18 Harmless Things That Don’t Deserve The Bad Rap They Get

Pete Law

People can have surprisingly strong aversions to things that seem completely harmless. While everyone has personal dislikes, some of these preferences can be baffling to others. Here’s a look at a few things people tend to dislike for reasons that are hard to understand.


Photo Credit: Richard Sailors/Shutterstock

According to the Cleveland Clinic, about 3–15% of the population suffers from a fear of spiders, also known as arachnophobia. The arachnophobes among us are used to everyone reminding us that spiders are “completely harmless” and “more scared of you than you are of them.” However, while most spiders may pose no risk to humans, we’re biologically wired to have an aversion to potentially venomous creepy crawlies.

Writing in Cursive

Photo Credit: Fellers Photography/Shutterstock

There’s nothing inherently wrong with writing in cursive, but many people view it as outdated and unnecessary, especially considering the recent rise in online communication. However, while it may be difficult and mostly unneeded to master the art of cursive writing, it can be a fun hobby that offers cognitive and creative benefits.

The Sound of Chewing

Photo Credit: Billion Photos/Shutterstock

The loud chewers among us may be utterly confused as to why some people have such a negative reaction to their eating sounds. However, misophonia, a disorder that causes certain sounds to evoke a strong negative emotional or physiological reaction, is surprisingly common. In fact, according to Neuroscience News, about one in five adults struggles with this issue. So while this habit may be harmless, it’s important to be mindful of those around you.


Photo Credit: GBJSTOCK/Shutterstock

Clowns are there to entertain us, but unfortunately, many of us see these harmless comedians as creepy rather than entertaining. This problem has been exacerbated by horror movies such as It, which portray clowns as murderous supernatural beings with an unquenchable need for violence.

Pineapple on Pizza

Photo Credit: El Nariz/Shutterstock

Pineapple on pizza is one of the most famous culinary controversies in America. While many love the contrasting flavors of sweet tanginess and salty savory tastes, others find it utterly repulsive. It goes without saying that this preference is completely harmless and simply a matter of taste.

Public Speaking

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While public speaking typically poses no physical threat, many people describe it as their biggest fear. While those who enjoy public speaking may find this hard to understand, it typically stems from a very real anxiety around judgment, embarrassment, and the fear of making mistakes in front of others.

The Word “Moist”

Photo Credit: goffkein.pro/Shutterstock

How do you feel about the word “moist”? If something about it gives you the shudders, you’re not alone. A significant portion of the population has a similar issue with this harmless little word. Interestingly, Labmate Online states that there is something about the word itself that causes a sense of repulsion beyond the potentially disgusting imagery it may invoke.


Photo Credit: 06shep15/Shutterstock

Pigeons are harmless birds that can be pretty cute and intelligent in their behaviors. But for some reason, a lot of people dismiss them as “rats with wings.” This is likely because of their notable presence in urban areas and their habit of swooping in for our leftover food. However, pigeons play an important role in our ecosystems and do a good job of cleaning up messy streets, so we think it’s about time this bird-hate came to an end.

Slow Walkers

Photo Credit: beeboys/Shutterstock

Whether you’re a fast or slow walker, you’ll probably know about the struggle of this aversion. Many of us find slow walkers very frustrating to encounter in our fast-paced environment, despite the fact that they pose no real harm. It’s important to remember that a lot of people walk slowly not because they want to, but because they have mobility or disability issues that make a faster pace difficult for them to match.

Reality TV

Photo Credit: Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock

Reality TV is often criticized for being lacking in value, meaning, or quality. However, the primary purpose of this form of media is to entertain, and it seems to do that pretty well. This dislike may be rooted in a sense of cultural snobbery or, sometimes, valid assumptions about the impact it may have on its viewers.

Leftover Food

Photo Credit: Adrian Luca/Shutterstock

A lot of people dislike leftover food for its perceived lack of quality, appeal, and freshness. But did you know that Americans waste a mind-blowing 80 million tons of food every year? Since leftover food is perfectly harmless and safe to eat as long as it’s stored correctly, we think it’s about time we improved our relationship with it.

Wind Chimes

Photo Credit: HannaTor/Shutterstock

While some people find the sound of wind chimes calming and harmonious, others can’t stand it. People often assert that they sound irritating and distracting. This common aversion may stem from a sensitivity to noise or a negative association based on bad memories.

The Color Orange

Photo Credit: united photo studio/Shutterstock

According to Gitnux, orange is more commonly cited as people’s least favorite color than any other color. While color is a matter of personal taste and preference, it seems a shame that such a warm and inviting color invokes a sense of repulsion in so many people.

Birds Singing in the Morning

Photo Credit: Garrett Gibson/Shutterstock

While some people love the melodic sound of birds singing in the morning, many others see it as irritating. This is likely because it’s commonly associated with having to get up and go to work. Light sleepers may also be woken up from the dawn chorus, causing a sense of resentment and aversion.

The Texture of Towels on Teeth

Photo Credit: OlegRi/Shutterstock

While this may seem like an oddly specific aversion, it’s more common than you may think. There is no serious harm associated with brushing a towel against your enamel, but some people have tactile sensitivities that make the thought of this harmless act absolutely unbearable.

Eating Sounds in a Quiet Room

Photo Credit: Miljan Zivkovic/Shutterstock

As mentioned previously, misophonia affects a large portion of the American population. People who suffer from this disorder can find eating noises particularly unpleasant when they’re in a quiet environment, as they can become even more distracting and noticeable.

People Singing “Happy Birthday”

Photo Credit: Studio Romantic/Shutterstock

While you may expect people to associate the happy birthday song with celebration and good times, a lot of people actually hate it. This is often because they feel uncomfortable and embarrassed about people performing a song for them and taking note of their reactions. This is an especially common aversion among socially anxious individuals.


Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

That’s right: feet. A lot of people hate seeing, touching, or smelling feet because they associate them with dirtiness. However, in reality, many people have perfectly clean feet that don’t smell or pose any harm to those around them.