Tourist Opinions: Countries Where Locals Are Less Friendly

Pete Law

While most travel destinations leave you with fond memories and friendly encounters, some places are notorious for their less-than-hospitable locals who can ruin your experience. These are the 18 countries you might want to avoid as a tourist if you don’t have the energy for rude locals.


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According to Statista, France has “incredibly rich tourism”, seeing large numbers of tourists every year. France is famous for its beautiful landscapes, historic sites, and exquisite cuisine. However, many tourists find the locals, particularly in Paris, to be quite aloof and unwelcoming. Visitors often complain about rude service in cafes and restaurants, and a general sense of impatience from Parisians.


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Russia’s grandeur and rich history draw numerous tourists each year, but the locals are often described as reserved and stern, especially towards foreigners. The language barrier can exacerbate this, as English is not widely spoken, and attempts to communicate can be met with frustration.


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With its stunning castles and vibrant cities, Germany is another country where tourists have reported encounters with unfriendly locals. The German directness, often perceived as rudeness, can be a cultural shock for visitors expecting a warmer reception. In customer service situations, the blunt communication style can feel abrupt, too.


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Thanks to its vast cultural heritage and modern marvels, China attracts millions of tourists, yet visitors frequently mention the locals’ impatience and lack of personal space as off-putting. Crowded cities and different social norms can lead to experiences that feel rude by Western standards. Pushing in queues and the general hustle and bustle can be overwhelming.


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Italy is renowned for its art, history, and delicious food—but not always for the warmth of its people. In popular tourist spots like Rome and Venice, visitors often encounter curt service in restaurants and shops. The hustle of busy tourist areas might make locals seem impatient or unfriendly.

United States

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While it offers a vast number of experiences, including bustling cities and scenic landscapes, the United States has locals that some tourists, especially in major cities like New York and Los Angeles, find to be quite abrupt and indifferent. The busy lifestyle and the emphasis on individualism can come off as rudeness in the big cities.


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India’s vibrant culture and rich history are a magnet for tourists, but the chaotic nature of its cities can lead to stressful encounters. Tourists often mention aggressive street vendors and pushy crowds as negative aspects of their visit to the biggest touristy areas.

United Kingdom

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The UK, with its iconic landmarks and historic sites, is another country where tourists sometimes feel snubbed. Londoners, in particular, are often perceived as cold and unapproachable. The reserved nature and a tendency to avoid small talk can be misinterpreted as unfriendliness.


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One country known for its politeness and order is Japan—which makes it surprising to see it on this list. However, some tourists feel the politeness is more about following rules than genuine warmth. Language barriers and strict social norms can also make interactions feel stiff and formal.


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According to some tourists, Australia’s laid-back and casual reputation doesn’t always extend to its people. In larger cities like Sydney and Melbourne, the fast pace and direct communication style can be misinterpreted as brusqueness. Additionally, the famous Australian sense of humour, which can be quite sarcastic, might not translate well for everyone.


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The passionate culture and beautiful landscapes of Argentina draw many visitors, but not all encounters with locals are pleasant—especially in busy cities like Buenos Aires. Tourists sometimes report a lack of patience and courtesy from residents. The intense and direct manner of communication, which is normal for Argentinians, can come off as abrasive to outsiders.


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Spain’s lively atmosphere and rich cultural heritage make it a favourite among travellers, but in bustling cities like Madrid and Barcelona, the locals’ directness and impatience can be seen as rudeness. The sheer volume of tourists might also contribute to this perception.


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Israel’s historical and religious significance attracts many tourists, but the locals’ straightforward and sometimes aggressive manner can be off-putting. The high tension in the region and the direct communication style can feel abrasive to visitors. While this might be a cultural trait, it still leaves some tourists feeling unwelcome.


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With its ancient ruins and stunning islands, Greece is a dream destination for many. In tourist-heavy areas, however, visitors sometimes encounter rude service and indifferent locals—but the stress of handling such large numbers of tourists might contribute to this perception.


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Brazil’s vibrant culture and landscapes are undeniable attractions, yet they sometimes attract too many people. Travellers sometimes find the locals in major cities like Rio de Janeiro to be less than friendly, and safety concerns and the pace of city life could make this negative impression worse.


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Not all interactions with locals in Turkey are positive. In busy tourist spots, some visitors report encountering impatience and indifference thanks to cultural differences and the pressure of tourism. However, more rural areas outside of the main tourist spots are known to be a little friendlier.


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Belgium’s picturesque towns and historic sites attract swarms of visitors, which unfortunately doesn’t sit well with the locals. Visitors often describe Belgians, especially in Brussels, as unfriendly and unapproachable, and the reserved nature of Belgians and the language barriers can lead to misunderstandings.

Czech Republic

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Our final country reported to have the rudest locals is the Czech Republic. With its stunning architecture and rich history, it’s a favourite among tourists, yet many visitors to Prague, one of the most popular spots, report encountering rude and impatient locals.