18 Reasons Why Modern Marriages Can’t Go The Distance

Pete Law

Marriage, once viewed as a lifelong commitment, is facing challenges in modern times, with many relationships failing to endure as they did in the past. Divorce rates are high, and couples break up for a variety of reasons, reflecting the evolving dynamics of modern relationships. This article examines 18 key factors causing marriages to end these days.


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According to Forbes, infidelity contributes to 60% of all divorces. Cheating breaks trust in the relationship. It also causes emotional distress. Most marriages don’t survive if someone finds out their partner is unfaithful. It’s hurtful, and being with someone who betrayed you can be very difficult.

Lack of Communication

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Disagreements are expected in any relationship. The Better Health Channel says good communication is the best way to resolve any conflicts healthily. Many couples don’t talk openly about their feelings and concerns. It causes misunderstandings, and many issues are left unresolved, leading to resentment.

Parenting Differences

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Research shows that parenting has a big impact on a child’s emotional and cognitive development. Therefore, it’s important to take precautions on how you raise your child and what values you teach them. Many couples have disagreements over parenting styles, which causes conflict.

Unrealistic Expectations

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No one is perfect, and no individual can be everything to another person. Sometimes people tend to expect too much from a relationship. Failing to accept your spouse’s flaws or refusing to forgive small transgressions often leads to disappointment and pent-up anger, which eventually causes breakups.

Conflict and Resentment

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Arguments that go unresolved create bitterness between partners. Constant disagreements create a negative atmosphere, making it difficult to find common ground. Couples lacking the skills to resolve conflicts effectively find themselves stuck in a cycle of resentment. They’re always fighting about something, and at times they choose not to talk at all.

Lack of Commitment

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Many people get into marriage without knowing what it takes to make it work. Couples find themselves unwilling to compromise their lives to accommodate their partner. Some people also have issues making big commitments like big financial investments or having children, which can end marriages.

Emotional Neglect

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People sometimes find themselves feeling lonely in their marriages. The increased responsibilities with work, children, and friends can distract you, and you may fail to connect with your partner. This sometimes leads to individuals seeking these attachments from other people. A lack of emotional connection also creates distance between couples.

Cultural and Social Changes

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Society has evolved a lot and marriage is no longer as sacred as it was seen in past generations. These days, people get married and have long-distance relationships, or they meet on the internet and reality shows and marry without even knowing much about their partners.

Lack of Intimacy

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Physical and emotional closeness often fade over time, leaving partners feeling disconnected. Busy schedules and stress contribute to this distance. Many couples struggle to find time for each other. Without creating time to bond with your spouse, many people grow apart and end their marriages when they don’t feel any affection.

Lack of Support System

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Couples need people to talk to about their struggles for guidance and encouragement. Sometimes, they need support both emotionally and in their day-to-day duties, either from family or friends. It reduces the burden on the relationship. A lack of a strong support network can cause tension in a marriage.

Different Life Goals

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People have varying aspirations and directions in life. When your goals clash with your partner’s, you might need to compromise, and failure to do so often leads to conflict. Without finding a middle ground or mutually acceptable compromises, partners may feel resentful or unsupported.

Financial Stress

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It’s reported that 20–40% of all divorces are because of money problems. Financial stress causes a lot of strain in relationships. It puts pressure on the partners and causes them to fight over how to use their money. Some couples resort to keeping secrets from their partners about their purchases.


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People tend to undermine their differences when dating, but it can become more apparent when you’re married. Differences in values, beliefs, or personalities can lead to constant clashes. Couples may struggle to find common ground, causing ongoing friction. Without addressing fundamental disparities, partners may feel misunderstood or unfulfilled in the relationship.

Addiction Issues

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Substance abuse can strain a marriage, breaking trust and stability. Addiction creates a cycle of broken promises. Some partners become physically and emotionally abusive. Without seeking help or support for recovery, the stress on the relationship increases. Partners may feel isolated or overwhelmed.

Emotional Baggage

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Unresolved emotional wounds from past experiences can affect the present relationship. Baggage from previous relationships or childhood trauma can impact trust and intimacy. Without addressing these issues, partners may struggle to fully connect or feel secure in the relationship. This hinders communication and closeness in the marriage.

Emotional Abuse

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Studies report almost an 80% rate of emotional abuse in intimate relationships. Many people abuse their partners, either using verbal attacks or manipulation tactics, creating a toxic environment and eroding trust and self-esteem. Victims of emotional abuse may feel trapped or powerless, unable to voice their concerns or seek help.

Technology Distraction

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A lot of fights in marriages are due to technology. Some people spend too much time on their phones, computers, or watching TV. Whether it’s for work or simply scrolling through social media, this causes conflicts in marriages. Excessive use of technology can distract partners from each other.

Inability to Adapt to Change

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People change with different life experiences and as they grow and mature. A good partner should be willing to improve with their spouse or adapt accordingly. Whether it’s career changes, relocation, or lifestyle adjustments, inflexibility can strain the relationship. Without embracing change and finding ways to navigate transitions together, partners may grow apart.