16 Amazing Creatures That Seem Straight Out of a Fantasy

Jana Warner

Nature is filled with extraordinary beings that can easily rival the imagination of any fantasy writer, including interesting creatures from the depths of the ocean and high above in dense rainforests. Here we’ve listed 16 of the most fantastical animals on our planet you won’t be sure are real.


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According to the Natural History Museum, axolotls are “amphibians that never grow up.” Often called the Mexican walking fish, these are fascinating amphibians that look like a creature from a fairy tale. Unlike most salamanders, the axolotl retains its juvenile features throughout its life, a trait known as neoteny. Its adorable, wide smile and feathery external gills give it a unique appearance.


Photo Credit: KARYI YEAP/Shutterstock

Commonly dubbed the “unicorn of the sea”, the Narwhal has a long, spiralled tusk that protrudes from its head, and this tusk is actually an elongated tooth that can grow up to 10 feet long. Found in Arctic waters, narwhals use their tusks for sensing the environment and possibly for social interactions.


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The aye-aye is a type of lemur that can only be found in Madagascar. With its large eyes, bushy tail, and unique middle finger, it looks like something out of a witch’s enchanted forest. This long, bony finger is used to tap on trees to find hollow spots where insects are hiding, and then to fish them out.

Glass Frog

Photo Credit: Gaston Piccinetti/Shutterstock

Native to Central and South America, the glass frog is named for its translucent skin that allows you to see its internal organs. This small, delicate frog looks like a living piece of crystal. Its transparent skin acts as camouflage, blending it seamlessly into its leafy surroundings. The glass frog’s enchanting appearance makes it seem like a magical creature, right out of a fantasy tale.

Star-Nosed Mole

Photo Credit: Agnieszka Bacal/Shutterstock

Dubbed as one of the strangest-looking creatures on earth, the star-nosed mole is native to North America. It has a unique star-shaped nose with 22 fleshy appendages that are highly sensitive and used for detecting prey. This mole’s extraordinary appearance and its ability to sense and hunt in total darkness make it seem like an alien from another world.

Glaucus Atlanticus

Photo Credit: Sahara Frost/Shutterstock

The Glaucus Atlanticus, also known as the blue dragon, is a type of sea slug that boasts an astonishingly vibrant blue colour. Found floating on the surface of the ocean, this tiny creature feeds on venomous jellyfish and stores their stinging cells for its own defence, and shows off surreal colours and patterns.

Japanese Spider Crab

Photo Credit: Jazmine Thomas/Shutterstock

The Japanese spider crab holds the title for the largest arthropod, with its legs spanning up to 12 feet. Found in the waters around Japan, this crab’s long, spindly legs and armoured body give it a monstrous, yet fascinating, appearance. Despite its fearsome looks, the spider crab is generally a scavenger.

Leafy Sea Dragon

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A relative of the seahorse is the leafy sea dragon; it’s masterfully camouflaged with leaf-like appendages that make it look like a floating piece of seaweed. Found along the southern and western coasts of Australia, this gentle creature drifts through the water, perfectly blending in with its surroundings, and its intricate appearance makes it one of the most beautiful creatures in the ocean.


Photo Credit: Michal Sloviak/Shutterstock

The okapi, also known as the forest giraffe, is a unique mammal native to the dense rainforests of the Congo, with a body resembling a horse, striped legs like a zebra, and a long neck akin to a giraffe. The okapi looks like a mythical creature made from parts of different animals.

Red-Lipped Batfish

Photo Credit: Joe Dordo Brnobic/Shutterstock

Found around the Galápagos Islands, the red-lipped batfish is known for its bright red lips, which look like they’ve been painted with lipstick. This peculiar fish uses its pectoral fins to “walk” along the ocean floor rather than swim. Its bizarre appearance and unusual behaviour give it an almost comical, yet fantastical, charm.


Photo Credit: Petr Simon/Shutterstock

The Shoebill is a a large bird that is found in the swamps of East Africa. Its most striking feature is its enormous, shoe-shaped bill, which looks almost cartoonish. Standing tall with a stern expression and an ancient appearance, the shoebill resembles a prehistoric creature.

Thorny Devil

Photo Credit: Janelle Lugge/Shutterstock

Also known as the thorny dragon, the thorny devil is a small lizard native to Australia. Covered in sharp spikes and featuring a “false head” on the back of its neck, this creature looks like it belongs in a fantasy novel, with a formidable appearance as a defence mechanism against predators.

Glasswing Butterfly

Photo Credit: Bahadir Yeniceri/Shutterstock

The glasswing butterfly, found in Central and South America, has delicate, transparent wings that give it a fairy-like appearance, and these wings make it nearly invisible as it flutters through gardens and forests. The glasswing butterfly’s ethereal beauty and grace make it a true wonder of nature.

Mimic Octopus

Photo Credit: Ernie Hounshell/Shutterstock

Found in the warm waters of Southeast Asia, mimic octopuses are a true marvel of the underwater world, as this intelligent creature can change its colour, shape, and behaviour to mimic a variety of marine animals, such as lionfish, flatfish, and even sea snakes.


Photo Credit: Martin-Mecnarowski/Shutterstock

Native to Madagascar, the fossa is a carnivorous mammal that looks like a cross between a cat and a mongoose. It has a slender body, sharp claws, and a long tail that helps it navigate the treetops with ease. The fossa’s agility and stealth make it a formidable predator, while its elusive nature adds to the air of mystery.

Saiga Antelope

Photo Credit: Yakov Oskanov/Shutterstock

One final creature that seems straight out of a fantasy is the saiga antelope, found in the steppes of Central Asia; it has a distinctive bulbous nose that looks almost comical. This unique nose helps filter out dust during migrations and regulates body temperature.