20 Things Men Do That Drive Women Crazy

Pete Law

Relationships are full of special moments, but they also come with their fair share of frustrations. While every couple is unique, certain habits and behaviours can universally drive women up the wall. These are the 20 common things men do guaranteed to drive a woman crazy.

Leaving the Toilet Seat Up

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One of the classic complaints in relationships is men leaving the toilet seat up and according to Metro, “leaving it up is just sexist.” It might seem like a small thing, but to many women, it’s a sign of thoughtlessness. After all, it only takes a second to put it down, and doing so shows consideration for the next person.

Not Listening

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Another major grievance is when men don’t listen. Women often express themselves to feel heard and understood, not necessarily to receive solutions. If a man zones out or offers unsolicited advice instead of simply listening, it can make a woman feel unimportant or dismissed. Active listening, where you truly engage and respond thoughtfully, can make a huge difference.

Forgetting Important Dates

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Anniversaries, birthdays, and other significant dates hold a lot of meaning for many women, so a partner forgetting these occasions can come across as a lack of appreciation or effort in the relationship. Remembering and celebrating these dates shows that a man cherishes his partner and the milestones they’ve reached together.

Not Helping with Housework

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A big point of contention in many relationships is the household chores. If men don’t pitch in with housework, it places an unfair burden on women, who often end up doing the majority of the tasks. Sharing responsibilities around the house not only makes the workload more manageable but also demonstrates teamwork.

Poor Communication

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Good communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship so clamming up, avoiding discussing issues, or communicating in a way that’s unclear or misleading can drive women crazy. Open, honest, and clear communication on a regular basis helps to resolve conflicts in a relationship.

Lack of Emotional Expression

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Many women appreciate if their partners share their feelings and emotions and an emotionally unavailable man who is reluctant to express their feelings can create a sense of distance and isolation. Being open about emotions helps for intimacy and allows both partners to connect.

Ignoring Her Interests

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When men show little to no interest in their partner’s hobbies or passions, it can be disheartening. After all, sharing and showing enthusiasm for each other’s interests helps to strengthen the bond between partners. Even if it’s not something a man is naturally inclined towards, making an effort to engage shows that he values what’s important to her.

Taking Her for Granted

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Feeling taken for granted can be incredibly hurtful, so a man who stops appreciating the small things their partners do or expects certain behaviours without acknowledgment can create resentment. Regularly expressing gratitude can go a long way in maintaining a relationship.

Not Making Time for Her

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Busy schedules and life’s demands can make it hard to find quality time together, which is why it’s so important for a partner to prioritise spending time together. Not doing so can make women feel neglected. Making an effort to make time for meaningful activities—or simply being present—can strengthen the relationship.

Being Too Competitive

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While a bit of healthy competition can be fun, being overly competitive can be exhausting. A man who constantly feels the need to one-up their partners or turn everything into a competition creates unnecessary tension. Balancing competition with cooperation is more important.

Failing to Take Care of Themselves

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Self-care isn’t just important for women; men need it too. When men neglect their health, hygiene, or personal development, it can be frustrating for their partners. Taking care of yourself shows self-respect and consideration for your partner, as it make sure they are bringing their best self.

Inconsistent Behaviour

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Consistency is key in relationships. Men who are unpredictable or frequently change their minds, it can create confusion and insecurity for their partners. Consistent actions and words help to build trust and reliability, which are foundational for any lasting relationship.

Talking Over Her

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Interrupting or talking over a partner during conversations is a major pet peeve; not allowing a woman to finish her thoughts or consistently dominating conversations might feel dismissive and disrespectful. Respectful communication involves listening and giving space for both partners to express themselves fully.

Being Overly Critical

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Constructive feedback is important, but constant criticism can be damaging, so when a man is overly critical, it can chip away at a woman’s self-esteem and create a negative environment. Balancing feedback with positive reinforcement helps for a better relationship.

Lack of Initiative

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Taking the initiative in planning dates, making decisions, or addressing issues is highly valued; women don’t like it when they’re left with all the planning and decision-making, as it can be tiring and frustrating. Sharing the responsibility and showing initiative demonstrates commitment.

Comparing Her to Others

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Comparisons can be incredibly hurtful. If a man is comparing his partners to exes, friends, or celebrities, it can make women feel inadequate and undervalued. Focusing on the unique qualities and strengths of your partner alone means a positive relationship dynamic.

Avoiding Commitment

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Fear of commitment is a common issue that drives many women crazy. When men are hesitant to define the relationship or make long-term plans, it can create uncertainty and anxiety. Clear communication about intentions and future plans helps to align both partners’ expectations and build a sense of security.

Being Dismissive of Her Feelings

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You should never brush off or minimise your partner’s feelings as a man; it can be incredibly invalidating. Everyone wants to feel understood and supported, especially in a relationship, so acknowledging—and empathising with—a partner’s emotions, even if you don’t fully understand them, shows care and respect.

Flirting with Others

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Flirting with other people, whether intentional or perceived, can be a major source of tension. It can make women feel insecure and question their partner’s loyalty. Maintaining boundaries and showing unwavering commitment to a partner helps to build trust and security in the relationship.

Not Apologising

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One final thing men do that drives women crazy is failing to say sorry. Apologising when wrong is key to any relationship, so a man who refuses to apologise or admit his mistake can lead to unresolved conflicts and lingering resentment. A sincere apology shows maturity, humility, and a willingness to repair things.