18 Reasons Why More Men Today Are Choosing The Single Life

Jana Warner

No one thought that people would be choosing to stay single, but here we are. Many women are opting for the single life for many reasons, and in this article, we take a look the other side of the coin—why this is the case for men too.

Embracing Personal Freedom

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More men are celebrating the ability to live life on their own terms, valuing personal freedom over partnership. Men are finding joy in pursuing hobbies and interests that they might have had to negotiate or set aside in a partnership. For example, solo travel allows men to explore the world exactly how they want without accommodating someone else’s preferences.

Prioritizing Career Ambitions

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Many men are choosing to stay single to dive deep into their career aspirations. Forbes says, “The global pandemic has brought about a true boom in startups, as the number of new companies around the world has significantly surpassed previous years.” Most of these are men, and many of them have business as their top priority.

Avoiding Relationship Stress

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Men are increasingly valuing the reduced stress that comes with singlehood. Single life is seen as simpler and more peaceful, without the drama of relationship dynamics. There’s a high value placed on having personal space and time that is entirely one’s own.

Financial Independence

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Financial independence is a strong motivator for men who prefer to manage their money without the influence of a partner. According to Engoo, the average cost of dating for men is $3,000 per year. Without the costs associated with dating or supporting a family, there’s more freedom to save for personal dreams.

Commitment Concerns

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The concern over choosing the wrong partner and the effects of that choice is a significant factor. With high divorce rates, men are wary of the legal and financial complications that can arise from a marriage gone wrong. According to Contracts Counsel, the average cost of a divorce can go up to $20,000, which is a huge expense for anyone.


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Single life allows men to focus more on their values and beliefs without compromise. Without the distraction of a relationship, there’s more time to explore spiritual or philosophical paths. Singlehood offers a unique opportunity for men to go on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Social Freedom and Networking

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When you are single, there’s more freedom to attend social and professional events to enhance your career and personal connections. This way, single men can enjoy diverse social experiences without the need to accommodate a partner, not to mention little children.

Living a Minimalist Lifestyle

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Many men are drawn to the minimalist lifestyle that single life affords. It’s cheaper, easier, and more sustainable. Single life can mean streamlined daily routines with fewer obligations and more personal time. Some men simply don’t see how this is possible when they’re not single.

Focus on Physical Health

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Without needing to accommodate another’s dietary preferences, men can tailor their diets precisely to their health goals. There’s more freedom to try out new physical activities, whether it is for yoga or extreme sports. This may be for health reasons but also just to look and feel good.

Pursuing Education and Learning

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Single men are taking the opportunity to enhance their education and knowledge. Some men are choosing to go back to school or pursue advanced degrees such as Masters and PhDs. Others are choosing to learn new skills for career advancement and personal satisfaction.

Embracing Creativity

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Singlehood opens up a canvas of creativity for men, giving them the space to dive fully into their artistic passions. Without having to share their time, they can get lost in painting, writing, or any creative outlet they choose. Living alone means they can also design their very own creative corner that’s just right for sparking inspiration.

Valuing Deep Friendships

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With more time and energy at their disposal, men can strengthen platonic bonds and forge new ones to widen their social circles. This independence from romantic relationships means their friendships can flourish without the complications that sometimes come with dating. It’s these relationships that often bring the most joy and fulfillment into their lives.

Seeking Adventure and New Experiences

nature male happy sport
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Whether it’s the adrenaline rush of adventure sports or the thrill of solo travel, men enjoy the freedom to chase these experiences on a whim. People in general are prioritizing experiences over other things, and that includes men. According to a survey by Frontier Economics, 66% of people feel more fulfilled by experiences than by things.

Digital Era Connectivity

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The digital age has empowered single men to connect, learn, and grow in ways that align with their individual lifestyles. From gaming communities to learning new skills through apps, the world is their oyster, offering endless possibilities for personal growth and entertainment.

Environmental Consciousness

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Single living often means a smaller living space and fewer resources used, resulting in a lower personal carbon footprint. By having complete control over their living choices, they can fully embrace sustainable practices and actively participate in environmental activism.

Enjoying Solitude

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Quiet time is special to men because it helps them think deeply and find inner peace. Being alone is perfect for quiet activities like meditation, where they can focus and clear their minds. Also, being by themselves lets them relax and think without anyone else around.

Navigating Modern Dating

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Today’s dating world, with all its new rules and online ways of meeting people, makes some men prefer staying single. Dating can be complicated, with lots of steps and new ways to communicate, like texting and online profiles. Dealing with the ups and downs of relationships can be hard, so some choose the simpler, stress-free life of being single.

Committing to Personal Growth

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Single men often focus on making themselves better. This time alone is not wasted; instead, it’s a chance to work on their feelings and become better people. They take part in activities that help them grow, like going to classes or reading books that teach them about life. Without the distraction of a relationship, they can set big goals and work hard to achieve them.