17 Office Behaviors That Might Be Annoying Your Colleagues

Pete Law

None of us are perfect, but we should always strive to create a comfortable atmosphere in shared spaces. The workplace, already a source of stress, doesn’t need added pressure from avoidable behaviors. Here are some common habits to steer clear of for a healthier work environment.

Excessive Gossiping

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Talking loudly about private matters not only distracts others but also spreads information that may not be intended for public consumption. Indeed says to always speak positively of your coworkers to prevent misunderstandings and being the center of office gossip. Ideally, just avoid talking about your coworkers altogether.

Poor Email Etiquette

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Emails are a big part of work, but some habits can make them annoying. Writing in ALL CAPS seems like you’re yelling. It can make people upset or confused. Using “Reply All” too much fills up everyone’s inbox with stuff they don’t need. Long, confusing emails can waste time and slow down work. We should use email better, so it helps us instead of making things more confusing.

Not Respecting Personal Space

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It’s important to respect the space around someone’s desk. Standing too close or taking things without asking is rude. It can also mess up their work. And talking too close to someone can make them feel like you’re not respecting their personal space.

Neglecting to Refill Supplies

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When we use up things like printer paper or coffee and don’t replace them, it’s a hassle for others. Imagine going to print something important and finding no paper, or looking forward to a coffee break and finding there’s none left. It’s not fair to make others deal with that.

Talking Loudly on the Phone

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Speaking loudly on the phone not only disrupts the peace but also invades the auditory space of everyone nearby. Some employees speak loudly during phone conversations, disturbing the office’s quiet atmosphere. It’s rude to take personal calls at your desk, as they can include private or sensitive topics not meant for a public setting.

Overpowering Perfume or Cologne

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Wearing strong fragrances can overwhelm the shared office environment, causing discomfort or even allergic reactions for some. To make it worse, some people apply perfume or cologne at their desks, intensifying the scent and making it linger longer and spread further.

Cluttered Common Spaces

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A cluttered space is a sign of disrespect to colleagues who might need to use these common areas. Occupying shared tables with personal items for extended periods prevents others from using these spaces effectively. LinkedIn experts recommend throwing away clutter to prevent your space from getting overrun by junk.

Eating Smelly Food at Your Desk

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Bringing pungent meals to eat at your desk introduces strong odors that can go through the office and linger. A survey by the Independent found that people found smoked mackerel and boiled eggs to be the worst offenders when it came to smelly foods. Generally, you want to stay away from fish.

Ignoring Deadlines

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Meeting deadlines is super important at work. When someone is always late with their part, it messes up everything for the team. Being late to meetings or not being ready to work together can also hold everyone back. It’s like a domino effect; one person’s delay can slow down the whole project. It’s better for everyone if we stick to the schedule and work together smoothly.

Misusing Meeting Times

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Meetings are a time to share ideas and get things done. But if you’re late, talk too much, or don’t pay attention, it’s a problem. It shows you’re not thinking about others’ time and effort. And it can make the meeting less useful because not everyone gets to speak or the main points get lost.

Loud Personal Conversations

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Sometimes, people talk about their personal lives too loudly in the office. This can make it hard for others to focus on their work. It’s even more awkward if they talk about private things that everyone can hear. Laughing loudly and chatting all the time can also make it tough for people nearby to concentrate. It turns the office into a place full of noise and distraction.

Poor Hygiene

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Not taking care of your cleanliness can make the office uncomfortable for everyone. If someone wears dirty or wrinkled clothes, it looks bad and unprofessional. It’s also important to remember to use deodorant, especially when working close to other people. Bad hygiene doesn’t just affect how you’re seen; it also makes the workplace less nice for everyone else.

Keyboard Clacking

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Some keyboards make a lot of noise when you type. This can be really distracting for people around. Even small sounds, like clicking a pen or tapping on the desk, can annoy others. When someone keeps making noise without thinking about how it affects others, it shows they’re not being considerate.

Hoarding Shared Resources

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If you keep things like scissors or staplers at your desk all the time, it’s hard for others to use them when they need to. If not everyone gets a fair chance to use office equipment, it can slow down work. Also, taking more than your share of things like snacks or office supplies without giving back can make people upset. Keeping these items to yourself goes against the idea of working together and sharing in the office.

Interrupting Others

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Cutting off colleagues when they’re talking can make them feel like their thoughts don’t matter. If you jump into conversations you weren’t part of, it can mess up the discussion’s flow. Pumble recommends acknowledging whenever you interrupt by saying something like, “Sorry, may I interrupt for a minute?”

Mismanagement of Temperature Controls

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Surveys have found that nearly 80% of office workers experience “temperature wars” at work, showing how common and frustrating this issue can be. Adjusting the office thermostat without asking others can make the workplace uncomfortable and even start arguments. When people use their own heaters or fans, it can make some areas too hot or too cold, which isn’t fair to everyone.

Inappropriate Use of Social Media

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If someone posts about their job or coworkers without asking, it can break trust and privacy rules. Also, using work computers to look at or share stuff that’s not about work can hurt someone’s professional image and even the company’s security. In fact, most companies are telling workers not to share their work on social media platforms.