel frustrated, concluding that their opinions aren’t worth your acknowledgment.

You Don’t Compliment Others

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Complimenting others is a good way of acknowledging the good things that they’ve done. People thrive on compliments, and these are important in relationships, among family members, and in the workplace. When you fail to compliment others, you show yourself to be selfish, wanting all the praise for yourself.

You Take All the Credit

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If you take all the credit, even for the actions of others, then you’re showing signs of selfish behavior. You must acknowledge the help that others give you when receiving praise to show that you’re a humble person. If you think about it, it’s never hard to find someone to thank.

You Don’t Ask Questions

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When you fail to ask people questions while they converse with you, you show that you’re selfish. This is because asking questions is a way to reassure the other person that you’re listening and that what they say is important to you.