18 Biggest Turn-Offs for Men in Dating

Jana Warner

When it comes to dating, everyone has their likes and dislikes. While chemistry and shared interests can bring people together, certain behaviours and traits can be real deal-breakers. Here are 18 of the biggest turn-offs for men in the dating world.

Constant Complaining

man complain
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“People who complain a lot are struggling with obsessive thoughts that lead them to ruminate,” says Psychology Today. While that’s something you could work through in a committed relationship, it’s not something men want to deal with during the early days of dating. They appreciate a partner who can find the silver lining.

Lack of Appreciation

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Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and men are no different; a lack of appreciation for the little things they do can be disheartening. Whether it’s cooking a meal, fixing something around the house, or just being there to listen, showing gratitude goes a long way.

Overly Jealous Behaviour

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While a little jealousy can sometimes be flattering, overly jealous behaviour can be a big red flag. Constantly questioning where he’s been, who he’s with, or snooping through his phone can create a sense of mistrust and insecurity in the relationship. Men value trust and independence.

Being Rude to Others

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How you treat others speaks volumes about your character, and a man will notice when their date is rude to waitstaff, cashiers, or even strangers. It’s a major turn-off when someone is consistently impolite or dismissive to those around them. Respect and kindness are attractive qualities, and a lack of these can quickly diminish interest.

High Maintenance

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Being high maintenance can be off-putting for many men. This doesn’t mean enjoying nice things or taking care of yourself is a problem, but when it becomes excessive and demanding, it can be draining. Expecting lavish gifts, constant attention, or becoming upset when things don’t go perfectly can make the relationship feel more like a chore.

Poor Communication

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We know that effective communication is key to any successful relationship, so when someone has poor communication skills, it can lead to misunderstandings, frustration, and conflict. Men appreciate partners who can express their feelings clearly, listen actively, and engage in meaningful conversations.


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Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and dishonesty can quickly erode that trust. Whether lying about small things or hiding significant information, dishonesty is a major turn-off. Men value transparency and honesty in their partners, and once trust is broken, it’s difficult to rebuild.

Constant Drama

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Life has its ups and downs, but constant drama can be overwhelming, and a man will generally prefer stability and peace in his relationships. If every day brings a new crisis or argument, it can be exhausting and unsustainable. Managing conflicts maturely and striving for a drama-free relationship is much more appealing.

Lack of Independence

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While spending time together is important, so is maintaining a sense of independence. Men find it attractive when their partner has their own hobbies, interests, and social life. A lack of independence can make the relationship feel suffocating and lead to a loss of individuality.

Being Materialistic

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Focusing too much on material possessions can be a significant turn-off, too, as men appreciate partners who value experiences, emotions, and connections over material goods. When someone is overly concerned with wealth, status, or physical appearance, it can come across as shallow.

Constant Need for Validation

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Everyone likes a compliment now and then, but a constant need for validation can be exhausting. Most men appreciate confidence and self-assurance in their partners, and if someone continually seeks reassurance about their appearance, actions, or decisions, it can create pressure.

Lack of Respect for Boundaries

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Respecting each other’s boundaries is non-negotiable in a relationship. When one partner continuously oversteps or disregards these boundaries, it can cause tension and discomfort. Men value their personal space and time, and a lack of respect for this can be significantly off-putting.

Acting Overly Critical

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Being overly critical can also be damaging to a relationship. Constantly pointing out flaws, offering unsolicited advice, or nitpicking can make a partner feel inadequate and undervalued. People appreciate constructive feedback—but there’s a fine line between helpful suggestions and relentless criticism.

Playing Games

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If you’re playing mind games or being manipulative, this isn’t something a man is going to have time for, as they prefer straightforward and honest communication. When someone plays hard to get, gives mixed signals, or uses manipulation to get what they want, it creates confusion.

Excessive Neediness

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While it’s normal to want attention and affection from your partner, excessive neediness can be overwhelming. Constantly needing reassurance, being overly dependent, or requiring too much attention can make the relationship feel one-sided. Men appreciate a balance between closeness and independence.

Lack of Ambition

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Ambition and drive are attractive qualities, which is why a lack of ambition or motivation can be a turn-off for men who value progress and personal growth. Whether it’s career goals, personal development, or hobbies, having aspirations shows a sense of purpose and passion.

Poor Hygiene

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Good hygiene is a basic expectation in dating, so it’s no surprise poor hygiene can be an immediate turn-off. It suggests a lack of self-care and respect for yourself. People appreciate partners who take care of their physical appearance and maintain cleanliness – it’s not about looking perfect, but basic grooming and cleanliness.

Being Closed-Minded

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One final turn-off is if a date is closed-minded. Open-mindedness is an attractive trait; therefore, being unwilling to consider different perspectives can be a significant problem. Men value partners who are open to new ideas, willing to try new things, and respect differing opinions.