14 Things People Over 50 Wish They Had Done Differently

Pete Law

There is an age when we start regretting some of the decisions we have made in our lives, and for many people, this is the age of 50. To get you informed early, we’ve compiled a few things people over 50 wish they had done differently in this article.

Change Careers

Photo Credit: Wanan Wanan/Shutterstock

Many people are reluctant to change careers when they have a stable job. But what they forget is that changing careers could be just what they need to get more excitement out of life and feel more fulfilled. It’s only when it’s too late to change careers that they wish they could still do so.

Eat Better

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With fast food places on practically every corner, it can be hard to stick to a diet of healthy eating. But this is essential if we want to have a long life. Many people do not stick to a good diet and end up regretting the food choices they made when they were younger.

Save Money

money woman
Photo Credit: Nattakorn_Maneerat/Shutterstock

Many people fall into the habit of borrowing on interest instead of saving for the things they need. Because of this, they quickly fall into thousands of dollars worth of debt. Instead of being able to enjoy some of life’s luxuries when they get older, they’re having to work hard to pay back what they owe.

Retirement Fund

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Saving for your retirement is essential for everyone to do as soon as they start working. But when we are young, our retirement seems far away, and we often do not see the importance of putting money aside for it. It’s only when we are nearing retirement that we wish we had begun saving sooner.

Forgive Others

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Forgiving someone who has wronged us is very difficult. But holding onto a grudge for months or even years at a time doesn’t do us any good. It’s only when we get older that we realize how much better it would have been for us to be quick to forgive.

Pay Attention

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When we feel confident about something, we want to get straight on with the job. Because of this, we sometimes ignore counsel that could have helped us do an even better job or avoid some kind of negative outcome. Many of us regret not paying more attention to the things that people said to us in our youth.

Exercise Regularly

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A lot of us are not getting enough exercise each day. How often should we exercise? To stay healthier for longer, we “should do at least an average of 60 minutes per day of moderate-to-vigorous intensity, mostly aerobic, physical activity, across the week,” says the World Health Organization.

Travel More

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We often think that when we get older, we’ll have more opportunities to travel, but that’s not always the case. Health insurance plans become more expensive when we get older, and travel insurance goes through the roof once we hit 50. Many of us regret not having traveled more often earlier in life.

Visit Family

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Life can be so stressful and busy while we’re working that we don’t have as much time as we would like to spend with our families. But we will regret this when we get older and realize that the most important things in life are our loved ones.

Sleep More

Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

Getting enough sleep at night doesn’t just help us feel better in the morning; it also helps to prevent premature aging. Most adults need to sleep between seven and nine hours each night. Sleeping for too little during our lives will affect us when we get older.

Go to the Doctor

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When we’re young, we have the tendency to think that we are invincible. But visiting the doctor regularly is important for us to stay on top of our health. More often than not, we regret not having had more routine health checks when we were younger, which could have stopped us from suffering when we are older.

Quality Time

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It’s so easy nowadays for the TV and other electronic devices to become our children’s nannies. But we will regret not spending more quality time with them when they’ve grown up and left the house. Raising your children is only something you can do once.

Forget the Past

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Many of us tend to hold onto the past and dwell on the things we did wrong. It’s only when we get older that we realize how futile this is and accept that we all make mistakes. It would be far better for us to leave the past in the past and focus on today.

Protect Mental Health

Man with therapist
Photo Credit: Shutterstock

There was a lot of stigma around mental health when we were young, and so many of us have had to battle mental health conditions on our own. As a result, we now regret not fighting the stigma and getting the help we needed when we were younger.