20 Things Men Wish Women Would Stop Expecting

Jana Warner

Expectations can sometimes be tricky, especially in relationships. While both men and women have their own set of desires and hopes, there are certain things men particularly wish women would stop expecting from them, and we’ve listed 20 of them.

Always Being the Strong One

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According to The Guardian, “there is still pressure on men to be strong,” and while it’s great to be supportive, men also have emotions and moments of vulnerability. They wish women would understand that they too need a shoulder to lean on sometimes. Expecting men to always be the pillar of strength can be exhausting.

Knowing What You Want Without Telling Them

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Telepathy isn’t a thing, and men can’t read minds. They’d like women to stop expecting them to automatically know what they want or how they feel. Clear communication is key. Instead of hinting or expecting them to pick up on subtle cues, it’s much more effective to be direct about your needs and desires.

Fixing Every Problem

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Would you believe that men often feel the pressure to solve every issue that arises, whether it’s a leaky tap or a work-related dilemma. While being helpful is admirable, they’d prefer it if women would understand that they don’t always have all the answers. Sometimes, they just want to listen and provide support without having to jump into fix-it mode.

Being the Breadwinner

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Traditional gender roles often place the expectation on men to be the primary financial provider, and these expectations can be overwhelming and outdated. Men wish that their partners would understand that financial responsibilities should be shared, and it’s okay for women to be the breadwinners too.

Always Having the Perfect Answer

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Life is full of complex questions and situations, and expecting men to always have the perfect answer is unrealistic, leading men to want a situation where they’re not expected to be all-knowing sages. Everyone makes mistakes and has their own learning curve. Understanding that it’s okay to not have all the answers and working through problems together can create a more supportive relationship.

Keeping Emotions in Check

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Society often teaches men to hide their emotions and be stoic; however, this expectation can be incredibly damaging. Men want to be allowed to express their feelings without judgement. Bottling up emotions isn’t healthy for anyone, no matter your gender.

Doing All the Chivalrous Acts

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While chivalry is often appreciated, most men secretly hope to not always be the one doing the chivalrous acts. It’s nice to open doors, pay for dates, and offer a coat when it’s cold, but it should be a two-way street. Small acts of kindness from both sides can make the relationship more balanced.

Having a High-Paying Job

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Not every man has a high-flying career, and wanting him to have a high-paying job can be stressful. Men wish women would understand that job satisfaction and passion for their work are just as important as the salary they bring home. Supporting their career choices, regardless of the pay, is important.

Looking Like a Model

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Media and societal standards often pressure men to look a certain way, just as they do women, and a man doesn’t want a woman who looks for the perfect body or for them to look like a model. Everyone has their own unique appearance, and accepting each other as they are is crucial.

Always Being Confident

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Confidence is attractive, but asking men to always be confident can be unrealistic, owed to the fact that everyone has moments of doubt and insecurity. It would be better if women would understand that they too have their fears and uncertainties. Supporting them during these times and recognising their efforts can help boost that confidence.

Having the Perfect Relationship Plan

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Not every man has a detailed plan for the future of the relationship, and that’s okay. It’s often wished that women would stop expecting them to have everything figured out from the get-go. Relationships are about growing together and figuring things out as you go along. Being flexible and understanding that plans can evolve over time can make the journey more enjoyable.

Handling Every Household Chore

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While sharing household chores is important, men hope that it’s not anticipated for them to take on every single task. A balanced approach where both partners contribute to the household duties can make things smoother. Recognising and appreciating each other’s efforts in maintaining the home can lead to a more harmonious living situation.

Being the Life of the Party

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Not all men are extroverted or enjoy being the centre of attention at social gatherings, after all, and some have a wish that women would stop expecting them to always be the life of the party. It’s important to respect their social preferences and understand that everyone has different levels of comfort in social situations.

Knowing Everything About Fashion

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Fashion isn’t everyone’s forte, and there’s a hope that female partners stop expecting men to always have a keen sense of style. While looking good is important, not every man is interested in the latest trends or designer brands. Valuing their personal style and understanding that fashion might not be their priority can lead to a more relaxed approach.

Remembering Every Detail

Photo Credit: George Rudy/Shutterstock

Men also hope women would stop expecting them to remember every little detail, from anniversaries to favourite foods. While making an effort to remember important things is crucial, expecting flawless memory can be unrealistic. Gentle reminders and understanding that everyone forgets sometimes can make the relationship more forgiving.

Having the Same Interests

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It’s unrealistic to think that both partners will share all the same interests and hobbies, and understanding that having different interests is healthy and normal is something most men would appreciate from a partner. Celebrating each other’s individual passions can bring a refreshing diversity to the relationship.

Always Being Ready for Intimacy

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Additionally men wish women would stop expecting them to always be in the mood for intimacy. Just like women, men can also experience stress, fatigue, or a lack of desire at times. Respecting their feelings and understanding that intimacy is a mutual experience can foster a more respectful and loving relationship.

Providing Endless Entertainment

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Did you also know that most men don’t want women to depend on them for entertainment and to keep things exciting? Relationships are a two-way street, and both partners should contribute to making life interesting and fun. Sharing the responsibility of planning activities and creating memorable moments is much better.

Handling All the Finances

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Managing finances can be challenging, and asking one partner to handle everything can be overwhelming, which is why a lot of men wish women would understand that financial management should be a shared responsibility. Working together on budgeting, saving, and spending can lead to better financial stability, after all.

Being Emotionally Available 24/7

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Lastly, while emotional availability is important, many men in relationships want a partner who will stop expecting them to be emotionally present all the time. Everyone needs their own space and time to recharge, and respecting each other’s emotional needs means feeling more valued.