19 Subtle Questions Someone Might Ask To Sway Your Behavior And Opinions

Jana Warner

Manipulation is a subtle yet harmful form of emotional abuse, often used to control others and influence their beliefs or actions. It can be difficult to recognize, especially in close relationships. Here are some of the key questions manipulators ask to subtly sway your behavior and opinions.

“Do You Always Overthink Like This?”

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Undermining your decision-making process, this question attempts to make you believe that your careful consideration is a flaw rather than an asset. Manipulation like this can cause low levels of self-esteem and confidence, so try to trust yourself and remain firm in your thought processes.

“Aren’t You Overreacting a Bit?”

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Belittling your reactions or feelings, manipulators will often try to undermine your problems and highlight that they are worse off than you. According to Better Help, “Usually, the goal for this type of tactic is either to guilt-trip you into feeling bad or siphon all the attention, or they merely want you to stop talking.”

“Is This Really Worth Your Time?”

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Implying that your interests or concerns aren’t worthwhile, this question attempts to make you re-prioritize your time. If you face this in any relationship, try to reiterate that your interests are valuable to your life and that you’ve prioritized your time in a way that works for you.

“Don’t You Want to Be Liked?”

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Manipulators may use this because it plays on the human need for social acceptance and pressures you to comply with or conform to someone else’s norms or beliefs. This can lead to people sacrificing authentic parts of their personality or life in search of validation from others.

“Are You Sure You Understand What I Mean?”

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Manipulators will often attempt to make you doubt yourself, and this question weakens your argument or stance by making you doubt your interpretation of a discussion. Forbes says this is a type of gaslighting in which an abuser “aims to make you question the validity of your thoughts, beliefs, and memories and your overall perception of reality.”

“Don’t You Trust Me?”

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Another way to make you doubt yourself, manipulators use this question to guilt you into being completely trusting of them. In a long-term relationship, this could be extremely harmful, so try to remember that trust is built on consistency.

“Why Can’t You Just Let It Go?”

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This question is used to belittle your feelings or emotions around a problem you face. Dismissing your concerns in this way can lead to feelings of isolation or insignificance, so it’s important to assert yourself on these issues and encourage constructive conversations to find a solution.

“Why Are You Being So Emotional?”

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By delegitimizing your feelings or opinions, manipulators can frame you as irrational or overly sensitive. According to Psych Central, “emotional invalidation can make you feel unimportant or irrational. It can take many forms and happen at any time.”

“Why Do You Care So Much?”

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Another attempt to belittle your passions or concerns, this question tries to suggest that your investment in a particular issue or hobby is excessive or unnecessary. This can really impact your identity and change the way you express yourself.

“Can’t You Take a Joke?”

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As a sign of emotional manipulation, this tactic can be used to rid the abuser of responsibility. According to Healthline, “critical remarks may be disguised as humor or sarcasm. They may pretend they’re saying something in jest when what they’re really trying to do is plant a seed of doubt.”

“Aren’t You Being a Little Paranoid?”

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Casting doubt on your perceptions and insights, manipulators may use this to suggest your concerns are unnecessary or over the top. This is a form of gaslighting, as it’s used to undermine your trust in your own observations and judgments.

“Why Won’t You Agree With Me?”

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Pressuring you into conforming to their beliefs and values, this question is coercive and a sign of an unhealthy relationship. It’s important that in any relationship you have healthy interactions where your differing viewpoints allow you to learn and grow together.

“Do You Really Think That’s True?”

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Once again, this question is used by manipulators to make you doubt your beliefs or attempt to undermine your confidence. Manipulators may also use it to position themselves as the more rational or knowledgeable individual.

“Why Are You Making This Difficult?”

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Manipulative individuals will often have a hard time accepting responsibility, and this question allows them to deflect responsibility onto you by framing your actions as the source of the problem. If you face this, try to stand strong and reassert your concerns while suggesting constructive ways to move forward.

“Can’t You Do This for Me?”

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According to Good Therapy, “a manipulative friend might use guilt or coercion to extract favors, such as loaning money, or they may only reach out to that friend when they need their own emotional needs met.” If you notice this, try to offer assistance where you can, but maintain your boundaries.

“Don’t You Care About Us?”

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In an attempt to make you feel guilty or obligated to act more in favor of the manipulator’s wants, this question is a classic sign of emotional abuse. A healthy relationship should include a balance between consideration for the needs of others and your own needs and wants.

“Aren’t You Being Selfish?”

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Accusing you of being selfish is a tactic used by manipulators to guilt trip or pressure you into prioritizing their needs and wants above your own. It’s important that you set personal boundaries within relationships to ensure you are able to fulfill your own needs.

“Why Do You Always Have to Be Right?”

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People in manipulative relationships may find that the manipulative individual tries to retain control in conversations, and this question is used to challenge your authority and lessen your confidence when it comes to being assertive. Try not to get into who’s right and wrong; instead, focus on mutual understanding and respect.

“Do You Really Want to Be Alone?”

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Using the idea of isolation to instill fear, this question manipulates you into complying with your abuser’s ideals. This can significantly impact your emotional well-being and affect your ability to make informed, confident decisions that reflect your values and beliefs.