19 Reasons Why You Keep Attracting Toxic People

Jana Warner

If you’re tired of finding yourself surrounded by toxic people time and time again, you’re not alone. Many of us have faced this issue at some point in our lives. Understanding why this happens is the first step to breaking the cycle. These are 19 reasons why you might be attracting toxic people.

You’re Too Nice

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“Agreeableness is lauded for a good reason,” says Forbes, as being kind and considerate is a wonderful trait, but sometimes, people can take advantage of your generosity. Toxic individuals often prey on those who are too nice because they know you’re less likely to set boundaries or say no. They might manipulate your kindness to get what they want, leaving you feeling used and exhausted.

Low Self-Esteem

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If you struggle with low self-esteem, you might believe you don’t deserve better treatment, which can make you a magnet for toxic people. They can sense your vulnerability and exploit it to boost their own ego. Building your self-esteem is crucial. Start by acknowledging your worth and surrounding yourself with positive influences.

You Ignore Red Flags

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Sometimes, we see the warning signs but choose to ignore them, hoping things will get better, and this can be a dangerous habit. Toxic people often show their true colours early on, but if you’re too forgiving or hopeful, you might overlook these red flags.

Fear of Being Alone

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The fear of being alone can drive you to tolerate unhealthy relationships. You might think that any company is better than none, but this isn’t true. Toxic people can drain your energy and make you feel even more isolated. Embrace solitude as an opportunity for self-growth and remember that a healthy relationship is worth waiting for.

People-Pleasing Tendencies

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If you have a strong desire to please others, you might find it difficult to stand up for yourself, and toxic people thrive on this, as it allows them to control and manipulate you. It’s essential to prioritise your own needs and learn that it’s okay to say how you really feel.

Unresolved Past Trauma

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Past traumas can have a significant impact on your present relationships. If you’ve experienced emotional or physical abuse, you might subconsciously seek out similar dynamics because they feel familiar. Working through your past with a therapist can help you break these patterns and build healthier relationships.

Overly Empathetic Nature

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Being empathetic is a beautiful quality, but it can also make you susceptible to toxic individuals, as you might feel compelled to help them, even at your own expense. While it’s great to offer support, it’s important to recognise when your empathy is being taken advantage of.

Lack of Boundaries

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Without clear boundaries, you can easily become a target for toxic behaviour. People will push as far as you allow them to, so it’s crucial to set limits and enforce them. Boundaries aren’t about shutting people out; they’re about protecting your emotional and mental well-being.

Misinterpreting Compatibility

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Sometimes, what feels like compatibility might actually be a toxic dynamic, as you might mistake intensity for intimacy or drama for excitement. It’s important to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships. True compatibility is based on mutual respect, trust, and support, not constant conflict.

You’re a Fixer

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If you have a strong urge to fix others, you might attract people who need fixing. Toxic individuals often look for someone who will solve their problems, and if you’re always stepping into that role, you’ll find yourself drained and unappreciated. Remember, it’s not your job to fix anyone.

Seeking Validation

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If you seek validation from others, you might attract toxic people who exploit this need, because they’ll give you just enough approval to keep you hooked, but never enough to make you feel truly valued. Learning to validate yourself and finding confidence from within can help you avoid these manipulative relationships.

Confusing Love with Pity

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It’s easy to confuse love with pity, especially if you’re empathetic. You might feel sorry for someone and mistake that for romantic feelings. Toxic people can sense this confusion and use it to their advantage. Recognise that love should be based on affection, not on feeling sorry for someone.

Attracted to Drama

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If you find yourself drawn to drama, you might be unconsciously attracting toxic people who bring chaos into your life; drama can be addictive because it creates a sense of excitement. But, it’s ultimately draining and unhealthy. Focus on finding stability and peace in your relationships instead of constant turmoil.

Ignoring Your Intuition

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Your intuition is a powerful tool, but if you ignore it, you might end up in toxic situations. That gut feeling you get when something isn’t right is worth listening to. Trusting your intuition can help you avoid toxic people and make better decisions about who you let into your life.

Belief in Potential Over Reality

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Seeing the potential in someone is admirable, but it can also lead you into toxic relationships. You might focus on what someone could become rather than who they are now. While it’s good to be hopeful, it’s important to accept people for who they are and not try to change them.

Overlooking Compatibility Issues

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Compatibility issues often get overlooked in the initial stages of a relationship, especially if there’s a strong physical or emotional attraction. However, these issues can become significant problems over time. Pay attention to whether your values, goals, and lifestyles align with those of the people you’re attracting.

Attracted to Narcissistic Traits

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Narcissistic individuals can be charming and charismatic, making them attractive at first glance; however, their self-centred behaviour can quickly become toxic. If you’re drawn to confident, assertive people, make sure you’re not mistaking narcissism for healthy self-assurance. Look for signs of genuine empathy.

Not Prioritising Yourself

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If you consistently put others’ needs before your own, you might find yourself attracting people who take advantage of this. It’s important to prioritise your own well-being and ensure that your needs are being met in relationships. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary for maintaining healthy, balanced interactions with others.

Fear of Confrontation

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Avoiding confrontation can lead you to tolerate toxic behaviour longer than you should. You might fear rocking the boat or making things worse, but addressing issues head-on is crucial. Healthy relationships involve open communication and resolving conflicts constructively. Don’t be afraid to speak up and assert your boundaries.