17 Most Popular Theories About What Happens When We Die

Jana Warner

With countless religions and spiritual beliefs worldwide, it’s natural to find thousands of perspectives on the afterlife. If you’re interested in exploring beliefs about what happens after we die, this article provides the most common of them for you.


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According to Brittanica, many followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism believe that after we die, we are reincarnated into a new life. While the specifics vary from religion to religion, people typically believe that your actions and decisions in one life will determine your next life.

Heaven and Hell

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Christianity and Judaism are hugely popular religions throughout the world, so it follows that many people believe in the concept of heaven and hell. Members of these religions usually believe that those who have lived good, faithful lives will be rewarded with eternal bliss in heaven, while those who have sinned will be punished with everlasting torment in hell.

Spiritual Liberation or Enlightenment

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Many Eastern religions believe that people who have learned enough from their lives on Earth can eventually reach a state of enlightenment, freeing themselves from the material world or cycle of reincarnation. This belief is common among Hindus, who call this state Moksha, and Buddhists, who call it Nirvana.


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Brunel University London asserts that atheism is on the rise, so more people are also adopting the belief that consciousness ends when our physical lives do. Atheists believe that there is no afterlife, spiritual dimension, or any other continuation of consciousness after death.


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A common belief among Christians is that when the right time comes, everyone will be divinely judged for their actions. According to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, when this occurs, people who have lived good lives in accordance with their faith will be resurrected, while those who have sinned will be condemned.


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Many Catholics believe in purgatory, a holding place for souls who must be purified before entering heaven. Typically, people believe that souls here will be cleansed until they achieve the state of holiness needed to gain entry into heaven.

Parallel Universes or Multiverse

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A lot of people who see themselves as being spiritual without being religious believe in the idea of parallel universes or the multiverse. These individuals commonly hold the belief that when we die, our consciousness may continue in a different universe.

Reunion with Loved Ones

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A belief common across many religions and spiritualities is that when we die, we will be reunited with lost loved ones. Many people who have had near-death experiences state that they have met with deceased friends or family members before returning to life.

Cosmic Consciousness

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Many spiritual individuals believe that when we die, our consciousness merges with the collective consciousness, also called universal or divine consciousness. People with this belief also typically believe that every being on Earth is divinely connected and that nothing can ever truly die.

The Bardo State

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Tibetan Buddhists commonly believe in the bardo state, which is a transitional state between death and reincarnation. This state is often described as a journey through different experiences and realms specific to one’s personal actions and karma.

The Akashic Records

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Some spiritual individuals believe that every human thought, word, emotion, intent, and event that has ever occurred is recorded in a place called the Akashic Records. It is commonly believed that this information can be accessed by those who astral project, become enlightened, or pass away.


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Ascension is a belief popular in many spiritual and New Age communities. These individuals typically believe that those who have spiritually evolved over many lifetimes can eventually ascend to a higher plane of existence, free from the cycle of reincarnation.

The Summerland

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The Summerland is believed by Wiccans to be a place where the soul goes after death to learn lessons and reflect on their previous life before reincarnating again. It is usually depicted as a place of incredible natural beauty and peace.

The Spirit World in Latter-day Saint Beliefs

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Many Latter-day Saints believe in a place called the Spirit World, a spiritual plane where souls can visit their families and prepare for the day of judgment and resurrection. The Church of Jesus Christ states that this place has a “Spirit Prison” and “Paradise” where souls who lived faithful and sinful lives reside.

Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

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Many spiritual individuals believe that throughout our lives, we are guided by spirit guides and guardian angels. When we die, we may reconnect with these guiding spirits or take on the role of a spirit guide ourselves.


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While the belief in Valhalla isn’t so common anymore, it used to be a prevailing idea about death among Vikings. According to Life in Norway, Valhalla is a majestic place where those who died in battle go after they die. They are rewarded by endless feasting and friendly fighting.

The Elysian Fields

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In Greek mythology, the Elysian Fields serve as the resting place for heroic and faithful souls. It is depicted as an idyllic and heavenly realm of happiness, peace, and freedom, with beautiful fields.