20 Ways to Be the Most Hated Person at the Gym

Jana Warner

When you step into a gym, you’re entering a shared space where everyone is there to better themselves. It’s a place of motivation, sweat, and sometimes even a bit of fun. However, to keep it that way, there are certain unspoken rules everyone should follow. These are 20 things that are unacceptable at the gym.

Poor Hygiene

male smell
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“Practicing good hygiene doesn’t have to be time-consuming or require expensive products,” says Healthline. Personal hygiene is crucial in a gym setting, as not only does it make the experience more pleasant for those around you, but it also keeps you healthy. Make sure to shower regularly, wear clean workout clothes, and use deodorant. Nobody wants to be next to someone with strong body odour or unwashed clothes.

Not Wiping Down Equipment

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No one wants to sit in a puddle of someone else’s sweat. It’s common courtesy to wipe down machines, benches, and any other equipment after you use them. Most gyms provide cleaning sprays and paper towels, so there’s really no excuse. Besides being respectful to others, it also helps maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of germs.

Hogging Equipment

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Gyms can get pretty crowded, especially during peak hours, so monopolising a piece of equipment while others are waiting can be really frustrating for them. Be mindful of how long you’re using something, and if you notice someone waiting, either invite them to join in with you or move on to a different exercise.

Using Your Phone Excessively

male happy gym
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While it’s fine to check your phone for workout plans or music, spending too much time on social media or texting can be annoying for others waiting to use equipment. It also distracts you from your workout. Keep your phone use to a minimum and stay focused on your fitness goals.

Dropping Weights Loudly

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Dropping weights can be dangerous and disruptive, and it can also damage the equipment and floor—not to mention the loud noise can startle others. If you’re lifting heavy, control your weights on the way down. If you can’t, it might be a sign to lift lighter until you build more strength.

Talking Loudly

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The gym is not the place for loud, lengthy conversations. Whether you’re chatting with a friend or on the phone, keeping your voice down is advised. People come to the gym to focus on their workouts, and loud talking can be a major distraction. Save the catching up for after your workout.

Not Re-racking Weights

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Leaving weights scattered around is one of the most common gym pet peeves. It’s not just about being tidy; it’s also a safety issue. Someone could trip over weights left on the floor, so always put weights and equipment back in their proper place when you’re finished.

Interrupting Others’ Workouts

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Everyone is at the gym for their own reasons, and interrupting someone’s workout can be incredibly frustrating. Whether you want to chat, ask for advice, or get help, be respectful of their time and space. Wait until they’re finished with their set or resting before approaching them.

Taking Up Multiple Machines

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Using several machines at once, especially when the gym is busy, is inconsiderate. Stick to one piece of equipment at a time, and if you’re doing a circuit, make sure it doesn’t prevent others from using what they need. Sharing the space ensures everyone gets a good workout.

Grunting Excessively

Woman and man working out at gym
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While some noise is expected when lifting heavy, excessive grunting can be distracting and off-putting. It’s fine to let out a little noise but keep it to a reasonable level. If you find yourself grunting loudly, you might be lifting too much and risking injury.


Photo Credit: Dusan-Petkovic/Shutterstock

The gym should be a comfortable place for everyone, and staring at others can make people feel self-conscious and uncomfortable. Whether you’re admiring someone’s form or physique or just spacing out, be mindful of where you’re looking and focus on your own workout instead.

Not Sharing

Man with good physique
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If someone asks to join in with you on a machine, be courteous and let them. Everyone has limited time, and sharing equipment can help everyone get their workout done more efficiently. Plus, you might make a new gym buddy!

Using Too Much Perfume or Cologne

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Strong scents can be just as offensive as body odour in a gym setting, and heavy perfumes and colognes can cause headaches and even allergic reactions for some people. Stick to a light scent or, better yet, go without. Your fresh, clean workout clothes are enough.

Blocking Walkways

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Gyms can get crowded, and blocking pathways with your workout setup or resting place can be a nuisance, so always be aware of your surroundings and keep walkways clear. This ensures everyone can move around safely and comfortably during their workout.

Improperly Dressed

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Wearing inappropriate clothing, like jeans or overly revealing outfits, can be distracting and uncomfortable for others, so you should be sure to dress in proper workout attire that is comfortable and functional. This not only helps you perform better but also respects the gym’s dress code.

Leaving Personal Items Around

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Cluttering the gym with personal items like bags, jackets, or water bottles can be annoying and create hazards. Use lockers or designated areas to store your belongings, because keeping the workout area tidy benefits everyone, and you really don’t need to carry everything with you.

Not Following Gym Rules

Woman lifting weights
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Every gym has its own set of rules, and not following them can create issues for everyone. Whether it’s wearing proper shoes, using equipment correctly, or adhering to time limits, respecting the rules helps maintain a positive environment, so make sure you check them when you first sign up.

Being a Know-It-All

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Offering unsolicited advice can be more irritating than helpful, so unless someone asks for your input, it’s best to keep your tips to yourself. Everyone has their own fitness journey, and they may not appreciate being told they’re doing something wrong.

Using Equipment Incorrectly

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Misusing equipment not only puts you at risk of injury but can also damage the equipment. This is why it’s important that you ask a staff member for guidance if you’re unsure how to use something. Proper use ensures you get the most out of your workout and keeps everything in good condition for others.

Not Respecting Personal Space

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One final thing to remember is to always respect the personal space of others. Gyms can get crowded, but it’s important to be aware of how much space others need. Avoid setting up too close to someone else or encroaching on their workout area. Everyone needs a bit of room to feel comfortable and complete their exercises safely, after all.