21 Train Behaviours That Are Just Plain Rude

Jana Warner

Taking the train can be a pleasant way to travel, but sometimes other passengers’ behaviours can make the journey less enjoyable. Whether you’re commuting to work or heading off on a weekend adventure, it’s essential to be considerate of those around you. Here are 21 rude behaviours on trains that we should avoid at all costs.

Feet on Seats

Photo Credit: Wathanachai Janwithayayot/Shutterstock

Putting your feet on the seats is a definite no-no. Metro labels it “antisocial and selfish,” and it’s not only disrespectful to the next person who wants to sit there but also unhygienic. Keep your feet on the floor where they belong. Imagine boarding a train after a long day and looking forward to a brief respite, only to find a seat covered in dirt or scuff marks.

Loud Conversations

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/shutterstock

We’ve all been there – trying to relax or get some work done, only to be interrupted by someone having a loud conversation. Whether it’s a phone call or a chat with a friend, make sure to keep your voice down. Not everyone needs to hear about your weekend plans or office drama. Loud conversations can be particularly grating in the confined space of a train carriage.

Blocking the Aisle

Photo Credit: Clari Massimiliano/Shutterstock

Standing or placing bags in the aisle can be very frustrating for other passengers trying to move through the train, and is especially annoying during peak hours when the train is crowded. Make sure your belongings are stored properly and step aside if you need to stand.

Playing Music Out Loud

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If you play music or videos without headphones, it’s extremely inconsiderate. Even if you think your taste in music is excellent, others might not agree. Always use headphones to keep your entertainment to yourself. Public transport is a shared space, and what you find entertaining, others might find disruptive.

Eating Smelly Food

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

Everyone needs to eat, but some foods are best enjoyed elsewhere, and strong-smelling foods can be off-putting to fellow passengers. Try to choose less aromatic snacks for your train journey, as the scent of certain foods can linger in the confined space of a train, making it unpleasant for others.

Not Giving Up Seats

Photo Credit: Dragana Gordic/Shutterstock

Priority seats are designated for those who need them most, like the elderly, pregnant women, or people with disabilities, so if you’re sitting in one and someone who needs it more boards the train, you should offer your seat. Always be aware of your surroundings and ready to offer your seat when necessary.


Photo Credit: Maridav/Shutterstock

Taking up more than your fair share of space by spreading your legs wide is both rude and inconsiderate. Be mindful of your posture and ensure you’re not encroaching on others’ personal space. Public transport requires a degree of personal space sharing, and manspreading disrupts this balance.

Ignoring Personal Space

Photo Credit: Cues/Shutterstock

In a crowded train, it’s not always possible to have a lot of personal space, but try your best to respect what little there is. Avoid leaning on others or invading their space unnecessarily. Respecting personal space, even in a crowded setting, shows basic respect for your fellow passengers.

Leaving Rubbish Behind

Photo Credit: Space_Cat/Shutterstock

Leaving your rubbish on the train is just plain lazy. It creates more work for the cleaning staff and makes the journey unpleasant for the next passengers. Always take your litter with you and dispose of it properly. A clean environment is a shared responsibility, and leaving your rubbish behind is disrespectful to both the staff who maintain the trains and the passengers who board after you.

Loud Phone Notifications

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Constant notifications can be very disruptive, so turn your phone to silent or vibrate mode to minimise noise. This small action can make the environment much more pleasant for everyone, as loud notifications can be particularly jarring in a confined space like a train carriage. Whether it’s a text message, an email alert, or a social media update, the constant beeping and ringing can be disturbing.

Hogging Armrests

Photo Credit: Fikca/Shutterstock

Armrests are limited, especially on a crowded train, so don’t monopolise them; share with your neighbour. A little consideration goes a long way in making the journey comfortable for everyone. Armrest etiquette is a small but significant part of being a good train passenger. If you’re seated next to someone, be mindful of their need for comfort as well.

Cutting in Line

Photo Credit: sevenke/Shutterstock

Whether it’s at the ticket machine or boarding the train, cutting in line is incredibly rude, so you should wait your turn like everyone else. It’s a basic courtesy that helps maintain order, as queue jumping disrupts the orderly process and can cause frustration among passengers.

Taking Up Extra Seats

Photo Credit: Denis Torkhov/Shutterstock

Using extra seats for your bags or stretching out across multiple seats when others are standing is inconsiderate. Instead, keep your belongings on your lap or under your seat to free up space for others. Space on a train can be limited, especially during peak hours.

Not Moving Down

Photo Credit: pcruciatti/Shutterstock

When the train is crowded, move down the carriage to make room for others, as standing by the doors can block people from boarding and cause unnecessary delays. Keep the flow moving by stepping further inside, especially during rush hours when trains are packed.

Standing Too Close

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Personal space is a valuable commodity, especially on public transport. There’s no need to stand right next to someone if the train isn’t crowded. Respect personal space and stand or sit at a reasonable distance. It makes the journey more comfortable for everyone.

Playing Games with Sound On

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Mobile games can be a great way to pass the time, but make sure the sound is off or you’re using headphones. No one wants to hear the constant beeps and boops from your game. The noise from mobile games can be just as disruptive as loud music or conversations.

Sneezing or Coughing Without Covering

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

You should also cover your mouth when sneezing or coughing, as this spreads germs and is unpleasant for those around you. Always use a tissue or your elbow to cover your mouth and nose. After all, hygiene is especially important in the close quarters of a train.

Blocking Doorways

Photo Credit: rui vale sousa/Shutterstock

Standing in the doorway not only blocks others from getting on and off but can also be a safety hazard. Move further inside the train once you’ve boarded to keep the doorways clear, to avoid blocking doorways and creating congestion, which can delay the train as people struggle to get on and off.

Pushing and Shoving

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If you push and shove to get on or off the train, it’s unnecessary and rude. Be patient and wait for your turn. Everyone is trying to get to their destination, and a bit of patience goes a long way. Rushing and pushing past others only creates stress and the potential for injury.

Having Heated Arguments

Photo Credit: Zamrznuti tonovi/Shutterstock

Getting into loud arguments on the train is distressing for everyone, so if you have a disagreement, try to keep it quiet and resolve it calmly, or wait until you’re off the train to continue your discussion. Public arguments can make others feel uncomfortable and create a tense atmosphere.

Ignoring Hygiene

Photo Credit: sirtravelalot/Shutterstock

Lastly, poor hygiene is a no-go on a train, as it can make being in close quarters uncomfortable for everyone. Ensure you’re fresh and clean before boarding the train to help maintain a pleasant environment for all passengers, as body odour, unwashed clothes, or strong scents can be overwhelming.