18 Signs You’re a Better Communicator Than You Think

Pete Law

Do you consider yourself a strong communicator? If so, you’ll likely recognize the habits and traits highlighted in this article. Take a look to see how your communication skills measure up.

You Don’t Interrupt

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If you are a good communicator, you will let others speak without interrupting them. This is because interrupting is diminishing and condescending, according to the New York Times. Out of respect for others, you let them finish what they are saying before you begin to speak.

You Are Engaged

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Simply listening to someone speak and being engaged in a conversation are two different things. If you are engaged in conversation, you will show you are a good communicator. When you are an active participant in the conversation, it becomes more dynamic and enjoyable for everyone.

You Maintain Eye Contact

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A person who is a good communicator looks at the speaker. Michigan State University recommends maintaining “eye contact for 50 percent of the time while speaking and 70% of the time while listening. This helps to display interest and confidence. Maintain it for 4–5 seconds. Once you establish eye contact, maintain or hold it for 4–5 seconds.”

Others Understand You

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Your communication skills can be measured by how well others understand the things you say. Do people feel confident about what they have to do after talking to you? Do they have a clear action plan? If they find it easy to put the things you say into practice, you are a good communicator.

You Listen

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Information from the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that “many of us spend 70 to 80 percent of our time in some form of communication. Of that time, we spend about 9 percent writing, 16 percent reading, 30 percent speaking, and 45 percent listening.” A good communicator must spend a lot of time listening.

People Approach You

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Do people often approach you to talk to you about serious matters? Then they do this because they like to converse with you and think you are an approachable person. Verywell Mind lists smiling at others, being available to talk, and avoiding closed body language as the top three tips for being more approachable.

You Don’t Gossip

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According to TLC, “We gossip 52 minutes a day.” But gossip is not good communication. On the contrary, it is very destructive. Someone who walks away from gossip and refuses to spread it is a good communicator, as they choose to use their speech to build others up.

You Ask Questions

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A good communicator must ask questions. They do this to discover how others feel about what they’ve said and their opinions about the topic. You are a good communicator if you regularly ask others questions while conversing and carefully listen when they respond to you

You Engage Your Mind

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Communicating with someone properly involves looking at them, listening to them, and processing what they say. A good communicator will not let their mind wander while someone is speaking. They will resist the urge to begin daydreaming, although Time Magazine says that this is very common and “on average, we daydream nearly 47% of our waking hours.”

You Know the Answers

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A person who is good at communicating listens attentively while others speak. Because of this, they do not have to ask the person talking to repeat themselves or ask questions that the other person has already answered. When participation is requested, they can add to the conversation with well-thought-out answers.

You Respect Boundaries

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A good communicator respects the boundaries of others. This kind of person does not try to pry or coerce information out of others. They also respect the privacy of others and do not try to ask questions or talk about subjects that make people feel uncomfortable.

You Communicate a Lot

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Someone who is not a good communicator will not be approached regularly to participate in conversation. People will have minimal conversation with someone who is not a good communicator. If you are constantly communicating with others, it’s because people enjoy talking to you and being in your presence.

You Express Your Emotions

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A good communicator can express not just words but also the feelings behind them. They are not afraid to show sadness when the topic of conversation is melancholy. A good communicator’s tone and facial expressions show happiness and contentment when the conversation is upbeat.

You Are Honest

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Are you known for being someone who tells the truth? A good communicator is someone who expresses themselves honestly. They do not try to deceive others with their words or lead them to the wrong conclusions. This person always tells the truth and is upfront without being tactless.

You Do Not Get Distracted

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A good communicator does not begin looking around or get distracted by noises or movements while others speak. They do not play with their cell phone while conversing with others. This person concentrates on the subject of the conversation and fixes their gaze on them.

You Remember

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A person who is good at communicating will come away from a conversation with a clear idea of what they need to do next. They will not forget what was said in the conversation because they were listening attentively and were engaged in the topic.

You Don’t Fidget

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A good communicator is someone who looks others in the eyes while they are talking and displays the appropriate body language. You are not a good communicator if you find yourself fidgeting while you or others speak. Shuffling in your seat or kicking your feet will make others think you are not serious about what you say.

You Plan

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Someone who is a good communicator is also a good planner. This person is one step ahead of the game. They predict what others will say and the questions they will ask. These predictions help them prepare the appropriate answers. When someone knows how to respond to questions, people are more confident about what they say.