Men Don’t Understand Why Women Do These 18 Things

Pete Law

Understanding the opposite sex has always been a bit of a mystery. While each person is unique, there are certain habits that many women have which can leave men wondering why they do what they do. Here, we explore 18 things women do that confuse men the most.

Shopping as a Hobby

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“Unplanned shopping seems to help relieve bad moods,” reveals Healthline, and that’s one of the reasons many women do it. Men often view shopping as a task to complete quickly, while women may see it as a leisurely activity. Shopping for women can be about more than just buying things; it’s also an enjoyable way to spend time and explore fashion trends.

Going to the Bathroom in Groups

Photo Credit: Diego Cervo/Shutterstock

One of the most baffling things for men is why women always go to the bathroom together. It’s not just a social convention; it’s a multifaceted ritual. Women use these moments to bond, share secrets, and provide support for one another, a private time where they can discuss anything from their day’s experiences to outfit malfunctions.

Obsessing Over Their Hair

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Hair is often a major focus for women, and men can find this obsession puzzling, as for many women, hair is an essential part of their identity and style. A great hair day can boost confidence, while a bad one can ruin their mood, and this meticulous attention to hair involves countless products, tools, and techniques that men might not even know exist.

Taking Forever to Get Ready

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When men see women taking what seems like an eternity to get ready, they might feel frustrated, but for many women, this time is necessary to feel their best. It’s a ritual that helps them feel prepared, and this time includes choosing the right outfit, accessorising, and ensuring everything is perfect.

Needing to Talk Things Out

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When faced with a problem, men might prefer to keep it to themselves or solve it alone, while women often feel the need to talk things out. Talking helps women feel supported and can lead to finding solutions through discussion rather than bottling things up.

Wearing Makeup to the Gym

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Why bother with makeup at the gym, where sweat is bound to ruin it? For many women, makeup isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling good. A little makeup can boost confidence and make them feel more put-together, even during a workout.

Being Indecisive About Food

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There’s also a reputation for women being indecisive, especially about food choices. This isn’t necessarily about being picky but can stem from wanting to make the best choice for everyone involved. Women might consider health, cravings, and even the preferences of others before deciding.

Remembering Every Detail

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Many men are amazed at how women can remember every detail of past conversations or events. This trait often comes from being naturally attentive. Women tend to be more observant of nuances and subtleties, which helps them recall details more vividly.

Crying During Movies

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A man often doesn’t understand why women cry during movies, even if the scenes aren’t particularly sad. Women might be more in touch with their emotions or simply more willing to express them, and movies can evoke powerful feelings. Crying can be a way to release these emotions.

Having So Many Shoes

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

The vast collection of shoes some women own can leave the opposite sex bewildered. But different shoes serve different purposes, from practical everyday wear to statement pieces for special occasions. The right pair can complete an outfit and make a woman feel fabulous.

Needing Closure

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After a disagreement or break-up, women often seek closure, which men might find perplexing. Closure helps women understand what went wrong and how to move forward. It’s about getting emotional clarity and feeling at peace with the situation, and this need for closure can be crucial for emotional healing.

Celebrating Small Anniversaries

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Men might not get why women celebrate small anniversaries like the first date or the first kiss. Yet, these milestones are significant to many women because they mark important moments in the relationship. Celebrating them helps to keep the romance alive and shows appreciation for the journey the couple has taken together.

Packing for Every Possible Scenario

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Women often pack for every possible scenario, whether it’s a day out or a holiday. This preparedness can seem excessive to men, but it’s a way for women to feel secure and ready for anything. Having everything they might need, from extra clothes to snacks, ensures they can handle any situation.

Loving Scented Candles

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Men’s fascination with scented candles is another thing that puzzles them. For many women, scented candles are more than just decorative items because they create a soothing and pleasant atmosphere. The right scent can enhance relaxation, improve mood, and make a space feel cosy and inviting.

Using a Million Skincare Products

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It’s a mystery to men why women have an extensive skincare routine with numerous products. They don’t understand that skincare is an important part of self-care. Maintaining healthy skin means preventing issues like dryness, acne, or ageing. Each product has a specific purpose; using them consistently can lead to better skin.

Needing Alone Time

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While men might enjoy alone time too, they might not understand why women sometimes crave it so intensely. Women often juggle multiple roles and responsibilities, so alone time is crucial for recharging and reflecting. It’s a chance to unwind, gather thoughts, and indulge in personal interests without any distractions.

Talking About Their Feelings

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It can be challenging to understand why women often talk about their feelings, but expressing emotions is a way to process and seek understanding from others. It’s about building emotional connections and feeling heard, so talking about feelings can lead to better mental health and stronger relationships.

Having a Beauty Ritual Before Bed

Photo Credit: M Stocker/Shutterstock

One final confusion trait is the nightly beauty ritual many women adhere to, which can mystify men. This routine is a way to unwind, including cleansing, moisturising, and sometimes pampering steps like masks or treatments. Women do this to feel relaxed, promoting better sleep.