19 Things Only Brits Do When They’re Drunk

Pete Law

Alcohol is a big part of British culture, and if there’s one thing the Brits are known for, it’s their unique behaviour when they’ve had a few too many. Whether it’s pub traditions or quirky habits, the way Brits handle their alcohol can be quite amusing. Here are 19 classic things that only the British seem to do when they’re drunk.

Craving a Late-Night Kebab

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Healthline reveals that “Alcohol makes you more pliable to the moment and your brain thinks you’re starving,” so after a night of drinking, nothing hits the spot quite like a greasy kebab. The British flock to their local kebab shops, where the queues are long, but the wait is worth it. Whether it’s a doner, shish, or a wrap, this late-night feast is a beloved tradition.

Taking Selfies Everywhere

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A night out isn’t complete without a plethora of selfies. Brits love to capture the moment, and you’ll find them snapping photos in the pub, on the street, and even in that kebab shop. These photos are usually filled with happy, smiling faces and serve as a record of a night well spent.

Engaging in Deep Conversations with Strangers

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Alcohol seems to unlock the philosopher in every person from the UK, and they become chatty and dive into deep, often existential, conversations with people they’ve just met. These topics range from the meaning of life to the best local chippy and everything in between. The best part? These intense discussions usually end with a heartfelt hug and a promise to keep in touch.

Overusing the Word “Mate”

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The word “mate” becomes even more prevalent in the vocabulary of a tipsy British person. Everyone, from the bartender to complete strangers, becomes their mate, and this term of endearment flows freely as they attempt to bond with anyone within arm’s reach, creating a temporary but heartfelt camaraderie.

Singing Loudly in Public

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One of the most entertaining sights on a British night out is the spontaneous pub choir. Brits love to belt out their favourite tunes after a few drinks, often choosing classic hits or football anthems. Whether it’s outside the pub, in the street, or on public transport—you can expect an impromptu sing-along that turns the mundane into a mini-concert.

Complimenting Everyone

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Drunk locals in the UK turn into the ultimate hype men and women, showering everyone with compliments, from their friends to the person behind the bar. “You look amazing!” or “I love your shoes!” are phrases you’ll hear repeatedly. This overwhelming positivity makes everyone feel like a million quid, even if just for a night.

Attempting Accents

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For some reason, a few pints can turn any Brit into an amateur linguist. They’ll start attempting accents from around the UK and the world, often with hilarious results. Whether it’s trying to mimic a Scottish brogue or an Australian twang, the outcome is usually a mix of laughter and confusion.

Dancing Like No One’s Watching

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When Brits are drunk, their dance moves know no bounds, and this means awkward shuffles or full-on dance routines—they let loose without a care in the world. The dance floor, street, or even a quiet corner of the pub becomes their stage, and their uninhibited moves are a joy to watch (most of the time).

Getting Nostalgic

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A few drinks can bring out the sentimental side of the English when they start reminiscing about the good old days. They often drag friends down memory lane, recounting stories of school days, past relationships, and old holidays with a mix of laughter and a touch of sadness.

Becoming Overly Generous

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Generosity flows as freely as the drinks. Brits become incredibly generous when they’re drunk, often buying rounds for friends and sometimes even strangers. This can lead to an expensive night out, but it’s all part of the fun and provides a sense of community.

Forming Unlikely Friendships

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Alcohol has a magical way of turning strangers into friends. On a typical night out, British people will strike up conversations and form instant bonds with people they’d never usually talk to. These unlikely friendships might not last beyond the night, but they make for unforgettable memories.

Laughing at Themselves

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A great thing about drunk Brits is their ability to laugh at themselves. They don’t take things too seriously and can find humour in almost any situation. Whether they’re tripping over their own feet or spilling a drink (which is likely), they laugh it off and keep the good times rolling.

Showing Undying Loyalty to Their Favourite Pub

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Every person has a favourite local pub, and their loyalty to it becomes even more pronounced when they’re drunk. They’ll extol its virtues to anyone who will listen, insisting it’s the best pub in town, and this loyalty often includes a strong opinion about the quality of the beer and the friendliness of the staff.

Getting Emotional

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Alcohol can turn the most stoic British person into a bundle of emotions, so tears might flow as they open up about their feelings, often in the arms of a friend. It’s a cathartic release that brings people closer together, even if it means a few mascara-streaked faces and comforting hugs along the way.

Engaging in Drunken Debates

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Debating is a favourite pastime of those from the United Kingdom. They’ll argue passionately about anything, including politics and football teams, often with no clear winner. These debates can get heated, but they’re usually all in good fun and rarely lead to any real conflict.

Ordering Weird Drinks

Photo Credit: David Herraez Calzada/Shutterstock

After a few pints, Brits might venture into the realm of unusual drink orders, which includes experimenting with bizarre combinations and cocktails they’d never normally touch. Whether it’s a strange mix of spirits or an overly sweet concoction, the results are often surprising—and sometimes regrettable the next morning.

Hugging Everyone

Photo Credit: Olga Alberti/Shutterstock

Drunk UK locals are incredibly affectionate and will hug anyone within arm’s reach. Friends, acquaintances, and even the occasional stranger will find themselves wrapped in a warm, if slightly tipsy, embrace. These hugs are a sign of their friendly and open nature, making everyone feel welcome.

Losing All Sense of Direction

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Trying to find your way home after a night out can become a comedic adventure, often losing all sense of direction and ending up taking the longest possible route. This can lead to funny and sometimes frustrating situations, but eventually, they make it home – usually with a few extra stories to tell.

Swearing A Lot

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And lastly, the level of swearing increases significantly when Brits are drunk, as this casual use of profanity becomes a common part of their speech. This language is used to emphasise their points or express excitement, and while it might seem excessive to outsiders, it’s just another way they express themselves in the heat of the moment.