22 Behaviors You’re Unlikely to Engage in When You’re Happy in Your Relationship

Pete Law

Being in a happy relationship is all about love, trust, and respect, but there are certain things that just don’t happen when you’re truly content with your partner. Check out these 22 things you’ll never do if you’re happy in your relationship. See how many you can relate to – and keep your love life thriving!

Losing Their Individual Identities

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In a happy couple, both partners understand the value of maintaining their individual interests and hobbies. “Relationships can enable you to grow together…while you continue growing independently,” confirms Dr. Jacquelyn Johnson on PsychCentral.

Letting External Influences Dominate

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In a happy relationship, it’s all about what’s inside their little world, not the noise outside. Sure, they listen to advice from friends and family, but with a high degree of emotional intelligence, or, as Psychology Today defines, “the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions”, they know it’s their opinions and feelings that matter most.

Failing to Apologize

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One key trait of happy individuals in relationships is their readiness to apologize when they’re wrong. They understand that acknowledging mistakes and sincerely apologizing not only shows respect for their partner but also strengthens the relationship’s foundation.

Dismissing Their Partner’s Opinions

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Happy partners treat each other’s opinions with the utmost respect. They don’t just listen – they actively consider their significant other’s viewpoints. This approach fosters a climate of mutual respect and collaborative decision-making, crucial in any thriving relationship.

Disregarding Their Partner’s Feelings

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Happy couples are like emotional detectives; they’re always tuned into each other’s feelings. They don’t just hear, they listen – really listen. If their partner is feeling down, they’re there with a shoulder to lean on, a joke to lighten the mood, or sometimes, just a silent hug.

Overlooking Small Acts of Kindness

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Here’s a fun fact: in the world of happy relationships, it’s often the little things that count the most. We’re talking about those tiny gestures of love – like making a cup of coffee just the way they like it, or leaving a silly note in their lunchbox. These aren’t grand, sweeping gestures of romance, but they’re the everyday sprinkles of sweetness that make the relationship feel special.

Neglecting Lines of Communication

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Open and honest communication is the lifeblood of a happy relationship. Couples in a good place make sure to share their thoughts, feelings, and desires regularly. This transparency helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that both partners feel heard and valued.

Taking Their Partner for Granted

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Gratitude is a constant practice among contented couples. They know the importance of acknowledging and appreciating each other’s efforts and sacrifices. This practice reinforces the relationship’s foundation and deepens mutual respect.

Avoiding Difficult Conversations

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Happy couples don’t avoid tough topics. They approach sensitive issues with maturity and understanding, knowing that addressing problems directly only strengthens their relationship and deepens their trust in each other.

Holding Grudges

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Forgiveness is key in joyful relationships. Happy couples choose to let go of past conflicts and move forward, understanding that holding grudges hinders emotional growth and the health of the relationship.

Making Unfair Comparisons

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Comparing your relationship to others is a trap that happy couples avoid. They focus on nurturing their unique bond and celebrating their own journey, understanding that every relationship is different and that comparisons can lead to unrealistic expectations and discontent.

Overlooking Self-Care

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The World Health Organization defines self-care as “the ability…to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.” By investing time in self-care, we ensure we bring our best selves to a partnership.

Ignoring Both People’s Needs

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In a happy relationship, attentiveness to each other’s needs is paramount. These couples strive to understand and meet their partner’s emotional and physical needs, fostering an environment where both feel valued, respected, and loved.

Allowing Jealousy to Overpower Trust

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Trust is the foundation of a happy relationship, and couples in such relationships manage feelings of insecurity or jealousy with open communication and reassurance. This approach builds a strong foundation of trust that fortifies their bond.

Forgetting to Celebrate Each Other

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Recognizing and celebrating each other’s successes is a habit of happy couples. They make it a point to rejoice in both the big and small victories together, reinforcing their emotional connection and shared joy.

Consistently Prioritizing Work Over Relationship

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Balancing work and personal life is crucial for relationship happiness. Happy couples are careful to ensure that their professional commitments don’t consistently overshadow their relationship, maintaining a sense of priority and belonging.

Neglecting Physical and Emotional Intimacy

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Maintaining both physical and emotional intimacy is something happy couples are keenly aware of. They invest in deep, meaningful conversations, affectionate moments, and a healthy sexual connection, viewing these aspects as vital to a fulfilling relationship.

Avoiding Personal Growth

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Continual self-improvement is a shared value among happy couples. They support each other’s personal development, knowing that growing together keeps the relationship dynamic and fulfilling.

Letting Small Misunderstandings Escalate

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Proactively addressing misunderstandings is a trait of happy couples. They tackle conflicts with calmness and clarity, aiming to resolve issues promptly. This approach is key to maintaining harmony and understanding in the relationship.

Refusing to Compromise

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Think about those couples who seem to glide through conflicts like they’re doing a tango. That’s because they’ve got the art of compromise down to a tee. In a happy relationship, it’s not all about ‘my way or the highway.’ Instead, it’s about meeting in the middle, sometimes grudgingly, sometimes with a laugh, but always with the understanding that a little give-and-take is the secret sauce to keeping things smooth.

Neglecting Quality Time Together

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You won’t find happy couples glued to their screens in different rooms every evening. Instead, they make spending quality time together a top priority. This isn’t about just co-existing in the same space; it’s about truly being with each other, whether they’re sharing a meal, going on a walk, or just chatting about everything and nothing.

Losing Sight of Shared Dreams

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Picture a couple with their eyes sparkling as they talk about their future plans – that’s a sign of a happy relationship. These couples dream together and work as a team towards their goals. Whether it’s saving up for a dream vacation, planning to start a family, or building a business, they’re in it together.