18 Ways to Tell if Someone Likes You

Jana Warner

As humans are hard to understand, it’s easy to feel confused as to whether someone likes you as they do every other person or there’s more to it. Not to worry, though. We’re here to clear up some of that confusion with some ways to tell if they’re actually into you.

Body Language Cues

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People emphasize the importance of body language for a good reason. The way someone responds to you physically can say a lot about how they see you. According to MindBodyGreen, if someone’s body is oriented toward you, they lean in when you talk, maintain a lot of eye contact, and have dilated pupils, these can all be signs that they feel attracted to you.

Initiating Conversation

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We typically only initiate conversations with people whom we feel positively toward. Therefore, if someone has made a habit of initiating conversations with you or finding reasons to reach out, this could be an indication of their feelings for you. This is especially true if they make an effort to keep your conversations going.

Physical Touch

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Physical touch doesn’t have to mean big romantic gestures. If someone seems to always find excuses to touch you, even in small ways—such as brushing against you, touching your arm, or brushing something out of your face—these can all be signs that they’re interested in you.

Remembering Details

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As noted by Business Insider, we’re more likely to remember details about someone’s life when we have a romantic interest in them. Therefore, if you notice that the person in question seems to remember specific things about you or details you’ve told them, it’s more likely that they view you positively and maybe even romantically.

Seeking Your Attention

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It’s natural to seek the attention of someone you like. If it seems like the person you’re interested in tries to attract your attention in group settings and looks for opportunities to be near you, this could be a sign that they’re into you.

Social Media Interactions

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When someone is taking an interest in your social media presence, this generally means they like you as a person. While this isn’t always romantic, if they’re always liking and commenting on your posts, initiating private conversations, or sending you direct messages, it may be.

Making Plans

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It’s normal to want to spend as much time as possible with someone we like. So if the person you’re interested in is making an effort to suggest activities you can do together and initiate plans, this is a good sign that they might be into you.

Compliments and Praise

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When you like someone, there are many positive qualities you notice about them. Therefore, if someone in your life is regularly giving you thoughtful compliments, this could mean that they like you. This is especially true if the compliments appear genuine, specific, and sincere.

Jealousy or Protectiveness

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While too much jealousy and protectiveness can become toxic and controlling, a healthy amount is normal and can be a useful sign of someone’s interest in you. If you notice that your crush gets a little jealous when you hang out with others and gets protective when you could be in danger, they may be romantically interested in you.

Shared Interests and Hobbies

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It’s common for people who have feelings for someone to display an interest in their activities and hobbies. So if someone in your life is always asking about your interests and expresses a desire to do things together, you may have a secret admirer.

Extended Conversations

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We can have many superficial, small-talky conversations every day. However, Marriage.com states that those who are more interested in us as people will typically make more of an effort to have longer, deeper conversations. If you notice your conversations with that special someone last longer than they do with others, this could be a sign that they’re into you.

Protective Behavior

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When someone exhibits protective behavior toward a close one, such as asking about their comfort, offering to walk them home, or making sure they’re safe in potentially dangerous situations, this can be because they have deeper feelings for them. If someone in your life seems to be more preoccupied with your well-being than with others, it’s possible that they like you.

Shared Experiences and Memories

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A desire to reminisce about shared past experiences or memories together can indicate someone’s romantic interest in you. Pay attention to their emotional state when they recall these memories. If they smile, laugh, or appear to view the memories with a sense of sentimentality, this may mean they like you.

Positive Body Language

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Speaking of smiling, according to Science of People, if someone around you tends to smile and lean in more often than usual when they’re with you, these could be signs that they’re into you. Other positive body language indications include subtle physical contact, fidgeting, and facing toward you.

Acts of Kindness and Thoughtfulness

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While people can perform acts of kindness and thoughtfulness for anyone, regardless of how they view you, it can also be a sign that they have fonder feelings. If someone is regularly going out of their way to perform thoughtful gestures, such as bringing you your favorite snack or helping out with tasks, there’s a chance they might like you.

Genuine Interest in Your Life

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Regularly asking personal questions about your life, goals, and interests can be another indication that someone is into you. They may also express their encouragement or support for various aspects of your life and ask for updates on specific events or goals.

Flirtatious Behavior

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Naturally, many people get flirty when they have feelings for someone. This can look like playful teasing, banter, or specific compliments. Flirting often comes with prolonged eye contact, subtle physical touch, and laughter. They may also like you if they frequently initiate suggestive or romantic conversations.

Supportive Behavior During Challenges

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It’s normal for all sorts of friends, family members, and acquaintances to show their support during our challenging times. However, if someone regularly checks up on you and goes out of their way to help you in any way they can, this may be a sign that they have deeper feelings for you.