18 Ways You Can Show Someone You Care When You’re Not Ready To Say “I Love You”

Jana Warner

Showing love doesn’t always require words. Whether it’s celebrating someone’s successes or being there during tough times, there are many meaningful ways to express your care without having to say, “I love you.” Let’s dive into some thoughtful gestures that can speak volumes.

Express Interest in Their Day-to-Day Life

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This may go without saying, but expressing a real interest in your loved one’s life is one of the best ways to show them you care. Ask specific questions about their projects or work, show genuine interest in their experiences and feelings, and try to remember details from previous conversations to demonstrate attentiveness.

Make Time for Them

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If you prioritize spending quality time with a person, you’re letting them know how important they are to you. Including them in plans that you already have is also a great way to do this, showing them that you want them along. Or, try to balance your interests with shared activities that you’ll both enjoy.

Get to Know Their Friends

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Show interest in your loved one’s social circle. Something as simple as making an effort to get to know the people they love can mean so much to the person you love. According to Stylist, those who don’t get along with at least one of their partner’s friends are more likely to split up. So, be sure to attend social gatherings with them when possible and to respect and value their existing friendships.

Send Them Random Messages

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Sending random, frequent messages is a great way to show someone they’re always on your mind. Cute, funny, or thoughtful messages can really brighten up a person’s day and let them know you’re thinking of them. Messaging is also a great way to maintain a connection throughout the day.

Surprise Them With Thoughtful Gifts

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A great way to show someone you care without actually saying it is to randomly surprise them with presents. Be sure to choose gifts that reflect their interests and personality. You could consider homemade gifts or letters for a personal touch, or give them things you know they’ll appreciate, like coupons for their favorite activities.

Leave Love Notes

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Nothing brings a smile to someone’s face faster than finding a little love note waiting for them that they weren’t expecting. In fact, one survey shows that small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness are appreciated more than generic grand gestures. So, try out writing small, affectionate notes and placing them in unexpected spots for your loved one to find as a surprise. If it’s handwritten, you get bonus points!

Support Their Dreams

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Expressing your support for a loved one’s dreams is so meaningful. You can do this in several ways, depending on what their goal is, such as offering practical help like sharing funding links and promoting their work, or attending their performances and events to show your support. If they’re hoping to become successful online, engage with and share their online content. There’s so much you can do!

Respect Their Need for Rest

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Sometimes, showing someone you love them can be as simple as taking a step back. Avoid disturbing them when they’re resting or engaging in their hobbies. It’s so important to understand their need for alone time without making them feel guilty. You could even help with tasks or chores to give them more time to relax.

Celebrate Their Achievements

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Has your loved one completed a big project at work? Passed their driving test? Aced an exam? Be sure to congratulate them enthusiastically on their successes, big or small. You could take them out to dinner, write them a card, or bake them a cake to show you’re proud of them. Show interest in their goals and encourage their ambitions.

Plan Special Outings

Friends visiting winter markets
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Going out of your way to plan something fun for someone else is an excellent way to show them you care without directly saying it. Surprise them with tickets to their favorite events or places, organize outings that cater to their interests and hobbies, or create unique experiences that you both can enjoy together.

Show Physical Affection

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

One of the five love languages is physical touch. In fact, according to YouGov, “the second most common top love language, ranked first by 24% of Americans, is physical touch.” So, initiate hugs, kisses, and cuddles to convey warmth and affection to your loved one. Even something as simple as hand-holding can offer a comforting or intimate touch.

Actively Listen and Engage

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Trying to talk to someone who won’t stop staring at their phone or take out their earphones can be hurtful. Don’t be that person. Instead, give your loved one your full attention during conversations, showing them you truly care about what they have to say. Avoid distractions like phones or TVs when they’re talking, and show empathy and understanding in your responses.

Plan Future Adventures Together

Photo Credit: Anton Mukhin/Shutterstock

Planning for the future together indicates that you care about someone and hope to continue spending time with them. According to Medium, “the ability to envision and work towards a shared future is a cornerstone of long-lasting happiness and fulfillment.” So, discuss and plan for future goals and dreams. Include your special someone in your long-term plans and show enthusiasm for shared experiences ahead.

Appreciate the Little Things

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Letting someone know you appreciate them can go a long way in showing them that you love them. Try to voice appreciation for everyday efforts and contributions, and notice and comment on the small things they do for you. Celebrate minor achievements and milestones, as well.

Engage in Shared Interests

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Making an effort to find things that you can both do and enjoy together shows that you care and that you want to spend time with them. Participate in activities and hobbies they enjoy and show a willingness to try new things together. Work on finding common ground in interests and pastimes.

Provide Comfort and Support

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Giving someone a shoulder to cry on can mean a lot to them. Be there for the person you love during tough times, because actions often speak louder than words. Offer up a listening ear and be a source of strength and stability in their life.

Show Respect and Admiration

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

As stated by Verywell Mind, “respect is a vital component of any healthy relationship. People may argue and disagree, but they should maintain respect for one another.” So, express respect for your loved one’s opinions and choices. Compliment their strengths and achievements, and demonstrate admiration through your actions and words.

Celebrate Special Occasions

Photo Credit: George Rudy/Shutterstock

Of course, it’s not just the little things that should be celebrated. Going all out for someone’s special occasions is the perfect way to show them that you care. Make birthdays and anniversaries memorable with thoughtful gestures, acknowledge important dates and milestones, and plan surprises or special treats for significant days.