How to Tell If Someone Has Zero Respect for You

Pete Law

Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship, whether it’s with friends, family, or colleagues. But how can you tell if someone genuinely respects you or not? Here are 21 key signs to watch out for that can help you identify when someone has zero respect for you.

Your Boundaries are Ignored

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Forbes explains that boundaries make sure you’re “not taken for granted by either your loved ones or your colleagues,” and respecting these boundaries is crucial in any relationship. So if someone repeatedly crosses your personal or emotional boundaries, it’s a strong indication that they don’t respect you.

Belittling Your Achievements

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People who have no respect for you often downplay your successes and achievements; they might make snide comments or joke about your hard-earned accomplishments, making you feel like they aren’t a big deal. This can be incredibly disheartening and can even make you doubt your abilities.

They Interrupt You Constantly

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When someone keeps cutting you off mid-sentence, it’s a clear sign they don’t value what you have to say. This behaviour shows a lack of patience and an unwillingness to listen, indicating they don’t see your thoughts and opinions as important. Consistent interruption can make you feel unheard and unimportant.

They Make You Feel Guilty

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A person who doesn’t respect you might use guilt to manipulate you, and they’ll make you feel bad for their own mistakes or for saying “no” to something you’re uncomfortable with. This manipulative tactic is designed to control you and make you question your own judgement, which is a clear sign of disrespect.

They Never Apologise

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Everyone makes mistakes, but a respectful person acknowledges their wrongs and apologises sincerely. If someone never admits fault or apologises when they’ve hurt you, it shows they don’t respect you enough to care about your feelings; and their inability to apologise is a way of dismissing the impact their actions have on you.

Only Contacting You When They Need Something

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If you only hear from someone when they need a favour or support, it’s a sign, because it shows that they see you as a means to an end rather than a valued person in their life. True respect involves mutual give-and-take, not one-sided benefit.

Talking Behind Your Back

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Gossiping about you or sharing your personal information with others without your consent is a serious sign of disrespect, and it reveals they don’t value your trust or your privacy. This behaviour can damage your reputation and break the trust in your relationship, too.

They Publicly Criticise You

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Public criticism is humiliating and indicates a complete lack of respect. If someone often points out your flaws or mistakes in front of others, it shows they don’t care about your feelings or your dignity. Constructive feedback should be given privately and with kindness, after all.

You’re Taken Advantage Of

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When someone consistently takes advantage of your kindness, time, or resources without showing appreciation or reciprocation, it’s a clear sign; they might assume you’ll always be there to help, without considering your needs or feelings. This exploitation is a major red flag.

They Dismiss Your Opinions

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If an individual regularly dismisses your opinions or makes you feel like your ideas are not worth considering, they lack respect for you, and this can happen in both personal and professional settings, where your input is constantly overlooked or undervalued. You can then be made to feel insignificant.

Promises are Always Broken

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A lack of respect is also demonstrated through a person who frequently breaks promises or commitments to you. Keeping promises is a basic way to show reliability and consideration for someone else’s time and feelings. When someone fails to follow through, it shows they don’t prioritise you enough.

They Show No Interest in Your Life

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Respectful relationships involve genuine interest in each other’s lives; when someone never asks about your day, your interests, or your well-being, it’s a sign they don’t concern themselves enough to know you. Their disinterest shows that they don’t value you or consider you important.

Using You As a Punching Bag

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Emotionally dumping on you or using you as a scapegoat for their problems is a clear indication, as this person might constantly offload their stress and negativity onto you, disregarding your feelings and well-being. Such behaviour shows they don’t respect your emotional boundaries.

Lying to You

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Honesty is a cornerstone of respect. If someone frequently lies to you, whether about big things or small, it shows they don’t care about you enough to be truthful. Lies undermine trust and demonstrate a lack of integrity, making it clear that the person doesn’t value your relationship.

They Don’t Support You

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In a respectful relationship, support is mutual, therefore someone who doesn’t cheer you on or support you during challenging times shows they don’t regard you enough to be there for you. Their absence during critical moments indicates they don’t value your success either.

You Feel Uncomfortable

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You shouldn’t constantly feel uncomfortable around someone, so feeling uneasy or on edge is a sign you know they don’t value you; and they might make inappropriate jokes, invade your personal space, or act in ways that make you feel uncomfortable. This lack of consideration tells you all you need to know.

They Show Contempt

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Contempt is a clear sign of disrespect and can be expressed through eye-rolling, sneering, or mocking. Someone who frequently does this to you is only revealing that they see you as inferior or unworthy of basic decency, which can affect your sense of worth.

They Don’t Listen

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When someone doesn’t pay attention to you when you’re speaking, it shows they don’t value what you have to say; they might be distracted, checking their phone, or just not making an effort to understand you. This lack of attention indicates they don’t consider you important enough to listen to.

You’re Blamed for Everything

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Blaming you for things that go wrong, even when it’s not your fault, is an indicator of lack of respect; this person refuses to take responsibility and instead makes you the scapegoat for their problems. This unfair treatment shows they don’t care nor consider your perspective.

They Make You Feel Insecure

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When you’re consistently made to doubt yourself or you always feel insecure, it can be a result of the other person always criticising your choices, questioning your abilities, or making you feel inadequate. All of this destroys your confidence and shows that they don’t value you as you are.

Never Respecting Your Time

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One last way you can tell if someone has zero respect for you is if they’re constantly being late, cancelling plans last minute, or wasting your time. All of this indicates that they don’t value your time or see it as important. Respectful people understand and honour the importance of schedules and commitments.