17 Ways Women Test Men Without Them Knowing

Jana Warner

Everyone has their own ways of figuring out if someone is truly compatible in a relationship, and women, in particular, often have subtle methods of testing their partners without them even realising it. We’ve listed the 17 most common ways that women test men without them knowing.

How He Handles Waiting

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According to Forbes, “Patience brings out the best in us,” and women sometimes test a man’s patience by making him wait. Whether it’s showing up a little late for a date or taking time to respond to a text, she might want to see how he reacts. If he stays calm and understanding, it’s a good sign he’s patient and respectful.

Meeting Her Friends

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Friends are important, and their opinions often hold weight. A woman may introduce a man to her friends to see how he interacts with them. This is a test to see if he can get along with her social circle. It’s a great sign if he treats them with respect and is genuinely interested in getting to know the people who matter to her.

How He Treats Others

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How a man treats waitstaff, strangers, or anyone he interacts with in daily life can reveal a lot about his character. Women often pay attention to these interactions to see if he’s polite, kind, and respectful to everyone, not just to her. If he treats others well, it’s a strong indication that he has a good heart.

His Reactions to Her Success

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A woman wants to be with someone who supports her ambitions and celebrates her successes, so she might share her achievements or goals to see how he reacts. A supportive and proud reaction is a great sign—whereas envy or indifference can be concerning.

Testing His Sense of Humor

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Humour is one of the strongest parts of any relationship, and women often test a man’s sense of humour early on. She might tell a joke, make a witty remark, or even engage in a bit of playful teasing to see how he responds. If he can laugh along and doesn’t take himself too seriously, it’s a good sign.

Assessing Listening Skills

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It might also be that a woman tests listening skills – they’re a crucial part of communication, after all. They may test this by sharing something important or personal and seeing how well he pays attention and remembers details later on.

Gauging His Ambition

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Ambition and future plans are important in a long-term relationship, so conversations about his career goals or life plans might be casually brought up to gauge his level of ambition. She’s looking for someone who has goals and is motivated to achieve them, and a lack of ambition or direction can be a red flag for some women.

Willingness to Compromise

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Compromise is always needed in any relationship. A woman will often test a man’s willingness to compromise by suggesting something he might not be too excited about, like watching a movie she loves or trying out a new activity. His willingness to participate and show interest, even if it’s not his first choice, can indicate much-needed flexibility.

How He Reacts to Criticism

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No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Some female partners might gently criticise something minor to see how their man reacts. Is he defensive and dismissive, or does he take it in stride and show a willingness to improve? How a man handles criticism can reveal a lot about his maturity.

Observing His Spending Habits

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Financial responsibility is a big deal in relationships, and most women observe how a man handles his money—whether he’s a big spender, saver, or somewhere in between. This isn’t about how much money he has but rather how he manages it, like responsible spending habits.

Testing His Jealousy Levels

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A little jealousy can be normal, but excessive jealousy can be a red flag. Mentioning a male friend or past relationship can be done to gauge his reaction. A reasonable level of curiosity or mild jealousy is fine, but overly possessive or insecure behaviour can be concerning.

His Interest in Her Hobbies

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Showing interest in each other’s hobbies can strengthen a relationship; a woman could invite a man to join her in an activity she enjoys to see if he’s willing to participate. His willingness to engage and try new things, even if they’re not his usual interests, shows openness—and she’ll be happy about that.

Dealing with Stressful Situations

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You need only put someone in a stressful situation to learn a lot about their true character. A woman will be interested in seeing how a man handles stress, whether it’s a minor inconvenience or a bigger issue. His ability to stay calm, solve problems, and support her during tough times is crucial.

How He Talks About His Exes

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The way a man talks about his past relationships can be very telling, as most women will wonder whether he will ever speak about them that way one day. Speaking kindly about past partners indicates maturity and respect, while negativity can be a red flag that he might bring unnecessary drama or unresolved issues into a new relationship.

Observing His Body Language

couple happy
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Body language often speaks louder than words, so she’ll also pay attention to how a man acts around her—whether he’s attentive, makes eye contact, or shows signs of genuine interest. Positive body language, like facing her while talking and maintaining good eye contact, can indicate that he’s genuinely engaged.

Checking His Hygiene and Grooming

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A man’s attention to cleanliness and how he presents himself can reflect his self-respect and how much effort he’s willing to put into looking good for her. Neglect in this area can be a turn-off, indicating a lack of self-care or consideration for her preferences.

His Reaction to Kids or Pets

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One final test can be in reaction to kids or pets. This test helps gauge his nurturing and compassionate side. Positive interactions show that he’s caring and patient, which are important traits for future parenting or pet ownership, while negative reactions can be a sign that he might not be ready for such responsibilities.